Torrens' players on the list

Anything to do with the history of the SANFL

Torrens' players on the list

Postby spell_check » Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:33 pm

Paul Abraham
Cilfford James Adair
Ronald Lawrence Adams
Thomas Frederick Adams
Thomas John Adams
Cecil Orlando Adcock
John Henry Adcock
Ralph Mortimer Aldersey
Robert Alexander
William Patrick Allen
William Edward John Allen
William Ewart Allen
Stephen Almond
Peter John Ames
Richard Amos
John Anderson
Derek John Andrew
Hugh Thomas Moffitt Angwin
William Britton Angwin
Gavin Dennis Appleton
Graham Leonard Ashby
John Ashby
Leonard James Ashby
Richard Ashby
Ronald Harold Ashby
Phil Ashmead
Michael Athanasiou
Dennis Atkinson
Graeme William Austin
Mark Azzopardi
Roy Clarence Baird
Keith Baker
Robert McAlister Ball
A John Barnes
Peter Barnes
Ray Barnes
Thomas Barnes
Steven Barratt
William Thomas Barrott
Maurice Bartlett
Thomas Edward Bastian
Desmond John Batt
George Harry Battye
Colin Douglas Baum
Michael Arthur Bavey
Geoff Baynes
Claude Ernest Beagley
James Beales
Benjamin Bell
Greg Bennett
John Thomas Bennett
Philip Henry Bennett
Steve Ashley Berggren
T Berriman
Jeff Berry
Oswald Milne Bertram
Robert Milne Bertram
Thomas Henry James Albert Bessell
William Gordon Bigmore
Brenton Bills
John Frederick Bills
John Birt
Claude Blight
George Allan Blight
Horace Matthew Blight
John Thomas Henry Bottomley
Frederick Rowland Boughen
Glen Bowes
James John Bradford
Lionel Edwin Bradley
Tracy Donald Braidwood
Eric Joseph Newton Bray
Arthur William Brice
Robert Alan Brice
Charles Ernest Bridgman
Rodney Charles Bridgman
Keith Lawrence Brighton
Albert Henry Stephen Britton
John Harmer Broadstock
Patrick Broderick
Darryl Brown
Francis Roy Brown
Frederick James Brown
Shaun Buckley
John Buckton
Paul Bulluss
Robert Burgess
Frederick John Burton
Chris G Butler
Egbert William Button
Kevin George Caire
Neville Caldow
Alan Calyun
Norman Cameron
Bruce K Campbell
Stephen Carey
Jack Welby Carr
Steven Carr
Steve R Carson
George Alfred Carter
Peter Carter
John Cassin
Ray Castles
Romeo Cavuoto
Charlie Cawthorne
Paul William Chapman
Rex Chown
Damien Christensen
John Christie
Brian Clark
Joseph Clarke
Troy Clarke
Norman John Cleveland
Michael Thomas Clingly
Robert Eric Cocks
Wilfred Douglas Cockshell
Arthur Herbert Coleman
Brian Vincent Coleman
Jeffrey John Collier
Andrew Neil Colsey
Verner John Commane
John Connelly
Rex Connolly
Dennis Conole
Ronald John Conole
Andrew Francis Conroy
Dennis Joseph Conroy
Thomas Henderson Correll
William Telford Coulter
Jack Courtney
Mike Cousins
Peter Cousins
Trevor Cousins
Ernest James Coverlid
John William Cowling
Douglas Cox
Stanley Graham Cox
Donald William Crammond
John Helmsley Creaser
Bruce Croft
Kenneth Croft
Paul Cummins
Donald M Cunningham
John Cunningham
Clarence Lennell Curnow
Garnet Garfield Curnow
Gregory Brian Curnow
Frank Curtis
John Curtis
Kym Curtis
Francis Joseph Cutler
Henry Dabrowski
John Daly
Kevin Peter Daly
W Daly
Ross Samuel Daniel
Norman Bernard Dare
Bart Darmody
Edwin Alfred Daviess
Robert Davis
Graham Dawson
