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PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:00 pm
by JK
Anyone tried any of their products or plans? Missus and I are currently doing a 30 day cleanse, and things seem to be going fairly well to start with. That said, getting off the grog and restricting calories is generally going to tend toward weight loss, but thats not really the goal, it's more just to try and feel healthier, which I must admit does seem to be the case and I do feel as though I have a bit more energy.

Still got a fair way to go with it, so will be interesting to see if we can stick with it properly and how we feel, look, weigh and measure up by the end of it.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:08 pm
by Q.
Most of these cleanse/detox programs are a scam.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:41 pm
by JK
Yeah I understand the network marketing/pyramid aspect of the system, but that doesn't faze me as I've no interest In trying to make a buck out of it, and I don't necessarily think it means the product is or isn't any good.

If this 30 day program does nothing more than help me keep off the grog for a month I reckon I'll be in front anyway, and I'll just go back to a higher protein based diet that worked really well for me previously.

Just thought before I could discuss it rationally with others I know I should probably give it a crack and try and form some opinions of my own.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:17 am
by mighty_tiger_79
how many days into the detox are you now?


PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:07 pm
by Q.
Personally I don't think it will provide any advantage over a standard calorie restriction diet, however, if it is the impetus for dietary discipline then maybe it is worth the dough.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:28 pm
by bennymacca
As above, anything with the word "cleanse" or "detox" is utter rubbish, but if it isn't going to specifically hurt you and it provides you with a motivation for calorie restriction then it could be worth it.

I have thought about doing Atkins myself for that reason. Not as a long term thing, but just as a kick start


PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:22 pm
by JK
Q. wrote:Personally I don't think it will provide any advantage over a standard calorie restriction diet, however, if it is the impetus for dietary discipline then maybe it is worth the dough.

I think you're probably right .. I have noticed a couple of health benefits which I haven't experienced previously with a standard clean-eating, higher protein lower carb plan.

Day 9 MT. Weight loss has stopped which is good otherwise I was going to have to can it, will go for measurements at the 2 week mark and see if there's change (although Im confident there is).

As for the $$ part, you pretty much make it all back on the less meals that need to be forked out for, so that's not a concern imo.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:25 pm
by JK
bennymacca wrote:As above, anything with the word "cleanse" or "detox" is utter rubbish, but if it isn't going to specifically hurt you and it provides you with a motivation for calorie restriction then it could be worth it.

I have thought about doing Atkins myself for that reason. Not as a long term thing, but just as a kick start

One of my mates did that and shed a heap, but developed trouble with his Kidney or Liver (can't remember which, it was yonks ago).


PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:39 am
by mal
About day 2 or 3 onwards you MIGHT feel sluggish ?
Toxins leaving the body

Goodonya for trying


PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:45 am
by JK
Nah mate, I've surprisingly had more energy/alertness than usual.

Is worth a crack mate .. Business end of the footy season after this month, then Spring carny, then Chrissy basically .. Seemed the only/best time for some preventative maintenance before festive occasions and the excesses that come with them


PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:23 am
by fisho mcspaz
My cousin has been doing Isagenix - she said she's lost 17kg so far. Fair effort!!


PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:28 am
by JK
fisho mcspaz wrote:My cousin has been doing Isagenix - she said she's lost 17kg so far. Fair effort!!

Yeah there's some good results out there, although I'm still skeptical that the same results couldn't be achieved through sensible planned diet and exercise. For people who struggle with that planning and preparation I can see why this program helps them though. I'm keen to get a blood test near the end, because my reason for trying was more to see if health benefits exist rather than weight loss.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:51 pm
by whufc
As others have said if its the motivator for someone to start a lifestyle change then it's worth dough

Personally I just believe in a high protein/low carb diet, exercise 3 times a week for half an hour a time and put in for those 30 minutes.

You will get results simple.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:54 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
JK wrote:
fisho mcspaz wrote:My cousin has been doing Isagenix - she said she's lost 17kg so far. Fair effort!!

Yeah there's some good results out there, although I'm still skeptical that the same results couldn't be achieved through sensible planned diet and exercise. For people who struggle with that planning and preparation I can see why this program helps them though. I'm keen to get a blood test near the end, because my reason for trying was more to see if health benefits exist rather than weight loss.

just in regards to planning and preparing meals etc

we shop at the central markets for most of our food, the quality is so much better.

but I recently purchased a cryovac machine and it is brilliant

we organise our vegies and then cryovac them so when it comes to cooking all the prep work has been done!

a little off topic, but a suggestion I thought worth sharing


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:05 pm
by bennymacca
another suggestion - i have just got back into the gym after a fairly long layoff (even though i was paying for it still haha) and i tried the virtual spin class thingy they have.

even after 30 minutes, i have never sweated so much in my life. looked like i was lactating with all the sweat on my man boobs haha.

pretty sure if i stick with that it will be better than any sort of suppliment.


PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:17 am
by JK
whufc wrote:As others have said if its the motivator for someone to start a lifestyle change then it's worth dough

Personally I just believe in a high protein/low carb diet, exercise 3 times a week for half an hour a time and put in for those 30 minutes.

You will get results simple.

I agree with you mate, i did one of those 12 week challenges prior to getting married 5 years ago, just to try and trim up the love handles and add some muscle to a pretty scrawny frame. Lost 6kgs of fat, added and lost centimeters in the right places, and all through exercise and eating as you've suggested. Only gave up the grog for the first two weeks too. That process really opened my eyes as to how easy it can be to do. The real key to it as I'm sure it is with most regimes .. Preparation! Without it ya can find yourself sneaking off to Subway or the like for lunch, or eating poor snacks.

Protein shakes, eggs, tuna sandwiches and steak and veg for tea means you really don't miss out on tasty foods either!


PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:04 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
my homebrew is to delicious to give up


PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:21 pm
by MW
Isnt this isagenix basically a meal replacement? I think any of these things will make you lose weight because you are not having as many calories as you would with a normal diet. BUT once you go back to "normal" eating, it will come back.

IMO nothing beats a balanced diet and exercise routine. The benefit of the exercise is you can still eat well :)


PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:02 pm
by kickinit
I've actually seen some reviews on this recently. After a bit of looking around I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone. You only have to have a look at the ingredients list to realise that this product is a waste of money.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:43 am
by JK
MW wrote:Isnt this isagenix basically a meal replacement? I think any of these things will make you lose weight because you are not having as many calories as you would with a normal diet. BUT once you go back to "normal" eating, it will come back.

IMO nothing beats a balanced diet and exercise routine. The benefit of the exercise is you can still eat well :)

In the main I think you're right. The ISAGENIX program definitely worked for me, even though I cheated a bit with the eating it had a marked effect. 2 meal replacements a day, 1 normal meal (no more than 600 calories) plus snacks, it's certainly doable without starving. The company defends their ingredients pretty ardently, but of course its a multi-billion dollar business for them so it wouldn't be a balanced view. I recommended it to one mate and he's lost a shedload, but I haven't found my way back to it.