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Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:58 pm
by redandblack
How long will he last?

I think his 'shit happens' statement was reasonable in the circumstances, but his interview silent reaction will disqualify him from being PM.

I'm not saying that's fair, but it's political reality given the doubts that were already there about his judgement and temperament.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:05 pm
by GWW
The thing I noticed when he wandered over to speak to the ch 7 journo, he walked over like he was a cowboy in a western.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:09 pm
by redandblack
I noticed that, too, but to be fair, I think he's done a hammy recently.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:28 pm
by Gozu
The sad thing is that is how Abbott always walks.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:32 pm
by Media Park
Dignified silence.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:03 pm
by redandblack
Media Park wrote:Dignified silence.

Rabbit in spotlight.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:07 pm
by once_were_warriors
It looked like he was on the vinegar stroke

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:34 pm
by Darth Vader
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that idiot Rann on ABC news responding to Tony Abbott about water. He (Rann) is an embarrasment to this state

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:03 pm
by redden whites
Media Park wrote:Dignified silence.

Ah that is what is was.I was wondering if he thought the sound man was his long lost son or something. ;)
That was just agony to watch :oops: :oops:

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:28 pm
by southee
I was waiting for you to bring this up R&B.

To be blunt, the journo and channel 7 have reached a all time low of "gutter" journalism.

To turn this into a sideshow for ratings when a fallen "digger" has passed away is simply a bloody disgrace!!! :evil:

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:31 pm
by Darth Vader
southee wrote:I was waiting for you to bring this up R&B.

To be blunt, the journo and channel 7 have reached a all time low of "gutter" journalism.

To turn this into a sideshow for ratings when a fallen "digger" has passed away is simply a bloody disgrace!!! :evil:

you are soooooooo right southee. Ch7 is lightweight - look at "Kochy" for instance.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:44 pm
by redandblack
southee wrote:I was waiting for you to bring this up R&B.

To be blunt, the journo and channel 7 have reached a all time low of "gutter" journalism.

To turn this into a sideshow for ratings when a fallen "digger" has passed away is simply a bloody disgrace!!! :evil:

mate, I have been waiting for a Liberal supporter to bring it up, but they've been quiet.

I agree with you about gutter journalism, but Tony had been fully warned about the question hours before.

As I said, I have no problem with his comment at all, but his reaction was weird.

Frighteningly weird.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:02 pm
by southee
redandblack wrote:
southee wrote:I was waiting for you to bring this up R&B.

To be blunt, the journo and channel 7 have reached a all time low of "gutter" journalism.

To turn this into a sideshow for ratings when a fallen "digger" has passed away is simply a bloody disgrace!!! :evil:

mate, I have been waiting for a Liberal supporter to bring it up, but they've been quiet.

I agree with you about gutter journalism, but Tony had been fully warned about the question hours before.

As I said, I have no problem with his comment at all, but his reaction was weird.

Frighteningly weird.

The reaction did freak me out a was uneasy to watch i must admit.

I did cringe a bit on the sofa!!! :lol:

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:10 am
by mick
I wanted him to snot the c**t. Seriously if he was warned about this, his reaction was bizarre. If it had been me I would have just walked off leaving the guy with the laptop, not even dignifying it with a reply or reaction. Channel 7s big story was in reality nothing, but Tony managed to salvage it for him :lol: I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe this guy was a Rhodes Scholar.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:13 pm
by Ronnie
mick wrote:I wanted him to snot the c**t. Seriously if he was warned about this, his reaction was bizarre. If it had been me I would have just walked off leaving the guy with the laptop, not even dignifying it with a reply or reaction. Channel 7s big story was in reality nothing, but Tony managed to salvage it for him :lol: I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe this guy was a Rhodes Scholar.

Just remember he is facing a goon reporter that has given fresh meaning to that old saying, 'gutter journalism'. A reporter from a network that had actually used the term 'insults a fallen soldier', . The terms 'slander' and 'misrepresentation' come to mind. If it get's any worse than that then i'm yet to hear it.

Obviously Abbott couldn't punch him, though that is the emotional reaction many people would have had to the objectionable proposition. If he had walked away that would have been worse, by making him look like he couldn't face up to what was being put to him. So he remained silent, which looked awkward, but so what.

Ch 7 have managed, in one go, to shred their credibility and drag the death of an Australian soldier into a tawdry journalistic beat up, all for what? It doesn't do anything for the wider media either although many are talented enough to dig up legitimate stories and keep politicians and other public officials to account.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:21 pm
by Squawk
More "quality" from Channel 7 - I thought they were being moronic at the time, and media watch has had the same thought.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:27 pm
by dedja
Regardless of the actions of Ch7, politicians are born and bred to handle these situations every day.

The fact is that the Mad Monk had a brain fade and is paying (rightly or wrongly) the consequences accordingly.

Just imagine for a sec what John Howard would have done in the same situation ... I bet his response would have certainly been 'dignified'.

The state of politics in this country is in a very sad state ... the Ranga is so stage managed we don't know what she stands for, and the Mad Monk is no better. He accuses others of spin when that is how he operates himself.

... sigh

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:48 pm
by Ronnie
dedja wrote:Regardless of the actions of Ch7, politicians are born and bred to handle these situations every day.

The fact is that the Mad Monk had a brain fade and is paying (rightly or wrongly) the consequences accordingly.

Just imagine for a sec what John Howard would have done in the same situation ... I bet his response would have certainly been 'dignified'.

The state of politics in this country is in a very sad state ... the Ranga is so stage managed we don't know what she stands for, and the Mad Monk is no better. He accuses others of spin when that is how he operates himself.

... sigh

They probably are stage managed partly because people pick to pieces their every word, their every reaction, and the slightest bit of perceived weakness is then given up as a reason why they should never be in public office. Everything is so closely scripted because the know alls will jump on anything they can.
I'm not talking about clear character defects or badly chosen words, i'm referring to instances exactly like the one where Abbott was in with Riley, where he is clearly in the middle of being set up. How would you react? what is so exceptional about his response?

He reacts as many people would i imagine, by maintaining a stern silence. Not to everyone's liking, but in the circumstances a reasonable response.

Gillard doesn't cry enough, Abbott is a frustrated boxer, so it goes on. Who really thinks these are the issues we should worry about. Less spin i agree but how about some people get a bit realistic about their expectations as well.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:48 pm
by Interceptor
dedja wrote:The state of politics in this country is in a very sad state ... the Ranga is so stage managed we don't know what she stands for, and the Mad Monk is no better. He accuses others of spin when that is how he operates himself.

We get reasonably poor bang for our buck here and you could probably say the same about plenty of other countries.
For whatever reason (pay, public life), most of the best minds and managers are in private enterprise.
You would assume all people enter politics for idealistic reasons (make a difference, etc), but clearly some aren't up to scratch when the heat is on (or any other time).
There was a article recently which suggested a US style reform where appropriate non-politicians could be appointed ministers, but I guess plenty of people would be against it.

Re: Whither/wither Abbott

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:03 pm
by Squawk
Interceptor wrote:There was a article recently which suggested a US style reform where appropriate non-politicians could be appointed ministers, but I guess plenty of people would be against it.

It can be done in SA (I think under the 'Letters Patent') for up to 3 months. However, why bother doing it officially when you can achieve the same outcome in other ways, like appointing "Commissioners"??

Case in point - Monsigneur David Cappo, Commissioner for Social Inclusion.