August John Charles de Bavay
Gordon Maxwell Dearing
Sydney James Dedman
John Delo
Harold John Dickeson
Grenville Dietrich
Barry John Dillon
Kym Robert Dillon
William H Dillon
Leo John Dinnison
Robert Diorio
Sean Disbury
Eric Leslie Dix
Geoffrey William Downey
Mark Downie
Maxwell Alfred Downs
Peter John Drennan
Paul Houston Drogemuller
Arthur Albert Drummond
William Harris Drummond
Malvern Parker Drury
John Charles Dunn
William Leon Vernon Dunn
Frank Selleck Duthie
Grant Eckert
John Economou
Frank Eder
Reginald James Edgword
Michael Edmonds
Timothy Mark Edmonds
Clem Edwards
Douglas Alan Edwards
John Edwards
Raymond John Edwards
W James Edwards
Ray Egan
Dale Eichner
Peter James Elfenbein
Glenn Elliott
Eric Nelson Ellis
F Ellis
Robert Enright
Trevor Wayne Ettridge
Grant Eyles
Leopold James Fahy
Milan Faletic
Linley Ronald Fielke
Albert E Filsell
Bertrand Reginald Filsell
Alan Lindsay Fischer
J Flaherty
Greg Flanagan
Albert Bassett Fleet
Benno Edward Hugo Flehr
Darren Flew
Stephen Flintham
Aldo Floreani
Alfred Fooks
David Foote
Edwin Rupert Foote
Greg Foote
John Edwin Foote
Michael Charles Foote
Morris Lloyd Footer
Alan Forbes
Murray James Waldie Forbes
James Stewart Forsyth
Dominic Fotia
Gavin Fox
A Francis
Leonard Albert Franklin
Ernest Ray Freer
George Frederick Frogley
Andrew Fuller
Rodney Maxwell Galt
Thomas Edward Garland
Malcolm Bruce Gaston
Stewart Drummond Geddes
Max George
Arthur Kevin Georgeson
Victor Alfred Geue
Scott Geyer
Steve Geyer
Walter E Gibbons
Ray Giblett
Reg Gordon Gibson
Robert William Gibson
Clifford John Giddings
Peter J Gilbert
Clinton Hugh Giles
Thomas Lawrence Gillespie
John Glasson
Stewart Sefton Glastonbury
Graham Hugh Glenn
Ernest James Gluyas
Alfred Godson
Garry Goetz
George Golin
Norman Leslie Gooden
Raymond Francis Gould
I Leith Goulter
Francis Bertram Graham
Jeffrey David Graham
John Graham
Shane Grambeau
Anton Grbac
Philip John Greaves
Alan Green
P Green
Sydney Ronald Green
Maxwell Alfred Griffiths
Norman Leslie Grimm
Norman John Grindlay
Barry Grinter
Jack Lindsay Gripton
Mick Hamill
Alex Hamilton
Douglas Albert Hamilton
John Douglas Hammerstein
Raymond Charles Hanel
Barry Hank
Ray Hank
Robert William Hank
Tom Hank
Wilfred Stanley Hank
Wilfred Lloyd Hann
Ian Hanna
Kenneth Hanna
Mark Hannam
Shaun Hannam
George Arthur Hanrahan
Mark Hanrahan
Raymond Arthur Hanrahan
Stanley Harding
Richard James Harkness
Allan Cameron Harley
John Harper
Wilbur Harold Harris
John Hart
Jeffrey R Harvey
L Harvey
Jack Hassett
Neil James Napier Hawke
Clifford Neil William Head
Lindsay Hudson Head
Thomas Hudson Herbert Head
Llewellyn Clyde Heath
Patrick James Hegarty
Anthony Michael Hehir
Robert Roy Hele
John Neill Roe Hendry
Tom Hepworth
Russell William Hewes
Ian Hewett
John Whinnen Hewett
Mark Hewett
Charles Hibbotson
Colin Hill
Harold N Hill
John F Hill
Kevin Hill
Trevor Hill
Chris Hills
Ernest John Hine
Lynn Peter Hine
Sidney Hine
Robert Joseph Hoare
Raymore Stanley Hocking
Raymore Bruce Hocking
Reginald Gordon Hocking
George Alexander Hodgins
Greg Hodson
Ronald George Hogg
Brian Peter Hollis
Thomas Gladstone Hollis
Frederick Holt
