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NT Election

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:18 pm
by am Bays
History could be created in four weeks when a sitting government is wiped completely from the parliamentary floor of the NT legislative Assembly.

As someone on the right side of politics not even I with my natural political ideology could vote for this mob if I was still up there. NT politics is strange and personality based but this has taken it to far different level than Porky, Stone or Bazza C could ever imagine!!!

Current polling has the two party result at 64% ALP 36% CLP.

With small electorates (~ 5000 each) that could mean an election wipeout. The only thing saving the CLP at the moment from a guaranteed wipeout is the low priamry vote for Gunners mob (36%) - meaning independents are going to have a big say in who wins, while the current independants are shoe-ins.

Whislt I don't think it would happen my prediction for the result is 19-21 ALP, 1-3 CLP with three independents (Lambley ex-CLP Araluen, Purick, ex-CLP Goyder and Wood - Nelson) Anderson would be a shoe-in in Namitjera but she might not stand.

The bush will be volitle with local family relationships playing a big factor - why i think Price (Stuart) and Xavier (Arafura) will hold on just.

Am going up to help a mate in his last week and so should be interesting on election night. What is certain, someone is going to get Horrors that night.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:22 pm
by heater31
This would have to be far more entertaining than a Federal or Southern State Election.......

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:44 pm
by Booney
Don't they just toss a coin?

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:37 pm
by Jimmy_041
NTX (sic) should get up there pronto

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:52 pm
by am Bays
Booney wrote:Don't they just toss a coin?

Nah, they play spin the green can!!

Darwin Cup Day today, don't bother ringing anyone in Darwin tomorrow before 12 pm for business....

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:47 am
by heater31
When the circus runs the town

Never a dull moment on the Esplanade Darwin :shock:

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:54 am
by Dogwatcher
Jimmy_041 wrote:NTX (sic) should get up there pronto

Could end up in power.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:04 am
by am Bays
Dogwatcher wrote:
Jimmy_041 wrote:NTX (sic) should get up there pronto

Could end up in power.

No Chance

if the one thing Territorians hate more than a dopey Govt, it Southerners coming up telling them how to do things.

Joh tried it with the Territory Nationals in the 80s, Clive tried it recently (see above).

"Independents" need to be local and well known. it's why despite being caught up in the Stella Maris union fiasco Delia Lawrie is every chance to retain the seat of Karama as an independent after being dumped by Labor. The Independants in Territory politcs by and large are existing mebers who ahve been dumped by tehir party and then gone on to win due to being an option against the two parties and their personal incumbency rating.

The normal rules of politics don't apply up there.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:06 am
by am Bays
heater31 wrote:When the circus runs the town

Never a dull moment on the Esplanade Darwin :shock:

Its a fair rap sheet, and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse they kept surprising...

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:11 am
by Jimmy_041
Dogwatcher wrote:
Jimmy_041 wrote:NTX (sic) should get up there pronto

Could end up in power.

Pauline Hanson should get over there as well

Slight possibility of NTX being the government and One Nation being the opposition

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:19 am
by am Bays
Jimmy_041 wrote:
Dogwatcher wrote:
Jimmy_041 wrote:NTX (sic) should get up there pronto

Could end up in power.

Pauline Hanson should get over there as well

Slight possibility of NTX being the government and One Nation being the opposition

She's already tried, and got booted out in 2001 less than 2% of the vote (barely 1000 votes), as I said Southerners coming up to look for easy pickings get short shrift

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:59 pm
by Dogwatcher
Well, if Pauline ain't gonna make it there, Xendog isn't.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:15 pm
by matt35
Come August 28th, it looks to me like the NT parliament will look extremely similar to that of 2005. In that election, Labor won 19 seats, with 4 CLP and 2 indies. Pretty similar result looming, although certainly possible that the CLP could be reduced to 2 or 3 seats. As someone on the left side of politics I will enjoy this one.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:07 pm
by Grenville
matt35 wrote:Come August 28th, it looks to me like the NT parliament will look extremely similar to that of 2005. In that election, Labor won 19 seats, with 4 CLP and 2 indies. Pretty similar result looming, although certainly possible that the CLP could be reduced to 2 or 3 seats. As someone on the left side of politics I will enjoy this one.

Looking pretty close to the mark Matt, an absolute slaughter.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:24 am
by am Bays
Gee what a week. Always great to go back to me old stamping ground and help "Brother Vowles" win his seat.

A couple of tight seats to go (Nhulunbuy, Braitling and Karama) which could see the final make up as 18, 5 and 2 CLP.

With three of the five independents as ex-CLP there is every chance they could rejoin the CLP under the new banner of the Liberal party of the NT

Currently Giles, the ex CM, is behind by 11 votes with 80% of the vote counted in Braitling. Not many more votes to be counted, in fact a greater percentage of voters have voted this time 80% compared to last time 78 %.

The seat of Katherine/Elsey has never been won by Territory labor in 42 years of NT elections and it looks like falling for the first time which was unthinkable four years ago. Similarly for the 1st time the seat of Nhulunbuy looks like falling out of Labor hands to an independent indigenous candidate as the mining vote falls as the seat spreads out to include the indigenous communities of Ramingining and Millingimbi. It was first contested back in 1980.

Basically this election was a case of the CLP getting smashed rather than labor winning so I would expect in 2020 seats like Drysdale, Katherine, Braitling and possibly Brennan/Port Darwin going back to the CLP/LPNT

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:41 pm
by Gozu
Fun fact: Michael Gunner is the NT's first Chief Minister to actually be born in the NT.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:14 pm
by am Bays
has there ever been an example in Australian politics where a sitting member has only received 2.6% of the vote. This has happened in the seat of Arnhem, where the once CLP/PUP now Independent has been trounced.

She has been a trainwreck of a member where family disputes and issues have plagued her.

if you doubt me google Larissa Lee.....

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:14 am
by Grenville
Adam Giles has lost his seat, that leaves only 2 CLP MP's.

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:41 am
by am Bays
Sort of a reversal from this on Sat night....

Re: NT Election

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:34 pm
by Jimmy_041
am Bays wrote:Sort of a reversal from this on Sat night....

Absolute mess up there