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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:42 am
by Apachebulldog
Lots of info on YOU TUBE yummy yummy yummy. =P~

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:36 pm
by Jimmy_041
Dan the Man doing his own thing again
Last night he was on the ABC saying their contact tracing was world standard - in fact better! he said
He's still refusing any federal assistance
It's almost like: I didn't need their help to get in the $hit. Why do I need it to get out of it?


Victoria faces heat on contact tracing
The Morrison government is determined to challenge Daniel Andrews' claim that Victoria's protracted lockdown is based on science and data.

Jennifer Hewett
Sep 7, 2020 – 4.51pm

No one can argue with the data and the science, according to Daniel Andrews. But Victoria’s Premier deliberately fails to mention the lack of certainty in the data and the modelling he cites to justify delays in easing restrictions in his state.

Nor does the Premier acknowledge continuing problems in Victoria’s contact tracing systems or explain his government’s refusal to accept further assistance from Canberra.

The result is that the Andrews government’s dismissal of the obvious comparison with the situation in NSW may be right – but for all the wrong reasons.

Victoria’s contact tracing has belatedly improved in the past few months but is still woefully behind NSW's regime and investment over years, including NSW’s digitisation of government services and the integration of its emergency response teams.

Morrison reinforces the same message – that no one wants to see a third wave – but comes up with a very different answer.

This failing is certainly compounded but is not caused by the higher numbers of daily infections in Victoria. Instead, the Andrews government’s repeated and inexplicable refusal to take up Canberra’s standing offer of more help is just part of a stubborn pattern.

From the beginning of the crisis, Victoria has been reluctant to quickly recognise and therefore try to address the practical flaws in its approach to COVID-19.

That means the extremely tough targets required for businesses to reopen even in late October or late November will be even more difficult to meet – increasing the frustration of all those struggling to survive the year.

Andrews typically shrugs off the business community's near universal condemnation of his “road map” and the lack of consultation, insisting discussions with business were extensive and intensive.

“That’s not to say business received what they wanted but that’s a different thing to not being listened to. I would reject that,” he said. “I am not criticising people for wanting to open up as quickly as possible but the data doesn’t allow that.”

The Morrison government is just as determined to challenge any attempt to claim an unarguable scientific logic to Victoria's approach. This technical rebuttal goes beyond the widespread anger and dismay at the economic devastation inherent in Andrews' “plan” for reopening.

Pick your epidemiologist, pick your medical expert, pick your public health official. Even Andrews concedes medical experts have different views.

Much depends on the assumptions and detail in that modelling, Scott Morrison said, as he politely suggested Victoria should welcome Commonwealth “interrogation” of its findings given their severe impact.

In this case, the Victorian government is relying heavily on its commissioned modelling indicating a 60 per cent chance of a third wave if case numbers average 25 cases a day.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt promptly nominated several well-known epidemiologists questioning the accuracy of the model, including quoting one of the author’s own comments that results would be affected if the level of Victoria’s contact tracing was more efficient than it had been.

This practical ability is clearly key to Victoria’s chances of managing virus numbers at any level.

Morrison reinforces the same message as the Premier – that no one wants to see a third wave – but comes up with a very different answer to Victoria's blanket lockdown and protracted timetable out.

So he contrasted Victoria with the “gold standard” of contact tracing in NSW allowing the Berejiklian government to keep the state’s economy open while maintaining relative control of the virus.

Can't handle larger numbers
At his own daily press conference, the Victorian Premier was still arguing any comparison with NSW was misleading because his state has much higher levels of community transmission. Victoria's contact tracers are hitting their targets but can't handle larger numbers of daily cases, he insisted.

"If you ask our contact tracers to win an unfair fight, then they won't," Andrews declared. "Can they do even better again? Well, they're all looking to try to. We're all trying to do that. But it's got to be a fair fight."

Morrison, Hunt and Brendan Murphy, now secretary of the federal Health Department, all took turns to dismiss this explanation for Victoria’s difficulties in quickly tracing known contacts of those testing positive.

Although Victoria’s performance has improved a lot, there’s a long way to go to reach NSW standards, the Prime Minister warned pointedly as he repeated offers of assistance.

“To what extent would those restrictions be otherwise lessened if a higher capacity and functionality of contact tracing were present?” Morrison wondered not-so-idly. “So it really is not so much a question to me."

But according to Andrews’ defiant answer, the drop to 41 new cases announced on Monday is proof the government’s strategy is working and the sacrifices are worth it.

Given Victoria holds the global record for the length and duration of closing down almost all social and economic activity, it seems hardly surprising infection numbers are falling and will continue to do so.

When you go too hard you lose support and when you go too soft the disease spreads. — Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Premier

But the government still insists on a five-day average of no cases over 14 days as the requirement for most of the economy to be allowed to open up by the end of November. As both NSW and Queensland demonstrate, zero community transmission is extremely difficult to achieve. Gladys Berejiklian, like Morrison, argues it is impossible.

