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Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:21 am
by dedja
I wouldn't cry if Focarelli and his mates stitched this fella up ... ... 6250753041

THE leader of Adelaide's controversial street preachers is suing Adelaide City councillor Anne Moran for defamation because she accused the group of peddling a "vicious hate-filled message".

Court documents obtained by The Advertiser show Street Church spokesman Caleb Corneloup is demanding Ms Moran pay $40,000 in damages.

He is also suing ABC TV, which telecast the comments. In August, the Supreme Court ruled that the group - which has brandished placards in Rundle Mall warning "sins" like homosexuality, adultery and fornication will lead to damnation - were allowed to continue their activities.

The group argued they had a right to freedom of political speech and have since taken their message to a tattoo parlour, a Victor Harbor pub and public transport.

In the court documents, Mr Corneloup alleges that during a TV debate with Mr Corneloup on November 10, Ms Moran said the group was "anti-women, anti pretty much anything" and spread an "abhorrent" message.

The documents, lodged on January 16, claim Ms Moran damaged Mr Corneloup by stating "it is not the message of Jesus Christ, it's a vicious and hate-filled message".

Ms Moran, who is an Anglican, yesterday said the group had adopted an "Old Testament" view of religion and were hypocritical in their application of freedom of speech.

"We should be afforded the same type of freedom of speech which they have been afforded, and they really have been afforded a very broad interpretation," she said. "I and many others think they are over-the-top but apparently (we are) not allowed to say that."

The preachers have also lodged another defamation suit against the Sunday Mail and Mr Corneloup yesterday said there "will be a lot more (defamation suits) to come".

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:33 am
by CK
If the average person went on public transport, ranting and shouting at passengers, they would be ejected from the bus/train.

If the average person on their own, started yelling in Rundle Mall and accosting people, they would be warned and arrested if they didn't cease.

Quite why this group is allowed such free rein to "perform" as they do, impinging on the rights of people to walk the Mall/public places without being harrassed, is completely beyond me. The term "right to free speech" becomes a very convenient fallback for a percentage who actively abuse that right to the detriment of others who do not want their equal right to peace being impinged upon.

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:59 am
by dedja
I think in support of his freedom of speech cause, we should bang drums outside his bedroom window all night for at least a week ...

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:09 am
by tipper
While everyone is entitled to their own beliefs/opinions and freedom of expression, these guys are serious oxygen thieves!! I have had the displeasure of trying to negotiate the mall when they are having one of their "meetings" (or services or whatever they call them) and they are seriously a disgrace.

the problem is they are trying to provoke negative reactions in people, which will keep them in the news, and it works. it would be great if the media (mainly the advertiser) stopped reporting on their latest incident, then they might skulk back under their rock. but while they are making the news, they will continue their actions. it seems that the group can act any way and say anything they want, but when someone critiscises them they run straight to court.

if dedja's suggested touching up happens, can i get tickets to watch??

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:16 am
let's go to their church & express our opinions.

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:48 am
by Booney
CENTURION wrote:let's go to their church & express our opinions.

Boom!! Best idea you have had!!!

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:19 am
by Gingernuts
Booney wrote:
CENTURION wrote:let's go to their church & express our opinions.

Boom!! Best idea you have had!!!

I doubt that mob would have a church. No established organisation would support those derogatory, judmental and degrading tactics.

Truth is they are the exact opposite of everything they proclaim to be.

They've been causing big problems down in Victor Harbor every Saturday. One shop owner threw a bucket of water on them a week or so ago. :lol:

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:24 am
by Booney
CK wrote:If the average person went on public transport, ranting and shouting at passengers, they would be ejected from the bus/train.

If the average person on their own, started yelling in Rundle Mall and accosting people, they would be warned and arrested if they didn't cease.

Quite why this group is allowed such free rein to "perform" as they do, impinging on the rights of people to walk the Mall/public places without being harrassed, is completely beyond me. The term "right to free speech" becomes a very convenient fallback for a percentage who actively abuse that right to the detriment of others who do not want their equal right to peace being impinged upon.

I have heard one of them mention they are looking forward to the day they front court on any charges relating to their arrest for preaching and what impact freedom of speech laws would have on these charges. IIRC one of them has asked to be arrested.

