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Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:33 pm
by Lightning McQueen
Teachers do it with class.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:35 pm
by RustyCage
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:teachers ALWAYS blame the students.........

I don't blame the student who did it. I blame another :p

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:46 pm
by Pseudo
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:51 pm
by HH3
Pseudo wrote:
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Cane special needs kids?

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:01 pm
by am Bays
HH3 wrote:
Pseudo wrote:
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Cane special needs kids?

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:05 am
by Footy Chick
HH3 wrote:
Pseudo wrote:
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Cane special needs kids?

This will go down like a lead balloon ...

WHy is it that kids just aren't naughty anymore, they have "special needs"

If you don't teach a kid wrong from right, even if they are slow learners, they'll never know.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:10 am
by HH3
Footy Chick wrote:
HH3 wrote:
Pseudo wrote:
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Cane special needs kids?

This will go down like a lead balloon ...

WHy is it that kids just aren't naughty anymore, they have "special needs"

If you don't teach a kid wrong from right, even if they are slow learners, they'll never know.

My understanding is "special needs" kids are kids with mental disabilities. Bit different from just the standard naughty kid.

Growing up there were kids I knew that had disabilities, and everyone knew that at any moment they could explode into a rage filled tantrum. I never held it against them. They can't help it.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:25 am
by Booney
Footy Chick wrote:
HH3 wrote:
Pseudo wrote:
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Cane special needs kids?

This will go down like a lead balloon ...
WHy is it that kids just aren't naughty anymore, they have "special needs"
If you don't teach a kid wrong from right, even if they are slow learners, they'll never know.

Interesting debate and one I have had quite regularly with Mrs.Boon ( who works in early learning and child development ) and some of her colleagues.

Whilst I acknowledge and appreciate that some children have differing abilities as far as learning, comprehending and understanding things I grow frustrated at the term "he/she is on the spectrum", which denotes a link to autism.

Now, perhaps modern science and medical advances have pinpointed and more accurately diagnose and endeavour to treat, understand and assist children with such difficulties. This is a good thing. Many kids I grew up with and in fact one of my brother-in-laws, could have benefited from such diagnosis and support.

But surely we can't discount the fact that some kids might just be a bit daft ( as my Mum would say ) or just be a little shit ( as I would say )?

Why does it need to be "spectrum" and "behavioral issues"?

It pisses me off with modern society, "Oh, don't label me!" but then people crave to have a label attached to them or attached a label to someone else. "He's on the spectrum", maybe he's just a bit daft? ( Thanks Mum )


I hope I've not offended anyone here as I understand many of the issues I've mentioned above are very real, very difficult to deal with and are completely out of the control of people who are impacted by them. Kudos to people like Rusty Cage who help develop children with learning difficulties.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:44 am
by mighty_tiger_79
slightly diversing away from the current topic but the thing that I see from the outside looking in at early learning centres etc from a neighbour who works at one is the fact that they have taken away many of the learning tools that my generation and those before had, which allowed kids to learn about risk analysis.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:49 am
by Booney
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:slightly diversing away from the current topic but the thing that I see from the outside looking in at early learning centres etc from a neighbour who works at one is the fact that they have taken away many of the learning tools that my generation and those before had, which allowed kids to learn about risk analysis.

Many early learning educators would love to see kids eating dirt, chasing butterflies, catching lizards/worms/bugs, climbing trees, whacking their thumb with a hammer, the type of shit we all did growing up.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:53 am
by mighty_tiger_79
Booney wrote:
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:slightly diversing away from the current topic but the thing that I see from the outside looking in at early learning centres etc from a neighbour who works at one is the fact that they have taken away many of the learning tools that my generation and those before had, which allowed kids to learn about risk analysis.

Many early learning educators would love to see kids eating dirt, chasing butterflies, catching lizards/worms/bugs, climbing trees, whacking their thumb with a hammer, the type of shit we all did growing up.

absolutely, but liability means otherwise unfortunately

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:55 am
by Booney
Perhaps "Things that make you laugh" isn't the appropriate thread for this discussion. Mind you, it's not the first and won't be the last thread in General Discussion to go off track!

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:59 am
by mighty_tiger_79
but in a way it is the correct thread, cos when you think about it, it does make me laugh at least, about how the education system is travelling compared back to what I remember of it all....

moving along to the next topic!!!

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:58 am
by tipper
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:
Booney wrote:
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:slightly diversing away from the current topic but the thing that I see from the outside looking in at early learning centres etc from a neighbour who works at one is the fact that they have taken away many of the learning tools that my generation and those before had, which allowed kids to learn about risk analysis.

Many early learning educators would love to see kids eating dirt, chasing butterflies, catching lizards/worms/bugs, climbing trees, whacking their thumb with a hammer, the type of shit we all did growing up.

absolutely, but liability means otherwise unfortunately

just means we as parents have to up our game and make sure our kids do all of those things on our watch, rather than at school. had my two and a half year old helping me with building something the other day, wood saw (manual not electric), drill and electric screwdriver, he loved it!! all under supervision of course.

and we are heading out camping for Easter, no shower or bath, nothing but scrub and paddocks to play in and a camper to sleep in for 5 days, plus no electronic devices!. both kids loved it last year, and being a year older i reckon it will be better again this year. (the little tippers are now five and a half and two and a half)

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:53 pm
by RustyCage
Footy Chick wrote:
HH3 wrote:
Pseudo wrote:
RustyCage wrote:Yes. Student had a meltdown

Bring back the cane.