Leslie George Holton
Terrence John Homan
P Hood
Robert William John Hood
Wilbur James Horsborough
Harold Horseman
Edward Alexander House
Graham Harold Howell
William Frederick Hudson
Keith Arthur Huelin
Raymond E Hughson
Adrian R Hunt
Len Hutchinson
William Henry Hutton
Eric Huxtable
John Valentine Incoll
Leslie Alexander Ingerson
Dirk Inglis
Brian William Isaac
William Edward Isaac
Ian Jackman
Thomas Jackson
Wayne Jackson
Barrington Noel Jarman
Eric Mervin Jarman
Trevor Jarman
Peter Jeffrey
Desmond Jeffries
Evan John Jenkins
James Anthony William Jenner
Paul Johansen
Bert H Johnson
Peter Anthony Johnston
Albert William John Jones
Richard Henry Jones
Sydney William Arthur Jones
Victor Emanuel Jones
Ross Charles Julge
Lancelot Gerald Juttner
Arthur Kain
John Karney
Edward Allan Kean
John Clifford Keane
Besley James William Kearney
John Arthur Kearns
John Alexander Keast
Alfred John Keeley
Clyde Kellaway
Chris Kellett
Peter John Kelly
Thomas William Kempster
W Kennedy
William Kent
Dennis Edward Kershaw
George Henry Kersley
George Victor Kersley
Herbert Harry Kersley
Herman Everard Kilmartin
Victor Henry Kimber
Geoff H Kingston
Alexander Kinlough
Patrick Joseph Kinlough
John Bronte Kinnear
Raymond Alfred Kinter
Rodney Ernest Klaffer
Terry Kluzek
Alfred Roger William Edgar Knight
Kevin John Knight
Morton Fife Knight
Darryl Kenneth Kruse
Raymond William Harrold Kutcher
William John Henry Lampe
Vincent Thomas Landers
Don Langsford
David Lawless
Kenneth Malcolm Lawson
David Lee
Raymond Lee
Norman Cuthbert Lemon
Allen James Leonard
Mike Leonard
Robert Leskovic
Brenton Levitzke
Bruce Lindsay
Chris Lindsay
John Lipp
Christopher Deane Litster
Brian Livesey
Stephen Livesey
Donald Bruce Loades
John Norman Lock
Barry Christopher Lodge
Errol Leymour Lodge
Mervyn Charles Lokan
Michael Long
Noel Long
Dave Low
William John Low
Dave J Lucas
Garry Lynch
Colin Lyons
Robert C MacDonald
Colin William MacKenzie
Hubert MacKenzie
Thomas David MacKenzie
Milton Alfred Maczkowiack
Lawrence Frederick Madden
John Joseph Maguire
Anthony Mahar
Kimberly Malcolm
Gordon Thomas William Maloney
Henry Victor Malthouse
Shane Mangan
George Mani
Daniel Roy Manning
Richard Francis Manouge
John Marchioro
Craig Marriott
George Henry Marsh
Barry Hugh Martin
Hugh Norman Martin
John Martin
Lynn Anthony Martin
Leslie Norman Marvell
Andrew Matheson
Lawrence Charles Matulick
Thomas Halcrow Maxwell
Howard Mayne
William Henry McBeath
Bernard Stephen McCarthy
Stephen McCarthy
Ross McConnell
Arthur Patrick McDonnell
William John Joseph McDonnell
John F McEntee
Charles William Borthwick McGavisk
Shane McGrath
Harold Charles McGuinness
Peter McIndoe
Colin William McInnes
Owen John William McInnes
David McKay
Barry McKenzie
Donald McKenzie
James Henry McKenzie
William Malcolm McKnight
E Donald McLeod
Edward Joseph McLoughlin
John Bernard McManus
Jack McMillan
R Graham McNeil
Peter Laurence McQuillan
Kevin Arthur McSporran
Neville John Leslie Mead
Damian Meade
Simon Meehan
John Alfred Mehaffey
Henry Merritt
Geoffrey Gordon Mewett
A C Miller
A A Miller
Brenton Miller
Harold Mayoh Miller