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:25 am
by Pseudo
Didn't these pharkwits learn about "turning the other cheek" at Sunday School?

Such an angry group, full of vindictiveness.... makes me wonder if their clerics forcibly turned their cheeks when they were still impressionable young altar boys...

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:10 pm
by Banker
Booney wrote:
CK wrote:If the average person went on public transport, ranting and shouting at passengers, they would be ejected from the bus/train.

If the average person on their own, started yelling in Rundle Mall and accosting people, they would be warned and arrested if they didn't cease.

Quite why this group is allowed such free rein to "perform" as they do, impinging on the rights of people to walk the Mall/public places without being harrassed, is completely beyond me. The term "right to free speech" becomes a very convenient fallback for a percentage who actively abuse that right to the detriment of others who do not want their equal right to peace being impinged upon.

I have heard one of them mention they are looking forward to the day they front court on any charges relating to their arrest for preaching and what impact freedom of speech laws would have on these charges. IIRC one of them has asked to be arrested.

Huh? What freedom of speech laws?

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:15 pm
by Booney
Banker wrote:
Booney wrote:
CK wrote:If the average person went on public transport, ranting and shouting at passengers, they would be ejected from the bus/train.

If the average person on their own, started yelling in Rundle Mall and accosting people, they would be warned and arrested if they didn't cease.

Quite why this group is allowed such free rein to "perform" as they do, impinging on the rights of people to walk the Mall/public places without being harrassed, is completely beyond me. The term "right to free speech" becomes a very convenient fallback for a percentage who actively abuse that right to the detriment of others who do not want their equal right to peace being impinged upon.

I have heard one of them mention they are looking forward to the day they front court on any charges relating to their arrest for preaching and what impact freedom of speech laws would have on these charges. IIRC one of them has asked to be arrested.

Huh? What freedom of speech laws?

Freedom of Speech and the Constitution
The Australian Constitution does not have any express provision relating to freedom of speech. In theory, therefore, the Commonwealth Parliament may restrict or censor speech through censorship legislation or other laws, as long as they are otherwise within constitutional power. The Constitution consists mainly of provisions relating to the structure of the Commonwealth Parliament, executive government and the federal judicial system.(6) There is no list of personal rights or freedoms which may be enforced in the courts. There are however some provisions relating to personal rights such as the right to trial by jury (section 80), and the right to freedom of religion (section 116).

Since 1992 decisions of the High Court have indicated that there are implied rights to free speech and communication on matters concerning politics and government, e.g. permitting political advertising during election campaigns.(7) This is known as the 'implied freedom of political communication'. Issues arising from these decisions include defining when communication is 'political' and when the freedom should prevail over competing public interests

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:33 pm
by Squawk
All their details can be found at

These people are seriously testing the limits of the moral compass.

Freedom is our liberty. Freedom of political or religious expression does not extend to ambushing audiences in a deliberately confrontational way though.

You will note from their website that the Assemblies of God Church at Paradise was not good enough for them, so they broke away. Someone has some serious money amidst this mob though....

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:35 pm
by Q.
Perhaps they should camp out in the city parklands instead...

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:28 pm
by valleys07
CENTURION wrote:let's go to their church & express our opinions.


Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:42 pm
by Psyber
Back some years I knew someone who had extensive religious delusions, and possibly hallucinations.
She had two son's from a former marriage to another, similarly deluded, soul she'd met through their church.
One of the son's was called "Caleb" - I occasionally wonder..

(The surname doesn't match but she'd had several changes of that by marriage or declaration.)

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:52 pm
Better still, send them to a Muslim country to preach their good word.

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:58 pm
by Brucetiki
As much as I'd love for Ann Moran to be brought down a peg or two, I don't want it done by this mob.

Best thing to do with them is ignore them. You know what they say about arguing with idiots...

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:53 am
Brucetiki wrote:As much as I'd love for Ann Moran to be brought down a peg or two, I don't want it done by this mob.

Best thing to do with them is ignore them. You know that they say about arguing with idiots...

I do it every day with the North groggies on The Lounge! ;)

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:03 pm
by Sojourner
Rumour has it that Football Park and other SANFL venues are on their list of places to go and preach in 2012....

Not sure the SANFL can do much if they use Megaphones outside the gates?

Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:08 pm
by dedja
True, but we can still beat the shit out of them if they do ...