Cane special needs kids?

This will go down like a lead balloon ...

WHy is it that kids just aren't naughty anymore, they have "special needs"

If you don't teach a kid wrong from right, even if they are slow learners, they'll never know.

Special needs and slow learners are different. The "slow learner" category is full of kids who are behind for behavioural reasons or slight learning disabilities that while they learn slowly, they are still able to learn as much as the next person. Special Needs is a professionally diagnosed disability that significantly limits their learning ability, such as autism, global delay, tonic clonic, alcohol fetal syndrome.

The slow learner category is well over prescribed and in a lot of cases, a mask for real issues that are impacting on that persons learning.

Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:54 pm
by RustyCage
As a special ed teacher, I LOVE labeling. Labels get funding and classroom support, speechies, occupational therapists, psychiatrists....

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:08 pm
by Footy Chick
RustyCage wrote:[

Special needs and slow learners are different. The "slow learner" category is full of kids who are behind for behavioural reasons or slight learning disabilities that while they learn slowly, they are still able to learn as much as the next person. Special Needs is a professionally diagnosed disability that significantly limits their learning ability, such as autism, global delay, tonic clonic, alcohol fetal syndrome.

The slow learner category is well over prescribed and in a lot of cases, a mask for real issues that are impacting on that persons learning.

This ^^^ (in red) i would swear that ADHD was a do-gooders diagnosis of being a little shit. My best mates boy , was diagnosed with this as a kid but you could see the changes in him if she allowed him anything with those colourings etc... she refused to put him on ritalin and with diet changes, he was just as good as the next kid. So in essence, he was just a little turd.

Obviously I'm not up with all "professional" mumbo jumbo = but surely having a label shouldn't excuse bad behaviour.

Surely if you can teach a dog not to pee on the carpet, then you can teach a kid that it's wrong to trash a classroom, or hit other kids etc..

(probably a bad comparison I know but had to get a point across somehow)

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:44 pm
by RustyCage
Footy Chick wrote:
Surely if you can teach a dog not to pee on the carpet, then you can teach a kid that it's wrong to trash a classroom, or hit other kids etc..

A meltdown is a bit different as there is no conflictive functioning while it's happening, the person has no control over anything they do during that time

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:23 pm
by Jase
Footy Chick wrote:
RustyCage wrote:[

Special needs and slow learners are different. The "slow learner" category is full of kids who are behind for behavioural reasons or slight learning disabilities that while they learn slowly, they are still able to learn as much as the next person. Special Needs is a professionally diagnosed disability that significantly limits their learning ability, such as autism, global delay, tonic clonic, alcohol fetal syndrome.

The slow learner category is well over prescribed and in a lot of cases, a mask for real issues that are impacting on that persons learning.

This ^^^ (in red) i would swear that ADHD was a do-gooders diagnosis of being a little shit. My best mates boy , was diagnosed with this as a kid but you could see the changes in him if she allowed him anything with those colourings etc... she refused to put him on ritalin and with diet changes, he was just as good as the next kid. So in essence, he was just a little turd.

Obviously I'm not up with all "professional" mumbo jumbo = but surely having a label shouldn't excuse bad behaviour.

Surely if you can teach a dog not to pee on the carpet, then you can teach a kid that it's wrong to trash a classroom, or hit other kids etc..

(probably a bad comparison I know but had to get a point across somehow)

So in essence he wasn't just a little turd, he had reactions to certain food, artificial colours and preservatives...

So once that was resolved he was Ok, so not just a little turd.

Our eldest son used to be a little pain when he ate preservative 282... cut that out and he was much more relaxed and mellow...

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:25 pm
by cracka
Footy Chick wrote:
RustyCage wrote:[

Special needs and slow learners are different. The "slow learner" category is full of kids who are behind for behavioural reasons or slight learning disabilities that while they learn slowly, they are still able to learn as much as the next person. Special Needs is a professionally diagnosed disability that significantly limits their learning ability, such as autism, global delay, tonic clonic, alcohol fetal syndrome.

The slow learner category is well over prescribed and in a lot of cases, a mask for real issues that are impacting on that persons learning.

This ^^^ (in red) i would swear that ADHD was a do-gooders diagnosis of being a little shit. My best mates boy , was diagnosed with this as a kid but you could see the changes in him if she allowed him anything with those colourings etc... she refused to put him on ritalin and with diet changes, he was just as good as the next kid. So in essence, he was just a little turd.

Obviously I'm not up with all "professional" mumbo jumbo = but surely having a label shouldn't excuse bad behaviour.

Surely if you can teach a dog not to pee on the carpet, then you can teach a kid that it's wrong to trash a classroom, or hit other kids etc..

(probably a bad comparison I know but had to get a point across somehow)

Totally agree on the ADHD thing. Also had a friend who's kid is a little shit at the best of times but would go absolutely stupid if he ate yellow twisties, cheezels etc.

Leon Byner sums it up well as to why governments don't do enough for special needs kids, there's not enough votes in it.