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Re: HFL Division 1 (Central)

Tough 3 weeks for Onkas Cracka (combined A/B grade scores below).

Mt Lofty 1 goal to 17
Hahndorf 10 goals to 31
Uraidla 3 goals to 37

Injuries? Form? Or more to it?
Yeah mainly injuries & holidays. I think I counted 14 of our players listed in the A grade (going by the budget) unavailable last Saturday, plus however many from the B's list. We've been struggling for numbers for about 9 weeks now (since we played Hahndorf at Hahndorf). I almost got a game then apparently at age 47. Bots Houlahan played B's for us 2 weeks ago, he's 2 years older than me I think. Shaun Tait played against Blackwood

We've got very few recruits this year, played with -1 points a couple of times this year & some games we've had 19 players in the A's who played junior footy for us. Our first few games this year (when we had good numbers) had up to 17 former juniors in the A's.
by cracka
Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:23 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

I'm as far from supporting the greens as anyone but Di Natales speech was bloody fantastic.
by cracka
Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:37 am
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Re: North Melbourne

HH3 wrote:North finish higher than both SA teams.

That's a good thing.

You could have had pick 7 in the draft though, now you've got 10.
by cracka
Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:02 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

I reckon he's hilarious. :shock:
Used to love his post game interviews
by cracka
Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:58 am
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Not angry, just disappointed

In Wedgie for no drunk posting last night. :D
by cracka
Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:14 am
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Re: Things that you are looking forward to

I have attached the route we are doing
we have hired a car for 2 weeks
staying at some places 2 nights, some 1 night.

I had a list of all the places but at home.

ive heard the food over there is amazing, so pretty keen to get stuck into that too
About 70kms north of Wellington on the western side is a place called Paraparaumu. My parents are from the next town north of that which is Waikanae. We were there in January (attending the wake of my uncle who still lived in the house my Grandfather built). We scattered his ashes in the mountains that overlook Waikanae. The locals built a rock wall dam on the Waikanae River & made a fantastic little swimming spot about 100 metres from the house. We had a public bench seat made in his memory which overlooks the river. Planning on going back in March next year.
by cracka
Fri Sep 28, 2018 3:43 pm
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Re: Port Adelaide 2018

Booney wrote:
cracka wrote:Is anyone else going to the B&F tonight.

As in you are?

No mate, I think it's too expensive.

Yeah, I'm going. My wife is the GM at Sidewood Wine so she's got tickets. My daughter also works there & barracks for Port so she & the boyfriend are going too.
by cracka
Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:46 am
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Re: Things that make you sad.

Hearing that the poor little girl Ivy, who has a rare skin condition, passed away overnight.
Yes, very sad, my wife was extremely upset last night as her workplace have a lot of fundraising events for Ivy's family, fly high little angel.

Just teared me up again reading your comment.
I usually don't tear up but I actually had a cry when I heard it this morning. Its just something about brave kids like her that you just wish something could be done to help.
by cracka
Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:00 am
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Re: SANFL Junior codes

Again its a case of the minority affecting the majority
by cracka
Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:03 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

My true colours??
I Vote Labor.
I'm in a Union.

But **** me, I dont wear the rose coloured glasses that have Labor as Gods and Libs as the Devils...

Really ,
Your a union man ? you call Bill corrupt ? You do recall the Royal Commission into unions called by the Abbott Coalition government that scrutinized Shorten and found nothing.

I am proud union man and would stand shoulder to shoulder with Shorten .
And your a Labor Man ? No one has called Labor Gods or Libs Devils BUT unless you live under a rock surely you would say this coalition Liberal/National Government a farce at best .

We need more Labor Union men like you 8-}
Maybe not those exact words, but thats the general gist of most on here
Absolutely we do. Much prefer an open minded Labor Union man than a happy clapper Labor Union man, they're just as bad as a leftard
by cracka
Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:29 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows 2019

Walker and Sloane co-captains.

At least they have one captain with a brain now.
Good on em’.
They have 2 captains with hearts.

Sloane has a massive heart who epitomises what a captain should be and Tex........... well he has a pea heart IMO.
I think I'll trust the opinions of Tex's peers than those of keyboard warriors who would have no idea of what it takes to be an AFL captain.
by cracka
Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:55 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Do those fancy glasses make the beer taste better?

You get different tastes from different vessels with the same beer. How many people have you heard say "I can drink draught out of a tap but not the can"? Or "I don't mind pale out the keg but not from the stubbie"? There's a difference.

