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Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:44 pm
by Dutchy
Moe wrote:
Pseudo wrote:
Moe wrote:Lowlights
Had Vasectomy, & it DOES hurt.

I have a reference from my GP to a urologist for this purpose. It is currently pinned to the fridge with a magnet. Reading comments like the above does nothing to motivate me to go through with it...

If your Uroligist is out at North Adelaide, good luck!
On the upside, the missus treated me like gold for a week.

Booney wrote:Get it done, well worth the effort.Best part is Mrs.Boon no longer has to take hormone-changing baby bullets which cause who knows what sort of damage. * Insert Psyber link to medical journal here*

I did have some discomfort for a few days, but nothing more than that. Ask for a gereral anaesthetic, not just a local or an amnaesiac.

When returning samples for results in sperm count I had the people in the Doctors Surgery calling me a stallion, 9 months after the procedure I was still "active" , most people are clear in 3-4 months at most. It's not like I wasn't putting in the effort either. :lol:

Felch wrote:Same here, scares the sh!t out of me too ! :-ss

Pseudo wrote:
Booney wrote:
Pottsy wrote:Get a bloke that has done plenty, not a hospital chop job. Cost me $100 with Medicare only, got a specialist that had done over 2000 of them. And get a local, not general. They have to take it easy then!

Then, get the whisky and codeine ready, and spend a couple of days on the couch...just be sure to let the kids know not to run in to the room and jump on you...owwwww...

Local? So you can feel whats happening? Uhuh, no way. An amnaesiac is the way to go, somewhere between out and not out.

General anaesthesia is for wimps. I'll willingly submit to a local. With any luck they'll even prop up a mirror so I can watch the whole thing.

Medical procedure fascinates me. Pain, however, does not. The prospect of a needle being shoved deep into my taint is more than daunting.

This is almost worthy of its own thread. Any mods want to "snip" the vasectomy posts into their own thread?

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:59 pm
by Pseudo
Good work Dutchman.

Anyone else with a horror story that will encourage me to keep my referral stuck to the fridge - let's hear it!

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:06 pm
by Dutchy
Ill have to face this sooner rather than later, I only found out last week that you dont get knocked out for it :shock: never knew that

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:08 pm
by wycbloods
I worked with a bloke who come back to work after his appointment. He was in a little discomfort but seemed alright.

I will get it done one day, i don't want to end up with anymore twins but at 25 i feel i am too young to do it just yet.

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:13 pm
by westcoastpanther
Either differing experiences or some poor facts here.

Had mine done about 6 months ago. Along with a line of about 6 other blokes and we all got knocked completely out, didn't know a thing about it.

Home that afternoon and slept for most of it, result of the general op only I think.

Had tiny amount of bruising on the sack and that was it. Coached footy the next day, pacing the boundary and went out that night till 4am.


Like Boon though, sent test off only last week and still active, neeeeey!!!

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:16 pm
by Booney
Dutchy wrote:Ill have to face this sooner rather than later, I only found out last week that you dont get knocked out for it :shock: never knew that

Depends who you see and what you ask for. I told my Doctor to knock me out. You head off into never never land and as WCP said, bit sleepy for the rest of the day, a bit sore for a few days than good to go.

Just a matter of how long you wait before you get "back on the bike". I was about 1 week from memory, a few moments of hesitation at one point in time but all was good.

I was only 27 when I had it done but being married, having 2 kids I was happy to have it done.

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:25 pm
by Wedgie
Only 2 blokes I've talked about it says it has had a negative effect on them. Even though my survey had a 100% bad result I wouldn't even risk it if it was 1%. Just my personal opinion.
/end seriousness

How exactly do you guys submit results? Wank in an envelope? :lol:

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:28 pm
by Moe
Wedgie wrote:Only 2 blokes I've talked about it says it has had a negative effect on them. Even though my survey had a 100% bad result I wouldn't even risk it if it was 1%. Just my personal opinion.
/end seriousness

How exactly do you guys submit results? Wank in an envelope? :lol:

A thimble did me!

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:29 pm
by Booney
Wedgie wrote:Only 2 blokes I've talked about it says it has had a negative effect on them. Even though my survey had a 100% bad result I wouldn't even risk it if it was 1%. Just my personal opinion.
/end seriousness

How exactly do you guys submit results? Wank in an envelope? :lol:

Nup, a jar. Then 'hand' deliver.

When you say negative, how so? Not in a performance matter as there are no side effects.

