Jim05 wrote:whufc wrote:bennymacca wrote:Everybody knew he was on the recruit. In sure centrals knew this was at least a possibility
My understanding is he wasn't guarenteed to be on the recruit until after Centrals had signed him and in the initial concept when he was told he was involved in the show, the recruit winner was guarenteed a rookie contract on Sydney's list, not potentially a rival clubs list
Believe this is the case. Originally didnt want to be on the Recruit and signed at Centrals.
Even after he made the cut for the top 50 he was still not convinced and Voss had to ring him and convince him he had plenty of talent and could win the comp
That is 100% the case and even if he did go on the recruit worse case was he was to be recruited to Sydney via the show and any of Centrals rival clubs would have had to follow due process.