Wayne Miller
Leonard James Mills
William Mansell Minear
Peter Cosmo Minervini
Ashley Mitchell
Denis John Mitchell
Ferdinando Mitta
John Peter Molan
John Frederick Stuart Monten
George William Moore
Alan Morgan
Scott Morphett
Robert Hugh Morrell
Robert Charles Morrell
Herbert Mossop
Stephen Moulds
James Augustine Moy
Bernhard Edward Mueller
William A Mueller
Robert Muir
Albert LeFrancis Muller
Reginald Warren Mullins
Jeff P Mulraney
Brian David Mulvihill
Lewis Henry Munn
William Murdoch
Francis Roy Murphy
Michael Murphy
Francis Edward Musgrave
Kevin John Myatt
Augustine James Naylon
Simon Neave
Gilbert Neils Neilsen
Craig Nelson
Hamilton John Nesbitt
David R Newbold
Eric Maxwell Nicholls
Frank Thomas Nicholls
Robert Bruce Nicholls
William Nicholls
John Nicholson
David Jeffrey Niemann
Paul Pavlos Nikoletos
V A Nolan
Gerard William Noonan
Ernest Roy Norman
Alan John Norton
Russell Nunn
Peter Nicolai Nygaard
Douglas Billett Oaten
Frank Foster Oaten
John Clifford Oaten
Lionel Leslie Oaten
William Douglas Oaten
Robert Oates
Edward James Oatey
Brian Niel Oatway
R O'Connor
Gerald O'Dea
Kelvin Stuart Oehme
Stanley Howard Oehme
Oswald James O'Grady
Jack O'Leary
Clarence Michael O'Loughlin
Allan James Olson
Charles O'Malley
J R O'Neill
Richard Osborn
Roy Moss Pain
Alan Palmer
Cyril Palmer
John Panagaris
Geoffrey Wayne Parham
Gary David Parker
Leonard Redvers Parker
James Parsons
Ronald Paton
Stanley Patten
Reginald Pattinson
Greg Pavlich
Mark Pavlich
Steve Pavlich
Denis Payne
Andrew Payze
Grantley Payze
Mark Payze
Rodney John Payze
Brian James Perkins
Ross Wilbur Perkins
Kym Charles Perks
Joseph Francis Pfeil
Peter Phillipou
Arne Phillips
James Henry Phillips
Percy Howard Phillips
Raymond Stanley Phillips
Trevor Pierson
Glen A Pill
Shane Pill
Barry Pilmore
Morrie Pilmore
Paul Pisani
Michael Pollock
Stanley Maxwell Pontifex
Kenneth Poole
Rob Popplestone
Darcy V Porter
Stephen Potter
Jack Prater
Wayne Primmer
A J Pring
Donald Frank Prior
Paul Prymke
Harry Frank Puhle
Charles Leighton Pyatt
Robert Pyman
Ronald Quall
David Querzoli
Alfred John Quick
Frank Saxby Quick
Maurice Ryan Quinn
David Raggatt
Brent Rankine
David Rankine
Barry J Rawson
John Gilbert Gladstone Read
Philip Andreas Read
Guido Rebuli
Lawrence Reichmann
Matthew Rendell
Steve Rendell
Tim Rendell
Albert Renfrey
T Rice
Arthur Dean Richards
Graham Richards
Kim Richardson
George Ernest Valentine Richmond
Leslie Sims Richmond
David Clifford Riggs
Clarence George Rimes
Anthony Risby
Paul Rivers
Sandy Austin Roads
Alfred Charles Roberts
John Roberts
Neville P Roberts
Peter Roberts
Raymond Keith Roberts
Thomas Alwyn Roberts
Robert Graeme Robertson
Lee Robson
Douglas Leonard Rundell
Donald Charles Russell
Frank Ross Russell
Grant Rutherford
William Ryan
Cyril Alan Sangster
Jeff Sarau
Russell John Sawford
James Stephen Sayers
Laurence Schache
Daryl Schimmelbusch
Alan Schwartz
Gordon Bryant Schwartz
Gordon Maxwell Scott
William G Scott
Cecil Carlyle Searle
Frederick Searle
Kenneth Stephen Searle
Rudall Heseltine Searle
Trevor Leslie Searle
Kenneth Hugh Semple
Michael Shallow
