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National Warranty Company

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:14 pm
by zipzap
Looking at buying a second hand car today, the dealers seem very keen for us to buy an extended warranty through National Warranty Company. Lucky us, they're going to give us an amazing upgrade price of $800 for 5 years but I'm a bit skeptical. A little Googling reveals quite a few concerns about what is and what isn't covered. Anyone here have any experiences, good or bad?

Re: National Warranty Company

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:48 pm
by kickinit
Dad bought a ve commodore and he got the extended warranty. It's good but there is some things that aren't covered so just read the fine print. Also some will tell you where you have to get the work done, but if you actually ring them with a concern about the place they will let you change. It's one of those things you probably won't use it if you get and will probably need it if you don't.

Re: National Warranty Company

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:56 pm
by Alaska
Eastern states centric as far as those approved to do work, so they deal with big franchises that are good but not always convenient.
Look at the fine print as far as what is covered and for how much. I had to use them for an automatic transmission issue cost $3k payout $1.2k.
Good to deal with and quite quick but read the print.

Re: National Warranty Company

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:01 pm
by lesthemechanic
I am not sure those extended warranties are all that they should be. We get a few customers in with those & it is probably 50/50 on whether their fault gets covered , and how much of it.
One of the worse examples was an EB Ford ( yes , quite a while ago)that the transmission failed on. Upon inspection of the transmission, the filter was probably 75% blocked or more, there was a lot of brass filings in it. This was found to come from the transmission oil cooler in the vehicles radiator.
The warranty company paid for a radiator. The rest was "subsequent damage" and not covered. They didn't even pay for the engine coolant " consumables" not covered.
Anyway, it is a choice to make on your own, easy for me to say I wouldn't, but I can repair my own vehicle , and get my parts at cost.

Re: National Warranty Company

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:33 pm
by zipzap
Thanks lads, probably worth doing on a better car than what we're intending to buy...but then again, an el cheapo car might be just the car that will need this kind of thing. Maybe I'll just cut my losses - Les you'd give a mate a discount right?