I use the pilsner glass for pilsners, wheat and lighter lagers, the Willi becher for heavier lagers and pale ales, the tulip for darker, heavier beers and when I can't be arsed the imperial pint.

Classy mob down the Port.
I spent 5 years dealing with winewankers (sorry I meant winemakers, easy to get it wrong) & they say the same.
My attitude is, if you like the taste (no matter what it comes in) then drink it. Could be goon straight out the bag for all I care
by cracka
Wed Mar 20, 2019 8:11 am
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Re: I need to know....

A family member has given me some Stillnox to try for help with sleep. I don’t know much about these other than many AFL players take (or took) them, and there was some pretty negative publicity about them in the early days. Anyone here used them and are they safe? TIA
Melatonin is good for sleep.
IPA or other hoppy beers are also good.
I cant help with your question on stillnox though
Can make dreams really intense though, which unfortunately wakes me up so I don't get a decent sleep.
by cracka
Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:55 pm
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Re: HFL Division 1 (Central)

Dutchy wrote:Am I right in saying HFL have u18.5's?

No. Just U18s
by cracka
Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:54 am
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Should put this in things that make you laugh thread too.

Roger Drake, one of the most outspoken opponents of shop trading deregulation, wants an exemption for his West Beach store so he can trade longer hours due to customer demands. :roll:
by cracka
Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:48 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

2019-05-20 11.03.27.png

by cracka
Mon May 20, 2019 12:05 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Why are the people getting so upset?

They do realise Bill was promising the world and would have delivered a 2nd hand atlas.

And its only 3yrs. Labor will win next election. I think a lot of people wanted meaningful action on the climate crisis, which won't happen with the re election of a party deeply embedded within the coal industry
I get the feeling that people in Australia think, what's the point of us doing too much if the rest of the world is sitting on their hands. Global warming is an international issue that needs all countries on board.
by cracka
Mon May 20, 2019 11:21 am
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Re: HFL Division 3 (C grade)

cracka wrote:I'm tipping a loss for our boys tomorrow. I've just left Balhannah Oval after the A grade night game & 1/2 the C grade team (and pretty much the whole B grade) are sh!tfaced

Seems that they play better hungover.
Onkas 22.22 def Bridgewater/Callington 2.3
by cracka
Sun May 05, 2019 6:03 pm
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Re: Southern Football League

I think football in General should discuss the Hills, Southern and Great Southern becoming Country Super league. There is currently 38 teams within those leagues. With Div 1,2 and 3 having a 10 team comp with Div 4 having an 8 team comp. Promotion and relegation for the 2 top teams and bottom 2 teams. Div 1 would look like this right now - Mt compass,Willunga,Victor Harbour, Mclaren, Noarlunga,Christies Beach,Flagstaff Hill, Handorf, Onkaparinga Valley and Mt Barker. WOWZA

There are rumours that this is being discussed currently.
Doubt GSFL would entertain the idea as they have netball with the football. The best thing about the GSFL is that its combined with the netball.

Having playedin both leagues the GSFL hands down more family friendly.

I hope they don't turn it into a super league!!.

Hills and Southern Should bite the bullet at hit the SAAFL!

No disrespect to those comments at all but when does football have to discuss the issue of netball. Why do we have to care about that. Im sure that there are families in the SFL that have daughters that play netball and are at different venues and we never hear a winge about it. Also how many current men playing A Grade Football in the mentioned leagues have partners that play netball at the same time . Im sure their is some but is it really enough to listen to and not change football for the better? I think it is time for the older men that do a great job of governing their leagues become more open minded about football and less about their own back yard.
It's not just senior players with partners though. There's families that will have a son & a daughter playing football & netball at the same venues.
by cracka
Mon Jul 15, 2019 2:10 pm
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Re: Things that you are looking forward to

Just booked tickets for "Red Hot Summer" @ Seppeltsfield

Boom Crash Opera
Killing Heidi
Baby Animals
The Angels
The Living End
James Reyne
Hunters & Collectors

We're off to Mannum for the same gig, Sounds by the River.

Staying in Mannum, scored two rooms in the Mannum Hotel so when TLE are finished I can head back there and choose to or not to listen to Reyne and H&C.
Yep, same. Was going to do the Seppeltsfield one but that's on a Sunday.
by cracka
Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:20 pm
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Re: Southern Football League

U know so much about what the players want.

Look how wonderfully youve just portrayed your off field ego

As long as youre excellent right?