Paul Gerard Shanahan
Mervyn Barrey Shaw
Robert Osborne Shearman
Clarence Victor George Shepherd
Peter Shepherd
Ronald Roy Shipp
Richard Travis Shirley
Jack Shortridge
William George Shueard
Charles Wallace Sim
Bruce Simmons
Albert Vincent Simpson
Edward Neil Morgan Simpson
Steven Sims
Harrold Keith Sincock
Laurence Arnold Siviour
Grant Slatter
James Edward Slaven
Brendan Smart
Allan John Joseph Smith
Arthur Smith
Brett Smith
Darryl Smith
Graham Bryant Smith
Henry David Smith
J Smith
Justin Smith
Norman Francis Smith
Roger Smith
Stanley John Bernard Smith
Craig Somerville
Mark Southwell
Malcolm Sparrow
Jason Spehr
Frank Spiel
Gary Stableford
Raymond John Edward Lawrence Stacey
Reginald George Stacey
John Staker
Kenneth Stevens
Frederick John Stigwood
Albert Stokes
Peter Stokes
Ernest Clarence Stone
Angas Clifford Strauss
Steven Stretch
James William John Strugnell
Allan Ernest Suck
Ian John Sulley
Murray Alfred Clarke Sulley
Reginald Thomas Clarke Sulley
A J Sullivan
Denis Symonds
Jason Sziller
Rudolf Sziller
Walter Thornton Tabe
Dragan Tankosic
Arthur Taylor
Guy Holbrook Taylor
John G Taylor
John E Taylor
Kevin Taylor
Percy Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ross Teasdale
Peter Richardson Temby
Henry George Theakstone
Kevin Lawrence Thiele
Leverton Lenard Jack Thiele
Stephen Thiele
George Christian Thomas
Ian Thomas
Mark Thomas
Phillip Thomas
Hercules Orlando Hubert Thompson
Leslie Thompson
Ronald Thompson
James Francis Thoms
Ross Grenville Thornton
Kenneth Lawrence Thorsen
Phil Tierney
John Bernard Tonkin
William Henry Tonkin
Gerard Toohey
C Toule
Brian George Townsend
Graham Daniel Treagus
Robert Tregenza
William Trenear
Geoff Tripp
Wayne Trott
Robert Troughton
Brian Tucker
Ken Tucker
Trevor Tucker
Neil Turner
Ronald Jack Turner
Dick Turpin
Arthur Tye
Reginald Victor Underwood
Mick Vanvacas
Barry Robson Vaux
Mervyn Walter Venning
Martin Verrall
Phil Verrall
Owen Vick
John Vieceli
David Virgin
Russell Virgo
Norman Wade
James William Wainwright
Donald Godfrey Waite
Mervyn George Waite
Clarence William James Wakefield
Alfred Walker
Harvey Leonard Walker
Ian Wallace
Ronald E Ward
William H Ward
Sidney Harrold Ware
Brian William Wareing
Kevin Watson
Libby Sibly Waye
Gerry Webber
L Webber
Sydney Frederick Ween
Wayne Weidemann
Lionel Wells
Michael Werner
Paul Weston
Colin White
Greg White
Scott White
Trevor White
Stewart Whitehouse
Kerry Lachlan Whitlock
Robert Wildy
Alan Leslie Willats
Albert Henry Oscar Willett
Peter Williams
Roger Williams
Vernon Alfred Williams
Charles Williamson
Walter Allan Williamson
Clifford Willis
John Alexander Charles Willis
Hurtle Binks Willsmore
Dale Wilson
Darrin Wilson
Malcolm Gordon Wilson
William George Wilson
Richard Wing
Otto Woite
Kenneth Ross Wood
Neville Bentley Wood
Neville Wood
Terry Woodall
J Woods
Brett Woolford
Darryl Worden
Craig Work
Matthew Wormald
Gordon Wright
John Wright
Leslie William Wright
Garry Wyatt
Keith Arnold Wyatt
Norman Wyld
Gary Wynd
William Yon
Gerald Dominick Young
John Francis O'Brien Young
Peter Young
Tim G Young
Robert James Zerella
Vito Guido Zerella

