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Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:44 pm
Tom HenninTom Henning Ovrebo receives death threats after Chelsea-Barcelona draw
By staff writers
May 08, 2009 Norwegian referee Tom Henning Ovrebo has received death threats following the controversial Chelsea-Barcelona UEFA Champions League match at Stamford Bridge on Thursday morning.

Police in Ovrebo's home city of Oslo have revealed that they are investigating death threats issued via the internet against the 42-year-old, who was the target of an angry outburst from Chelsea players at the end of the match.

"We are watching closely what is being posted on the internet," an Oslo police spokesperson said.

"Anything we believe would threaten his personal safety will be taken seriously."

Large crowds of media have descended on Ovrebo’s Oslo home as they wait for his return. Ovrebo was given a police escort and smuggled out of the London after the match, and he is likely to need similar protection when he arrives in Norway.

Chelsea condemned the death threats on their website, the club saying it would take "the strongest action" against season ticket holders or members who had been involved in threats towards Ovrebo.

Chelsea striker Didier Drogba, who was at the centre of the Blues players’ angry outburst towards Ovrebo, has also issued an apology on the club's website.

Drogba faces potentially severe sanctions from UEFA over his conduct, which was aggravated by him screaming into a television camera that the official had been a "f---ing disgrace", forcing broadcasters to apologise to viewers watching the match live.

"I was very upset at what happened during the game, but having seen the pictures on TV I accept that I overreacted," Drogba said in a statement.

"I also accept that the language I used did not set a good example for those watching at home, especially children.

"I regret that in the heat of the moment I let out my incredible frustration and disappointment in this way, and for that I apologise."

The Spanish press, meanwhile, steered away from the refereeing controversy, saying that Barcelona deserved to progress to the final against Manchester United and that the result was thanks to "divine intervention".

Even AS, a pro-Real Madrid newspaper, declared "the best team went through" and that "Barcelona's footballing philosophy deserved it".

Spanish sports newspaper Marca lauded Andres Iniesta's injury-time goal, describing the midfielder as "the hero of London".

Marca even took aim at Chelsea coach Guus Hiddink, saying the result was payback for when Hiddink's South Korea team controversially ousted Spain at the 2002 World Cup.

"Hiddink has forgotten his' friends' in Korea" the headline read.

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Font size: Increase font size Decrease font size Send this article: Print this article Email this articleg recieving death threats after his poor performance in the Chelsea Barca match.

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:37 pm
by Dirko
Gutless pricks, they should be targeting Drogba & Ballack for being such girls :twisted:

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:51 pm
by gadj1976
Agree Jabber.

Sad state of affairs when players can get away with antics like they put on, without proper retribution from anyone. Fans will only get more outraged and carried away when they see their hero's go on like peanuts. Poor form IMO.

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:11 pm
Shit could you imagine if that happened in the AFL players would get a bloody life ban.

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:58 am
by johntheclaret
Agreed. the old saying "Bigger than the game" springs to mind.

Sure the ref was a pile of shite. no doubt hand picked by Platini.

But that kind of behaviour is just not acceptable.

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:10 pm
by dinglinga
everyone forgets the penalty barca should have been given in the first leg

oh well sucked in chelsea......

suppose u can buy a team of superstar

yet u cant buy a title

and u cant buy the ref

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:21 pm
by johntheclaret
dinglinga wrote:everyone forgets the penalty barca should have been given in the first leg

oh well sucked in chelsea......

suppose u can buy a team of superstar

yet u cant buy a title

and u cant buy the ref

The ref was already bought and paid for by Platini Dinga. UEAFA even held a meeting of ref's prior to this game and showed clips of Drogba, so he was already pre-programmed before the kick off. Platini does not like the English, has done everything he can keep the EPL sides out of Europe and made sure that there wasn't going to be another all EPL final this year.

He wanted to change the rules about foreign players, but pulled back when the rest of the European leagues complained about the effect the changes would have on them.

He wanted to change the way the draw is made, so the EPL sides would be drawn together. The guy is an arsehole.

As for the title, well they clearly did buy it, just like b4st4rds bought it in 1995, and Man U have been buying ever since. Money buys the best players, and they win titles.

Until we have some sort of salary cap like the AFL, then the soccer leagues are always going to be dominated by the big rich city clubs. Man U, Ckavski, Barc, Real Madrid, Milan, Juve etc etc etc

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:50 pm
by dinglinga
while i hate man u ... they at least they play english players .. and if u look at the late 90's most of the players came through the man u academy

yes we know platini HATES the english but how often have we comment about drogba going down to easy

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:33 pm
by johntheclaret
dinglinga wrote:while i hate man u ... they at least they play english players .. and if u look at the late 90's most of the players came through the man u academy

yes we know platini HATES the english but how often have we comment about drogba going down to easy

Not sure what Dorgba has to do with your original post Dinga. I was anwering your comments on buying a title, ref etc.

As for Drogba............... it was funny watching skysports saturday programme. Thommo (that's Phil thompson ex Liverpool) was so funny.

Paul Merson asked how come Drogba went off limping like a dog with it's foot in a bear trap, then at the whistle came running out chasing the ref, running around everywhere, what happened to his injury ??

Thommo's reply......He had to fight his way past his team mates, his manager, and all the stewards, and he never fell over once :lol:

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 3:28 pm
by Bully
heard a rumour the fulham owner not sure of his name is campaining on bringing a salary cap in. Not sure how he will go but it would be nice to see a few other teams at the top for a change even if that means my belovered Arsenal dont make the championsleague places etc would be nice for a change

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:17 am
by johntheclaret
Bulldog wrote:heard a rumour the fulham owner not sure of his name is campaining on bringing a salary cap in. Not sure how he will go but it would be nice to see a few other teams at the top for a change even if that means my belovered Arsenal dont make the championsleague places etc would be nice for a change

Al Fayed Bully. His son Dodi was killed in the crash in Paris that also claimed Princess Diana. He is the owner of Harrods, a pretty well known department store in London.

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 9:25 am
by Dirko
johntheclaret wrote:Al Fayed Bully. His son Dodi was killed in the crash in Paris that also claimed Princess Diana. He is the owner of Harrods, a pretty well known department store in London.

Harrods ? :-k

LOL ! Talk about understatement JTC !! :lol:

Re: Death Threats

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 6:16 pm
by Bully
cheers JTC. wasnt sure of his name