Put your players first for a change, and if you had any intelligence youd recognize that exactly what im doing

Wanting fairness victory and joy on a saturday afternoon for men who put their body on the line for the club

Enjoy another miserable Saturday night at the club with all coaches have to front members trying to justify another thrashing cos no one has the balls to put the players first.

But hey 300 a game to get thrashed who cares right....sign me up.

Again I guarantee I'm.closer to every aspect of AFC than you ever have been, I'm close to the players and they have expressed what they want. They have their say and if AFC went to ammos most of the A grade players would leave the club.

How many players have you spoken to this week? Did I see you at training last night? Again in ask when was the last time you were at the club, at a game or at pressos? You portray that your a supporter and want what's best for the players yet won't answer what level of support you offer to the players you claim to care about? You questioned my role and time put in for the club, I responded and if that comes across as egotistical then so be it.

See you at the game tomorrow Marbles? Or will you be refreshing your feed all day?
I believe Marbles is from the Henley Football Club & has been trolling the SFL forum for years.
by cracka
Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:01 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Corona Man wrote:Carey in rare form this morning!

Love waking up to this comment. Now to do some searching of SA footy for some Sunday morning entertainment
by cracka
Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:36 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Carey on a mid week night out
by cracka
Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:22 am
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Re: 2019 Silly Season

Sam McLure “ I believe Jay Clarke that something had happened between Carlton and Wines management, Journos don’t make stories up “

:shock: :shock:

What world does he live in?

In fairness during my time in the journalism industry it is extremely rare a journalist purely makes something up from scratch.

Do they take the word and print stories from known poor sources............absolutely. Do they always double check their chance.
It could be along the lines of Jay Clarke asked someone (maybe even the receptionist at the front desk) at Carlton "would you try & get Ollie Wines if he ever became available"
by cracka
Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:40 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

CFS volunteers.
by cracka
Sat Dec 21, 2019 7:34 pm
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Re: Soooooo, how's this weather?

Friends sister has lost everything in Gumeracha.

Got a mate at Woodside who had to leave, he's not sure how his place fared.
Where abouts in Woodside. I'm in the Jacaranda/Saint Marks estate. A couple of properties on the edge of this estate lost sheds but fortunately no houses lost. Pretty sure all houses in the town are ok. Saw 2 houses up on Ridge Road burnt out & a couple on the main road towards Lobethal.

We live on the top/paddock side of Grevillea Way Cracka and were awfully lucky. Fire reached and made a bit of a mess of our fence but didn't make it into the yard. My parents also live in the estate now and (stubbornly) stayed behind, so to be on the phone to them while they stood in the street trying to explain what was going on was quite terrifying. (
How long have you lived there. We built our 1st house on Gardenia Dr in 97, moved out to the corner of Gallas & Tiers rd in 07, then back into Saint Marks in 2014. Wife's sister is on the corner of Jacaranda & Gardenia, her mother is in Honeysuckle & her cousin was one of the places that lost a shed on Jacaranda.
photo is of our Gardenia Dr house from the week I moved in which shows the view towards Ridge Road before Grevillia Way was built.
by cracka
Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:31 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Jimmy_041 wrote:The hysteria from LWNJs is hysterical

Damned if you do, damned if you dont
by cracka
Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:26 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

It is, its unfortunate. But the PM hasn't handled the issue at all well.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
I don't agree with the people blaming him for these fires but he has totally stuffed up in the handling of it.

One thing I hate is hypocrisy, in 09 when the black Saturday fires went through Victoria he was the 1st to bag the lady (can't remember her name) for going to a pub for dinner during that crisis, then during the height of the current crisis he goes to Hawaii.

Not getting the planes currently sitting idle in Canada or wherever is just crazy. We should be leasing the entire fleet (or maybe go halves in the fleet), keep them in Australia for 6 months of the year & leave them in the northern hemisphere for 6 months of the year. I'm sure we used to do it with the helicopters
by cracka
Sun Jan 05, 2020 8:09 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Im not a political person, it does my head in TBH.

