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Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:59 pm
by Bum Crack
Media Park wrote:
Rams52 wrote:Heh M.P. Just out of interest, why do you have no interest in stopping? Not worried about the potential health issues? Just interested to know.

I just enjoy it...

About 18 months or so ago, I was struggling financially, and often had run out of smokes, and couldn't afford to buy them...

So I didn't smoke- so I am pretty sure I would have no problem quitting...

I just enjoy it...

When I don't enjoy it, I'll stop... ;)

I enjoy a fag too. There are always the know all's who have a problem with it, but it's not their decision if I smoke or not. If they think it is their right to tell me I shouldn't be doing it, then they get told in no uncertain terms.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:02 pm
by Dirko
Don't give up Stampy ! It's the only way the Snouts can see where you're sitting...

You're pretty recognisable when you're puffing away !


Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:06 pm
by fisho mcspaz
All my attempts to quit smoking 'because it's better for you' failed dismally. I always went back to it because I liked smoking and I was really trying to quit for other people instead of for me. I gave it up when I was pregnant with Angus but took it up again after he was born. I finally quit for good last year - it was easy enough because I was pregnant with Luke and cigarette smoke made me ralph, but I haven't been tempted to start again because it's just so bloody expensive!

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:25 pm
by Dog_ger
I was a nicotine addict.

30 per day.

Had a heart attack at 49.

Walking the cardiac ward I was the youngest by far.

For me that was a wake-up.

Cold Turkey for 4 years. Never had a craving. I am scared of losing my perfect life style.

I was an idiot for smoking.

Some people have had a heart Attack and are too weak to work.

Give it up. It is not worth it.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:25 pm
by Media Park
SJABC wrote:Don't give up Stampy ! It's the only way the Snouts can see where you're sitting...

You're pretty recognisable when you're puffing away !



Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:30 pm
by the big bang
i pinched on of mums when i was 12. the only reason i got caught was because she seen the 1/4 smoked coffin nail in the bin. she "suspended" me from playing basketball for 2 weeks. never touched them again!

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:17 am
by prowling panther
Giving up smoking is easy.

I have done it about 13 times now.

Seriously, I gave up 1989, because i wanted to, did it cold turkey. (on my second attempt)

Try holding the smoke in the back of your throat, and then cough,, then try and have another puff, if that dont stop you, then nothing will

Good luck if you can kick the habit, you will certainly be better off for doing it.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:38 am
by fish
Sorry all you smokers but... DISGUSTING HABIT!

Good luck all you who are trying to give it up.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:26 am
by Ian
fisho mcspaz wrote:All my attempts to quit smoking 'because it's better for you' failed dismally. I always went back to it because I liked smoking and I was really trying to quit for other people instead of for me.

I was the same, a number of failed attempts because I was trying to quit for others.

just over 12 months ago ( 18/08 ) I had a heavy cold, I walked outside and had about 2 puffs of a smoke, coughed my guts up and decided the time was right. I kept 1/2 a packet in a drawer until xmas and threw them out then.

If you are ready and really want to give up you will, I had tried patches etc. before, when I was ready, cold turkey was easy (sort of)

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:58 am
by JK
Ian wrote:just over 12 months ago ( 18/08 ) I had a heavy cold, I walked outside and had about 2 puffs of a smoke, coughed my guts up and decided the time was right. I kept 1/2 a packet in a drawer until xmas and threw them out then.

Eerily similar to my Grandpa .. Driving trucks when he was 50 he had a heavy cold and just decided he'd had enough of smoking - Kept his half pack of smokes in his vehicle for the next 10 years or so but never ever touched another one.

He made it to 92 but no doubt he wouldn't have lasted that long without the decision he made.

Good luck to all those trying to quit, I seriously hope I can

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:44 pm
by Booney
Footy Chick wrote:
Don't listen to these do-gooders that have never smoked and wouldn't bloody know.

Why is it an issue that we non-smokers want you smokers ( formerly known as ) to see the light? As far as do-gooder goes, we just want to see you lot do yourself some good.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:57 pm
by gossipgirl
It would be ok if smokers kept their disgusting habit to themselves but most of them smoke in public so you end up with the disgusting crap on you. Unfortunately there are some that also think its ok to dispose of their butts anywhere !!!

It seems if you are a smoker then you just dont have any manners or consideration for anybody else.

If the govt was serious (I guess they gain way too much revenue from it) then they should ban all the deadly chemicals in cigs and also provide financial assistance to help people break the addiction forever.

:evil: :evil:

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:01 pm
by Media Park
gossipgirl wrote:It would be ok if smokers kept their disgusting habit to themselves but most of them smoke in public so you end up with the disgusting crap on you. Unfortunately there are some that also think its ok to dispose of their butts anywhere !!!
:evil: :evil:

just like people who litter, hey?

what's the difference between fast food wrappers, soft drink bottles, etc, and smoke butts...???

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:17 pm
by Drop Bear
Media Park wrote:
what's the difference between fast food wrappers, soft drink bottles, etc, and smoke butts...???

Absolutely nothing. They're all disgarded by lazy shits who think the world is their garbage bin.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:02 am
by trev
just like people who litter, hey?

what's the difference between fast food wrappers, soft drink bottles, etc, and smoke butts

Sorry MP, but fast food wrappers and soft drink bottles dont have the potential to start fires.

Living in the Hills, it amazes me how many thoughtless people casually flick their butts out their window.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:48 pm
by locky801
I smoked 30 a day for many years and in the end my kids got into me so much I had to quit.

I sat down and looked at the habit, I got up in the morning, went to the servo, bought a carton of iced coffee and a packet of smokes, went home, sat out the back, lit up and drank the iced coffee. Had done it for years, so I stopped both 4 years ago now, any other habits i had which involved smoking i gave up as well, went cold turkey, now been that 4 years since i had a smoke or an iced coffee, still get the occasional urge for a smoke but nothing major.

The downside is that I have put on over 25kg since i gave up :( :(

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:32 pm
by prowling panther
Wedgie wrote:I tried hypnotherapy to help get rid of migraines, absolute biggest crock of sh1t Ive ever encountered personally in my life.
I think the rules for mumbo jumbo being covered by Medicare changed as I was told to get in quick last year before it'd cost me anything.

You'll have a lot more luck going cold turkey and using some will power.

I tried aquatherapy on my mate

Just held his head under water for 10 minutes

He struggled at first to combat it

It worked for him, hasnt smoked since :lol: :shock: :) :roll:

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:09 pm
by Media Park

Has anyone taken any advice on the last pages and given up?

Or lessened?

I've stayed the same...

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:56 pm
by Big Phil
This Thursday, the 20th, will be 6 months to the day that I last had a smoke (cold turkey) after being a pack a day smoker for at least 6 or 7 years and a couple of failed attempts.

Re: smoking

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:04 pm
by dedja
Well done Phil ... smartest move you've ever made.