"I think what it demonstrates is that while we work together on border issues we have very different views on how the disease is dealt with," she said of Victoria."When you go too hard you lose support and when you go too soft the disease spreads. And I think in NSW we've got the balance right.”

Morrison says that accepting Victoria's thresholds would put NSW into lockdown too.

"Sydney doesn't need to be under curfew now," he said. "They have a tracing capability that can deal with outbreaks."

Dan Andrews won't miss the implied insult. We'll soon see who's more right than wrong.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:34 pm
by Apachebulldog
Great piece jimmy boy.

Just watched this on YOU TUBE from Mr Bolt.

Love this bit from Mr Bolt . re Comrade Dan.

" Hes now babbling about how a super computer told him to extend this terrible lockdown and how there is no other choice "

What a scathing attack its quite obvious Dirty Dan does not give a stuff about what other Doctors the Business Sector Financial advisors have to say regarding a path forward for Victoria.

Why are not these people part of the process ????

Nah he just relies on his gang of Eight his incompetent beauracrats and the super computer/modelling.

Victoria is doomed and as a consequence it will drag the rest of Australia down with it.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:39 pm
by Senor Moto Gadili
Apachebulldog wrote:Great piece jimmy boy.

Just watched this on YOU TUBE from Mr Bolt.

Love this bit from Mr Bolt . re Comrade Dan.

" Hes now babbling about how a super computer told him to extend this terrible lockdown and how there is no other choice "

What a scathing attack its quite obvious Dirty Dan does not give a stuff about what other Doctors the Business Sector Financial advisors have to say regarding a path forward for Victoria.

Why are not these people part of the process ????

Nah he just relies on his gang of Eight his incompetent beauracrats and the super computer/modelling.

Victoria is doomed and as a consequence it will drag the rest of Australia down with it.

Andrew Bolt's commentary on what is happening in Victoria is neither entertaing nor helpful. It's just political grandstanding .... nothing new. I'm surprised he spends time commenting on social, political and economic issues .... it must detract from his main priority which seems to be defending paedophiles.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:53 pm
by Jimmy_041
Your SA Pathology Test Results for COVID-19

Dear Jimmy_041, your COVID-19 test on 7-Sep-2020 is NEGATIVE

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:00 pm
by am Bays
F*** Me

You-tube, a platform where anyone can upload videos of them pontificating on whatever they want without substantiating any of their credentials or having to go through a bona fide credentialing/registration process to establish their knowledge skills or experience with respect to what they are claiming to be a subject matter expert on.

I think I'll stick to getting my information from peer reviewed sources or where a persons knowledge on subject matters can be verified.

I'll stick to using YouTube for SA Footy replays from the 80s!

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:07 pm
by Armchair expert
I bet apache uses the digital freedom platform

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:28 pm
by Apachebulldog
Armchair expert wrote:I bet apache uses the digital freedom platform

Nahh i just use Comrade Dans Super Duper Computer. :)

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:14 pm
by Apachebulldog
Found this on my fave YOU TUBE very interesting

Absolutely Disgusting Comrade Dan back in March 2020 was offered the latest computers for contact tracing for Victorians with Covid but declined.

I wonder how many lives could of been saved over the last six months.?????

Once again he should be sacked and then charged with murder of his citizens.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:20 pm
by DOC
I assume your pants fit you like a glove.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:26 pm
by RB
Apachebulldog wrote:I wonder how many lives could of been saved over the last six months.?????

Well you've changed your tune.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:28 pm
by Corona Man
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:I wonder how many lives could of been saved over the last six months.?????

Well you've changed your tune.

You think? The bloke has been all over the shop with erratic comments for over 200 pages of this thread.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:53 pm
by Apachebulldog
Dirty Deeds and they're done Dan Dirt Cheap.

Have not changed my tune at all i have said any life lost to any Flu is very unfortunate.

Once again the elderly are the majority of the victims.

Once again there are therapies out there that work as per info i have posted gleaned off the WWW.

Dirty Dan and his admin are ABSOLUTELY USELESS.

When are the masses gonna wake up to his INCOMPETENCE.

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:45 pm
by daysofourlives
Dans super computer

super.jpg (54.34 KiB) Viewed 799 times

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:46 pm
by daysofourlives
truth.jpg (101.01 KiB) Viewed 792 times

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:50 pm
by daysofourlives ... n3CeLyJ5i8

Here you go, this is whats coming, youll all be safe now, happy??

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:54 pm
by Apachebulldog
daysofourlives wrote:

Here you go, this is whats coming, youll all be safe now, happy??

Nahh not good enough us sheep want a QR Code tattood on our fore heads. :rolleyes: :)

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:04 pm
by Booney
Here's a potato I found on the internet.


Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:05 pm
by The Bedge
Booney wrote:Here's a potato I found on the internet.

Can you prove it's a potato?

Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:05 pm
by tipper
The Bedge wrote:
Booney wrote:Here's a potato I found on the internet.

Can you prove it's a potato?
No, the potato proves we are all sheep. Duh

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