I actually really like Albo and wouldn't be unhappy to see him given a go.
Not a Labor supporter myself but he seems half decent and his willingness to take it up to the Union trash earns him points IMO.
I'm sh!t at predicting how good someone will be as a PM. Voted for Kevin07 coz he impressed me, felt he was quite down to earth. Thought Julia would be good as our 1st female PM. When Shorten was overseeing the Beaconsfield mine collapse I thought he would make a good pollie. Thought Turnbull would be good also as he was a left leaning Liberal.
The problem I have with both major parties is they have factions fighting amongst themselves & undermining their own non preferred leaders.
by cracka
Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:37 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Getting tickets in Ports One restaurant at Adelaide oval for the Port v Crows T20 bushfire fundraiser game. 4 hour food & drinks package. F*** the weight loss.
by cracka
Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:52 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

The word is McKenzie will announce her resignation by tomorrow. That's what I am hearing as well. Turns out there may be a line, but my word the public need to patrol that line pretty bloody well because they don't mind crossing it and only seem to care if we care.
What pisses me off is she'll still claim she did nothing wrong but is resigning for the good of the party & that will be the end of it. These c**** need to start being held accountable & criminally charged for their actions. Until then these rorts will continue
by cracka
Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:10 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

So older Junior Jase has been talking up how.much bigger, stronger and faster he is than me these days and he was needling me so much that Australia Day we had a sprint from one end of the.local oval to the other...

Now he's a couple of inches taller than me and he's a wirey BUGGER so he's got me in the strength area as well but there is no way he's faster than me...

Mrs Jase just shook her head and we started the race... Junior was a yard ahead of me after 50m but I hadn't tuned the jets on, hit the gas and bang bang, both Hammies have near exploded...

Mrs Jase looked at me, rounded up the kids and walked home...

I had to shuffle the 600m home, Mrs did come.and pick me up half way home, gave me the frozen peas and then just quietly sniggered as she messaged her friends about he idiot husband...

This is me yesterday...

Stupid old age... :)
Can feel your frustration. On Saturday the family did the foam fest fun run. I tried to race my son on one of the slides & just as I've dived onto it I've slipped & torn my hammy. Bad news is its a high grade tear & couldn't finish the rest of the course, good news is I beat him to the bottom of the slide. Gotta stop trying to compete with him considering he's 18, solidly built & a fully qualified PT.
by cracka
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:20 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

We have had mandatory testing for years and it works fine, I can’t believe more businesses don’t do it.

Because it's expensive, dehumanising and pointless for most.
Being a truck driver we regularly get drug & alcohol tested. I've never felt dehumanised. I'd actually prefer more testing for drivers.
by cracka
Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:13 am
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Re: AFL 2020 Season

Some perspective perhaps.
Tottenham Hotspur have stood down 550 staff.
They only have 11 on the pitch, so that's 50 staff per player wtf? You are miles off.
They have a squad of 25 for their main team but then they have reserve and academy sides, women’s teams etc.
They have hundreds of players on their books and are a big business hence the amount of staff.
Their “training” base is over 80 acres and has 20 soccer pitches with rehab facilities, gyms, pool, spas and housing for over a hundred players. They would have well over 300 office staff alone and on match day they would employ over 1000 staff for each home game so obviously no games no work.
Yeah yeah I know all that, but ultimately they only have 11 on the pitch.
My point is the gravy train for elite sport is out of control.
Mourinho is on $600k.....a week!
by cracka
Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:27 am
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Re: I need to know....

My son bought his 1st car today, now feeling really old...anyway what have others done as far as insurance goes for kids?

We have just done 3rd party at the moment, car is only just under $4k, would cost over $1k pa for full comprehensive insurance, I cant see the value in doing that. We are going to get him to save the difference (about $50 pm) to self insure to a degree.

Same. Both their first cars 3rd party.

We matched them $ for $ to a nominal amount, so the harder they saved the better ride they got .

They both had sound cars for first cars, once they got sold they were on their own.

Both have cars around the $7k value now, both have full comp but pay it themselves. Both under 25.
That's exactly what we did.
21 year old Daughter now has my old 2010 XR6 Falcon & a GQ patrol
19 year old son has a troopy he's fitting out for traveling.
by cracka
Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:53 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Yeah, not too far off
by cracka
Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:12 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Lightning McQueen wrote:
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:now he has to place a few strategically placed holes in the fence to see through whilst enjoying the entertainment area :D

My gutters will be clean :lol:

Every weekend :D
by cracka
Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:59 pm
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Re: New Footy Season Format Options for 2020

amber_fluid wrote:
Brodlach wrote:Encouraging news


The news about the footy or the tits?

Gotta admit. More interested in the 2nd of those stories :D
by cracka
Sat May 02, 2020 7:56 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Jimmy Jefferies what a liar a PURVEYOR of FAKE NEWS LOL.