Total: 852

Pre 1907: 65

Overall Total: 917
Last edited by spell_check on Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:38 pm, edited 81 times in total.
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Postby LEGS 11 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:43 pm

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Postby spell_check » Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:47 pm

The other Hank brother - Bill
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Postby LEGS 11 » Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:06 am

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Postby holden78 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:17 pm

mike cousins,trevor cousins,greg pavlich,mathew pavlich,scott geyer,matt kluzek,chris kluzek,sam and michael phillipou,pat rivers,phil verrall,kevin taylor,paul johansen,kym curtis<TORRENS,PORT<,tim rendell,shane pill,richard amos,kym kershaw
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Postby holden78 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:59 pm

brian clark,justin smith,steven livesey damian meade,robin kidney<glenelg<torrens ,kurt graham,chris kluzek dident play for torrens sorry
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Postby spell_check » Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:34 pm

I was looking at those names holden, and I was wondering if you have the first names correct of some of those players. I have a list of most of the Torrens players that played from the late 60's onwards and I thought you might have got the following players first names mixed up. If you know for sure about the names you have stated, that's ok.

Brian Clark - Joe Clarke 69-73 (the years of the players are not complete, just what I know)
- Troy Clarke 87-90
Kurt Graham - Jeff Graham 87-90
Trevor Cousins - Peter Cousins 71-80
Greg Pavlich - Mark Pavlich 74-84
- Steve Pavlich 71-77
Matthew Pavlich - Mark Pavlich 74-84
Pat Rivers - Paul Rivers 1976
Phil Verrall - Martin Verrall - 1975-77
Did Kidney play a league game with Torrens, or just Reserves?

I know that Sam Phillipou started his junior career with Torrens and first played with Eagles in 1992.
Michael Phillipou is Sams' younger brother and played his first senoir game with Eagles in 1995.
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Postby holden78 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:53 pm

was thinking of pavlich and put mathew down by mistake greg was steve and marks younger brother played on ly a few games as did kurt graham , john grahams son same as shane pill son of glen also brian clark was number 14 no relation to the others and trevor was no relation to peter and mike cousins ,trevor was a rover from wa . phil played mainly res from gumeraca was a rover nick name filthy phil no relation of martin he was from henley beach and pat rivers came down from brocken hill , kidney played a few games with torrens Theres a few more to ill post
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Postby holden78 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:32 pm

N MEAD no 30 G AUSTIN footscray to torrens p greaves torrens to north rod miller south to torrens
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Postby holden78 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:20 pm

alan schwartz torrens <eagles
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Re: Torrens' players on the list

Postby Ecky » Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:26 pm

spell_check wrote:Ivan Eckermann Torrens Port

I am fairly sure that Ivan Eckermann never played for Torrens.
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Postby holden78 » Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:09 pm

Eckermann,Anderson,Harris all played under aged football with torrens but never played league
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Postby holden78 » Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:55 pm

darryl brown torrens< sturt garry whyatt torrens<sturt
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Postby spell_check » Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:25 pm

Edited up to this post. Total number of players is 296.
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Postby Jackal » Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:54 pm

John Glasson played one league game vs Norwood at Thebarton then had a long amatuer career.
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Postby spell_check » Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:45 pm

Phil Ashmead (also Central)
Michael Athanasiou
Peter Barnes
Geoff Baynes (also South)
Charlie Cawthorne
Paul Chapman (also Eagles)
Joe Gould
Robert Leskovic
Robert Morrell
Peter Roberts
Denis Symonds
Dick Turpin
Ian Willats
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:56 pm

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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:03 pm

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Postby spell_check » Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:08 pm

Players of 1958:
Brian Oatway
Ross Teasdale
Peter Temby
Dave Lucas
Brian Tucker

Players of 1986:
Richard Harkness
Stephen Moulds

Rob Burgess - 1977
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Postby LEGS 11 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:23 am

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