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Morrison tells Libs to target Muslims

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:15 pm
by redandblack ... 141338.htm

The once-great Liberal Party is now well to the right of One Nation.

Re: Morrison tells Libs to target Muslims

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:14 pm
by Squawk
redandblack wrote:

The once-great Liberal Party is now well to the right of One Nation.

Did you change sides, R&B?

On the surface, if that's truly the views expressed by Morrison, he should be directed away from the shadow Immigration portfolio, forthwith.

Re: Morrison tells Libs to target Muslims

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:29 pm
by redandblack
I agree, squawk.

I mean that about the Liberal Party. Although I disagree with its policies most of the time, I accept that it represents the people who agree with those principles and for a long time they did that well.

We now see the Liberal Party in the hands of the ultra-conservative wing of the party. The moderates have been sidelined and I think it's sad to see just how far the party has gone to the right since John Howard became ensconced.

Immigration has been a bi-partisan issue since the racist Arthur Calwell days ended and I'm disappointed that 'dogwhistle' politics became acceptable recently. Now it's 'megaphone' politics, a la Morrison, and I think that's a new low in Australian politics, defeating the previous low of a couple of days ago by Morrison again.

As for the Liberal Party, IMO Abbott is a totally unsuitable PM candidate. He shows no leadership, is shallow and will make way for someone else.

Labor's best chance to win the next election is if he's still the leader, but I doubt that will be the case.

Labor would be in trouble against Turnbull, but I hope that happens, because at least he represents a moderate Liberal Party wing and that can only be better for the country than the current lot of bottom-of-the-barrel scrapers.