Avi is a wife-beating piece of shit . And Tommy Robinson is a neo nazi. This speaks volumes of you.
Apparently this is ok if you are of good character

Did you seriously just whataboutism domestic violence?
Just dont like hypocrisy
by cracka
Fri May 22, 2020 7:21 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Jimmy Jefferies what a liar a PURVEYOR of FAKE NEWS LOL.


Avi is a wife-beating piece of shit . And Tommy Robinson is a neo nazi. This speaks volumes of you.
Apparently this is ok if you are of good character

Did you seriously just whataboutism domestic violence?
Just googled that & its exactly what you did to apachebulldog. Talk about hypocrisy
by cracka
Fri May 22, 2020 7:28 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I don't care about his argument and I'm not responding to his argument, I'm pointing out that using a wife-beating, neo-nazi apologist's video on a neo-nazi website speaks volumes of the person platforming that source.
And I'm pointing out that you're a massive hypocrite. You've posted many times about the reference letters that people wrote for George Pell but nothing about SHY writing a reference letter for someone who pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife.
Funny thing is, I'm a Jim Jeffries fan but have a total dislike for Avi Yemeni & Tommy Robinsons policies.

Do you have a brain injury?
I did when I was 16. Pretty bad one too. Got run over racing motocross & was severely concussed.
by cracka
Fri May 22, 2020 9:58 pm
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Re: Port Adelaide 2020

I hate Port as much as the next bloke but the whole Guernsey fiasco from Collingwood is a joke.

If Man United and Liverpool can both wear red tops and become two of the biggest superpowers in global sports marketing history im sure Collingwood and Port can survive.

If anything it would probably just add fuel to their rivalry and be a great marketing tool for Collingwood to raise home attendance against a traditional smaller attending club. Different circumstances. Port elected to join a comp that already had a black and white team. If Norwood chose to join the AFL I wouldn’t have an issue with Melbourne telling us to GAGF either.
Any new team joining the AFL has to come up with new colours
Crows joined with the same colours as Fitzroy
by cracka
Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:32 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

I agree that while the $40K grant for building a new home may be useful the $25K for a minumum $150K reno is pointless and unnecesary.
As a member, I have written to the party to say so...

I need to write more letters instead of wasting my time on here :D
Many of us on here would agree with you on that :D
by cracka
Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:18 pm
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Re: Cancel Culture

They've now removed the Fawlty Towers ep where Basil does the goose step...that's the last straw

Yep, "Don't mention the war" episode pulled from streaming services as the old Major uses the term "wog" and it's been deemed offensive by 2020.

F*ck 2020.
Kingswood Country's f***ed then
by cracka
Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:09 pm
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Re: Cancel Culture

I just watched a video on my Facebook feed (a small clip from an episode of 2 1/2 Men) & at the end of it there was this
by cracka
Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:27 pm
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Re: Cancel Culture


You have exposed yourself as a true lefty . Are a you member of ANTIFA Socialist Alliance or what ?????????

Shitty and redundant comedy of a by gone era says it all in the statement.

That is ya problem.

At some future time you will also end up shitty and redundan t

The masses love their comedies films music art books history etc etc of a bygone era.

Your belief in left leaning ideology will not stop the populace from free thinking and opinions. [-X [-X

I see it now - the world progressed and you did not. Yes, the world passed you by and now you are sad, lonely, lost and bitter. Not everyone makes that mistake though and you are a good reminder for us all. This is a disappointing response from you Q towards Apache, you labelled him and "ilk" straight up and have played the man.

I'm sure he didn't directly have a hand in the Rio Tinto cave disaster.

He clearly looks at the world differently and this has come from his experience overtime. Perhaps the question you should be asking him is why his views changed.

I would then also pose the question, why is anything that is right of the far left considered extreme right wing?

The reason I ask this is that there is a large group that would consider themselves Central or left central that branded as right wing extremists. Yeah sure there are plenty actual right wing extremes out there but when you simple put someone who thinks cancelling paw patrol and fault towers in that basket, it only creates a greater divide.

Surely that's not the goal?
2 good points that are the biggest worry for me. I'm feeling the divide is getting worse for those of us in the middle.
Steelers Wheel said it best "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right"
by cracka
Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:41 am
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Re: Have the Adelaide Crows imploded??

Did someone say KFC :?
by cracka
Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:13 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Half of this should be in the things that make you sad thread but I rate my son taking up footy again. Hasn't been allowed to because of his mountain bike contract but he decided to wind that up lat week. Sad he won't be on the Pirate Life team any more but can now at least do both sports. He's been to 2 trainings & just got a text that he's playing tomorrow.
by cracka
Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:44 pm
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