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:14 pm
by mick
I had two (first failed) 16 years ago, it does hurt. I had it done with a local, a general carries a risk of death (very slight) it was done by a specialist in North Adelaide in his rooms. I caught the bus home afterwards. I was happy I had it done, never regretted it.

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:52 pm
by Jimmy_041
Wedgie wrote:Only 2 blokes I've talked about it says it has had a negative effect on them. Even though my survey had a 100% bad result I wouldn't even risk it if it was 1%. Just my personal opinion.
/end seriousness

How exactly do you guys submit results? Wank in an envelope? :lol:

10 years and still no extra kids - I probably dont need a test anymore

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:12 pm
by smac
I'm sure they're attached with rubber bands because when they snipped they belted up to my earholes like that slingshot ride at the show! Once that was over with, no drama.

Wedgie, I belive you can submit results via the internet now. Just be sure to wipe the keyboard afterwards.

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:02 pm
by Jimmy_041
:lol: :lol:

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:11 pm
by dedja
I got neutered 8 years ago after my 3rd daughter was born ... Local and back in the saddle after 2 days, which pissed the missus off because she thought she'd be safe for much longer.

Apart from black and blue nuts for a week, no other side effects.

The worst bit was shaving down before hand ... My surgeon insisted that I turn up in the chair smooth as. Not the easiest job in the world to shave wrinkly skin that stretches for miles.

When my surgeon told me how many goes before the pipes would clear, I explained to him that on current rates that it would take 5 years. So he promptly wrote a note for my missus to put out more frequently on medical grounds.

Finally, on the question regarding proving a sample, that job was given to the missus.

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:18 pm
by Pseudo
mick wrote:I had two (first failed)

How did you find out the first one failed? Not by the pitter-patter of little feet?

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:28 pm
by Jimmy_041
Got a mate in London

Got married a 2nd time

She wanted kids

He had a reversal

It got infected :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:10 pm
by godoubleblues
I had mine about 10 years ago, went under general, no probs up to now
I was in the army back then and all you tax payers paid for it ;)

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:42 am
by mick
Pseudo wrote:
mick wrote:I had two (first failed)

How did you find out the first one failed? Not by the pitter-patter of little feet?

No accidents, but there were still a substantial number of tadpoles after about 8 months :( but I do know someone who found out the hard way. Good bloke he didn't sue!

Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:29 am
by Felch
dedja wrote:I got neutered 8 years ago after my 3rd daughter was born ... Local and back in the saddle after 2 days, which pissed the missus off because she thought she'd be safe for much longer.

Apart from black and blue nuts for a week, no other side effects.

The worst bit was shaving down before hand ... My surgeon insisted that I turn up in the chair smooth as. Not the easiest job in the world to shave wrinkly skin that stretches for miles.
When my surgeon told me how many goes before the pipes would clear, I explained to him that on current rates that it would take 5 years. So he promptly wrote a note for my missus to put out more frequently on medical grounds.

Finally, on the question regarding proving a sample, that job was given to the missus.


Re: Vasectomy - Guide for dummies

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:13 am
by Lightning McQueen
Mine wasn't a smooth encounter, then again I had it at the Lyell McEwin.
After having some needles to numb the area I got wheeled into a room that was about 2 degrees with a half a dozen young nurses in there to watch me shrivvle.
The surgeon began to make an incision and I jumped, "I can't perform the surgery if you move" he said.
"I can't not move if I feel you cutting into my balls mate" I replied
"You shouldn't be able to feel a thing"
"Well I can, you have a finger touching my thigh about 5cm below my scrotum"
"Oh, more anaesthetic thanks nurse"

Five minutes later he's hacking away like he was trimming a grape vine, I felt absolutely everything, I was grimacing and trying to tell him but he just kept going on, I just put up with it hoping it wouldn't take too long.
When I got back to the recovery room the nurse told me to make a complaint to the hospital as he acted very unprofessional and was extremely rude.
I was so p!ssed off I just wanted to get out of there, after a couple of one hour checks and a lot of pleading to leave, they let me go home.
I got up to go for a leak and when I pulled my jocks down, there was a stitch in them, I had an inspection and there was a whopping hole where it had come from underneath my lovestick. I rang the hospital and they told me to go back in to get it fixed, I decided against this and went to my GP who gave me some advice to get through without infection, he was mortified when he seen the work done.
In the end I got through without infection or any major swelling, the haggats didn't cause me too much grief, it was only the shoddy stitching that hurt and kept me from normal activities.
Test drove it after about 5 days and it worked fine, I still took the next couple of days off work to get me through to the weekend for precautionary measures.