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Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:21 pm
by woodublieve12
HH3 wrote:
woodublieve12 wrote:
HH3 wrote:Do you have a PS4 yet?

I'd be keen to give you game of baseball.

I played one online game and the mercy rule ended the game in the other guys favour in the 5th innings. One player ever since :lol:

nah mate, no ps4 yet :(

i've played online once or twice and like you got smashed, didn't help it was pretty glitchy...

MLB 15s not glitchy online. There were a couple of instances of lag, but not during the actually pitching and hitting. It was in between. I think it has a delay between animations on each end, so if there is lag, it doesnt effect the power bar for the pitcher, or the movement of the ball for the batter.

Works pretty well. Im just shit at hitting.

sorry lag... my bad..

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:33 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
Where has everyone gone

this section was busy all day long.

It was a full time job keeping up with it all

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:36 pm
by Lightning McQueen
I had to finish knitting my cardigan.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:42 pm
by westozfalcon
Why people will queue for half an hour or more at a service station to take advantage of cheap or should I say 'less expensive' fuel.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:42 pm
by HH3
westozfalcon wrote:Why people will queue for half an hour or more at a service station to take advantage of cheap or should I say 'less expensive' fuel.

Costco/Shell at Kilburn?

That place is retarded!

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:38 am
by Footy Chick
I've never waited for more than 2 minutes at Costco.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:41 am
by Failed Creation
I've never waited for than 10 minutes at Shell there.

I wouldn't complain either; It's 20c per litre cheaper than most places around, and I can use my 4c per litre Coles docket, as well as my staff discount.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:56 pm
by westozfalcon
HH3 wrote:
westozfalcon wrote:Why people will queue for half an hour or more at a service station to take advantage of cheap or should I say 'less expensive' fuel.

Costco/Shell at Kilburn?

That place is retarded!

Sounds like a shocker.

I'm not sure about Adelaide, but here in Perth the fuel stations play games where on Tuesdays and Wednesdays they drop the price by 15 to 20c a litre.......because they can.

I deliberately fill up on days I know the station will be quiet like a Friday or Saturday night. Better off paying $5 more a tank than undergoing the tedium of a 30-minute wait.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:40 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
Bump this up for the post about krispy kremes in Salisbury in the laugh thread

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:02 pm
by Magellan
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:Bump this up for the post about krispy kremes in Salisbury in the laugh thread

A-ha! So this thread does exist! Thanks MT79.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:12 am
by Lightning McQueen
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:Bump this up for the post about krispy kremes in Salisbury in the laugh thread

At Bolivar of all places, a lovely scent floating through the air as you're devouring your cream buns!

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 9:12 am
by GWW
A neighbour using their chain saw & lawn mower around 10.30 last night.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 9:37 am
by Lightning McQueen
GWW wrote:A neighbour using their chain saw & lawn mower around 10.30 last night.

Is his name Jason?

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 10:00 am
by MW
GWW wrote:A neighbour using their chain saw & lawn mower around 10.30 last night.

Probably best not to understand that one...

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 10:18 am
by Spargo
GWW wrote:A neighbour using their chain saw & lawn mower around 10.30 last night.

Had the same problem a couple of years ago with a bloke 2-3 houses over. He’d crank up his circular saw / angle grinder no earlier than 9:30pm.
My kids weren’t even school age & my alarm for work goes off at 3:15am. After the second night I rang the police - never heard him again.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 10:49 am
by Lightning McQueen
Spargo wrote:
Had the same problem a couple of years ago with a bloke 2-3 houses over. He’d crank up his circular saw / angle grinder no earlier than 9:30pm.
My kids weren’t even school age & my alarm for work goes off at 3:15am. After the second night I rang the police - never heard him again.

December 23 2017: We finished up at work at noon on the 22nd, I had box tickets for the BBL and had some time to kill so I went to the pub and waited for the missus to finish work.
They went down a little too easily so when we got home and while waiting for the missus to get ready I downed a few more.
Roll on the corporate box where there wasn't a moment that I didn't have a beer or cc's in one hand, and a red in the other.

Around 6:45am on the Saturday morning, hungover to the max, awaiting the onslaught I was going to cop for messing up the night before, the dude across the road starts his whipper snipper, then mower then leaf blower, I had to just lay there and pretend I was sleeping through it hoping the wife would get up to go shopping soon.

I used to get along with him really well and often helped him unload his trailer and ute, he made the mistake of asking me after I'd had a few one afternoon if he'd pissed me off, I let him know then, we don't talk or wave anymore.

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:08 pm
by Brodlach
New Years Day, bloke across the road mows, edges and blower vacs at 6:50am.


Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:25 pm
by bennymacca
Surely 9am is about the earliest you should be doing that

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:42 pm
by Pseudo
bennymacca wrote:Surely 9am is about the earliest you should be doing that

Legally, 8 am.

But to be considerate to your neighbours - particularly when said neighbour's house wall is within a few metres of where you want to hoover the leaves from your precious brickwork - then 9 AM or later, certainly. Or use a broom.

And when said neighbour bangs on your fence to get your attention and politely asks you to defer using your 2-stroke motor driven noisemaker until a more reasonable hour, then the correct response is to apologise and comply. To argue the point, to insist that you Simply Must Do The Job before the organics collection truck comes past, to feign surprise when being told that it is not yet 8 AM - and particularly to start the f*cking thing up again not two minutes after your neighbour returns to his house - is to mark yourself as an inconsiderate dickhead.

Why yes, I have had issues with neighbours before, why do you ask?

Re: Things that you don't understand

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:51 pm
by am Bays
Pseudo wrote:
bennymacca wrote:Surely 9am is about the earliest you should be doing that

And when said neighbour bangs on your fence to get your attention and politely asks you to defer using your 2-stroke motor driven noisemaker until a more reasonable hour, then the correct response is to apologise and comply. To argue the point, to insist that you Simply Must Do The Job before the organics collection truck comes past, to feign surprise when being told that it is not yet 8 AM - and particularly to start the f*cking thing up again not two minutes after your neighbour returns to his house - is to mark yourself as an inconsiderate dickhead.

Why yes, I have had issues with neighbours before, why do you ask?

8) ;)