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Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:07 am
by bennymacca
mickey wrote:
mickey wrote:I'm making that my debut tournament.

You know its been a good tournament when you have driven home from Maylands to Ferryden Park, including a Maccas drive through and its 40 minutes after start time :evil:

better than bubbling, or punting in the cash games

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:48 am
by mighty_tiger_79
mickey wrote:
mickey wrote:I'm making that my debut tournament.

You know its been a good tournament when you have driven home from Maylands to Ferryden Park, including a Maccas drive through and its 40 minutes after start time :evil:


but you are just lulling the competition into a false sense of security for the next time you venture out there!

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:52 am
by mickey
The worst thing about it is going through the hand in my head this morning..... and if I have the details remembered right, everyone, including myself have misread the board.... and i should have won the hand. In a way I'm hoping my recollection is wrong. But i don't think it is.

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:53 am
by mighty_tiger_79
ouch, that's even worse! not a great way to get into the long weekend

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:13 am
by mickey
I'll be back there though. Seemed like a really good set up, some real competition for the casino. Didn't like the chips they were using though, thought they could have found some nicer ones

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:30 am
by mighty_tiger_79
I wonder what the casino will do to try and compete? or do the casino do nothing and are happy with their current levels???

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:47 am
by mickey
The way the casino runs the poker room is, imo is the only reason this venue has succeeded.

No tournaments on weekends or public holidays due to wage levels is crap. They are the perfect time to maximise attendance.

I hate that every tournament is a re entry tournament. I even dislike the late entry system where you can rock up 4 blind levels in. Yes the Maylands has this too though

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:22 am
by mighty_tiger_79
i stay out of late entry tourneys

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:26 am
by bennymacca
mickey wrote:I'll be back there though. Seemed like a really good set up, some real competition for the casino. Didn't like the chips they were using though, thought they could have found some nicer ones

They used a different set for their tournament on Monday, which was much nicer. Presumably they use a different set for their cheapest tourneys to stop people palming chips

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:58 am
by bennymacca
So the poker zone seems to be back in the original spot. Still much harder to get upstairs though.

Felt bad in Friday night after the hawthorn game, could only play for an hour because I had to catch the last train home, made a huge hero call with 85cc on a JT3cc 8J board for a $400 pot and then had to hit and run haha

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:32 am
by mighty_tiger_79
Bizarre that they moved it from the original location to a dark corner

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:56 pm
by Trader
Yeah, they moved it back because they were getting smashed by the maylands. The no food was a huge issue. Food service is back on and "walk bys" are playing again. Big improvement in only a few short weeks.

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:06 pm
by bennymacca
Trader wrote:Yeah, they moved it back because they were getting smashed by the maylands. The no food was a huge issue. Food service is back on and "walk bys" are playing again. Big improvement in only a few short weeks.

Have you played the 5/5 game at the maylands at all?

I don't usually play that high but when I was at the cas Friday the room was full and they didn't have a single game going.

I guess all of the regs just moved the game over to the maylands?

Crazy that they start at 1pm every day. I wonder if the game actually runs that often and whether they have low stakes that often.

My one experience playing 2/2 at maylands was a good one

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:14 pm
by Trader
Haven't played the 5/5 at either venue. Prefer to stick to the fish at 2/2.
Yeah, all the 5/5 guys now play Maylands. Hasn't got up at the Cas for a while now. 2/3 is getting up every now and then which can be fun.

On the 5/5 you have to be careful cause they all know each other. Certainly not suggesting it's dodgy, but there is always the risk.

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:36 pm
by bennymacca
Trader wrote:Haven't played the 5/5 at either venue. Prefer to stick to the fish at 2/2.
Yeah, all the 5/5 guys now play Maylands. Hasn't got up at the Cas for a while now. 2/3 is getting up every now and then which can be fun.

On the 5/5 you have to be careful cause they all know each other. Certainly not suggesting it's dodgy, but there is always the risk.

Yeah always been worried about that. Particularly at a pub where the security would be less, certainly no chance of a review from cameras etc

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:25 pm
by bennymacca
Had a great night at the tables on Friday night, $536 profit. Some drunk miner dude raising $20 blind every hand. And by the end just shoving pre every hand.

And then half of the rest of the table asking me why in the hell would I move from the 4 seat to the 1 seat (to drunk miners left).

Funniest pot was drunk dude shoving $110 pre, me calling it off with AJ and then a dude with $50 over calling and me managing to hold 3 ways with AJ high.

Also in another pot accidentally raised to $55 on the turn when I meant to call $20 - had a stack of chips in my hand and didn't say call before dropping four off the bottom so they made me raise. But I had QQ on a JxxK board and managed to get sick value from AJ. It was one of those nights :)

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:12 pm
by Trader
I know the guy you are talking about, he's been in a bit lately.

Was raising blind to $50 about two weeks go. I woke up in the CO will QQ, reraised to $125, he shoved for $250 total and I snapped. Turns out this hand he had KK lol.
I didn't improve.

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:21 pm
by bennymacca
Trader wrote:I know the guy you are talking about, he's been in a bit lately.

Was raising blind to $50 about two weeks go. I woke up in the CO will QQ, reraised to $125, he shoved for $250 total and I snapped. Turns out this hand he had KK lol.
I didn't improve.

yeah this guy managed to wake up with aces twice, queens twice, and flopped broadway against top 2 all whilst raising blind. luckily i stayed out of the way and held when i did play pots against him.

it was hilarious though, you could just see the deterioration over the night. first he just started limping every hand, then that turned to raising $12 every hand, then $20, then shoving, then getting aggro for random reasons etc lol.

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:32 pm
by bennymacca
one of my friends Andrew Dales is currently at the final table of the $1650 terminator event at the World Series of Poker Asia Pacific in melbourne

live stream here

Re: Poker

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:35 pm
by Trader

Looks like I won't be doing any work for the rest of the day.

Your mate is in Black cap with the sunnies?
Sure plays a lot of pots! haha