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What news sites to you go to?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:08 am
by bennymacca
Just wondering what news sites everyone goes to?

I pretty much get all my news online these days. Print media is dead, and TV news isnt far behind it imo.

Firstly, a tip for getting around the newscorp paywalls is to browse adelaide now or the herald sun, then click on an article, and replace "adelaidenow" in the url with "news." It doesnt work for the australian but i dont really read that anyway.

These are sites that i go to on almost a daily (or weekly) basis.

General News
ABC Website - still the best for news, particularly because they dont have click bait crap on there. Sport coverage is lacking
The Guardian - newcomer but probably the best site for world news, and they also have a lot of long form articles. Once again sport coverage isnt great for aussie sports.
Adelaidenow - I usually browse it for SA specific stories, but it is pretty horrible in general.

espncricinfo - easily the best cricket website, covers everything to the best quality. the only reason to stray from this site is for coverage of the sheffield shield, as does a better job, but for all international cricket it is the best place. - rapidly becoming the best afl source of info - excellent resource for anything afl, up to date, etc etc. because it is afl owned, you wont find anything particularly scathing on there though, which is why other sources are needed.

heraldsun - still the best place for all afl coverage. i especially like robbo and the tackle every monday, but the other articles are great too.

sky sports F1 - best site for formula one coverage

if you enjoy fantasy sports, and are the two best resources.

for those that like technology, the verge and cnet are two great sites for that kind of thing. I also browsed the whirlpool forums quite a lot for NBN discussion, which has gone quiet now.

Re: What news sites to you go to?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:58 am
by fisho mcspaz
I usually check AdelaideNow in the mornings but I try not to get sucked into reading the comments if I can help it. There are some woefully ignorant people out there, as well as angry redneck xenophobes who don't want 'c***s coming into my country stealing my kids' jobs'. Haven't even got started on the Crows supporters yet...

Re: What news sites to you go to?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:36 pm
by Pseudo

Re: What news sites to you go to?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:07 pm
by DoublebluTiger
The Age - Rohan Connolly's articles are good to read most of the time
Adelaide Now
BBC - Like their sport section but their news is good too.
NPR - National Public Radio - USA - Probably leftist in it's political leanings but still informative on many social issues.

Re: What news sites to you go to?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:18 pm
by gadj1976