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Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:01 pm
by RB

I literally named two of those politicians in my post.

And you've illustrated my point - those 5 get so much media attention precisely because they are so different to the other 274 Democrat representatives and senators.

You may have noticed that those folks barely got any time during the convention - Bernie got one speech due to his winning a primary, and AOC was only given two minutes. That's because they don't represent the mainstream of the party.

The idea that Joe Biden is a puppet to the 5 you've mentioned (radicals is a bit over-the-top by the way - read their policies) is ludicrous. Biden won the nomination, not Sanders. Like most Democrats, Biden is, if anything, a puppet to big business and free market economics - 36 years of Senate voting proves that.

Also, would you care to tell us what radical policies Biden is proposing?

The most major policy issue of the Obama/Biden era was probably universal healthcare. Is this a radical policy? It was adopted in Australia in 1984, so given the Liberal Party have been in office for 18 years since that point, and haven't even considered removing it, I guess they're also Marxist radicals.

I don't usually enter the politics forum - I don't hold strong views myself on these matters - but I do value truth and reality, and the idea that the US Democratics/Joe Biden are left-wing radicals is utterly ridiculous, even by your outlandish standards.


Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:21 pm
by rd
My observation as a neutral "not-attached-emotionally-to-either-party" person is simply - if you are in opposition trying to defeat a rich old idiot - why do you then put up another rich old idiot as your candidate ?

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:13 pm
by Apachebulldog
Like you i get my daily snippets of what is happening in the USAthe so called peaceful protesters have been out of control for 3 months and no one has the spine to sort the mess out.

As per my original post the losers are the Americans.

So who is going to stop the chaos and anarchy over there ???????

The Orange Man maybe Sleepy Joe or maybe the average law abiding citizen who after seeing their cities being looted and burnt to the ground might take action ?????????????

From what i have been seeing and reading in most of these Democrat governed cities the officials are loathe to bring in the National Guard to try and stop some of these nutters also when you get some loony officials backing the defund the police campaign you know America is stuffed.

Seen heaps of interviews where they state this.

So my question is

After November 3rd who will have the cojones to sort all this out or will it mysteriously stop on its own ?????

Like i said crazy times ahead for the good ole US of A.

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:39 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
When do the debates start??

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:55 am
by Jimmy_041
Apachebulldog wrote:Like you i get my daily snippets of what is happening in the USAthe so called peaceful protesters have been out of control for 3 months and no one has the spine to sort the mess out.

As per my original post the losers are the Americans.

So who is going to stop the chaos and anarchy over there ???????

The Orange Man maybe Sleepy Joe or maybe the average law abiding citizen who after seeing their cities being looted and burnt to the ground might take action ?????????????

From what i have been seeing and reading in most of these Democrat governed cities the officials are loathe to bring in the National Guard to try and stop some of these nutters also when you get some loony officials backing the defund the police campaign you know America is stuffed.

Seen heaps of interviews where they state this.

So my question is

After November 3rd who will have the cojones to sort all this out or will it mysteriously stop on its own ?????

Like i said crazy times ahead for the good ole US of A.

There seemed to be the same problem in Sicktoria. Dan didn't need the army in to help

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:04 am
by Magellan
Apachebulldog wrote:
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:The Democrats are no longer the true Democrats of yesteryear they have been hijacked by the radical left Marxists.

This is probably the most insane thing you've said on this forum - and that is seriously saying something.

The Democratic Party is not remotely left wing. Comparing it to Australian political parties, its economic and social policies are most similar to that of the Liberal Party. The Democrats are far more right wing than the Australian Labor Party, whom no serious commentator would accuse of being radical or Marxist.

The reason AOC and Bernie Sanders (technically an independent, albeit one who ran for the Democrat nomination) receive so much attention is because they are a long way from the vast majority of the party.

If the Democrats in America appear even remotely left wing, it's because of the way the Republicans have degenerated in the last 50 years from being a traditional conservative party to being a lunatic asylum for paranoid reactionaries to whom truth and reality are of no concern.

Of course the Democrats will appear left wing when up against the Republican Party. But there are fewer greater proponents of capitalism than the Democratic caucas and nothing Biden is proposing is even remotely radical by any terrestrial standards.


Have you heard of just to name a few many others over there.

Bernie Sanders
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Rashida Tlaib
Ayanne Presley
Omar Ilhan

Poor sleepy Joe does not know what day it is and is now just a puppet to the radicals.


You've named five people. Four are members of Congress, of which the Democrats have 232 representatives. The other (Sanders) is a senator, of which the Democrats have 45 representatives.

4/232 and 1/45. Hardly a convincing argument.

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:59 am
by Apachebulldog
From my original post

"Have you heard of just to name a few many others over there.'

Madge those i named from memory are the ones who seem to get the most exposure however there are many more I cannot be bothered to research and post all there names on here.

Any way America is rooted.

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:02 pm
by RB
Apachebulldog wrote:there are many more I cannot be bothered to research

Lol, how do you know if you can't be bothered to do the research?

Also, I'm still waiting for you to tell me about Biden's loony Marxist policies.

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:23 pm
by Bum Crack
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:there are many more I cannot be bothered to research

Lol, how do you know if you can't be bothered to do the research?

Also, I'm still waiting for you to tell me about Biden's loony Marxist policies.

I can't believe you mob are arguing about the US. Who gives a ****. Get back to the Coronavirus thread.

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:24 pm
by Magellan
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:there are many more I cannot be bothered to research

Lol, how do you know if you can't be bothered to do the research?

Q: What's worse then being a sheep?
A: Being an ostrich.

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:36 pm
by Apachebulldog
Magellan wrote:
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:there are many more I cannot be bothered to research

Lol, how do you know if you can't be bothered to do the research?

Q: What's worse then being a sheep?
A: Being an ostrich.

Nah mate some of you guys can do ya own research I do not have to spoon feed ya all.

Q. Whats worse than being a sheep or a goat
A. a TURKEY !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:56 pm
by Booney
Apachebulldog wrote:
Magellan wrote:
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:there are many more I cannot be bothered to research

Lol, how do you know if you can't be bothered to do the research?

Q: What's worse then being a sheep?
A: Being an ostrich.

Nah mate some of you guys can do ya own research I do not have to spoon feed ya all.

Q. Whats worse than being a sheep or a goat
A. a TURKEY !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offering evidence to support a view can be quite compelling.

Re: US

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:24 pm
by RB
Apachebulldog wrote:
Magellan wrote:
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:there are many more I cannot be bothered to research

Lol, how do you know if you can't be bothered to do the research?

Q: What's worse then being a sheep?
A: Being an ostrich.

Nah mate some of you guys can do ya own research I do not have to spoon feed ya all.

Q. Whats worse than being a sheep or a goat
A. a TURKEY !!! [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]
Still waiting for you to tell us about the Democrats' 'radical left Marxist' policies.

Re: US

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:25 am
by Magellan
RB wrote:Still waiting for you to tell us about the Democrats' 'radical left Marxist' policies.

Here's a clue:

Re: US

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:06 pm
by RB
RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:
Magellan wrote:Q: What's worse then being a sheep?
A: Being an ostrich.

Nah mate some of you guys can do ya own research I do not have to spoon feed ya all.

Q. Whats worse than being a sheep or a goat
A. a TURKEY !!! [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]
Still waiting for you to tell us about the Democrats' 'radical left Marxist' policies.

Still waiting...

Re: US

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:07 pm
by Jimmy_041
Biden says only he can stop the rioting and violence. For once he's correct.

Re: US

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:09 pm
by Apachebulldog
Jimmy_041 wrote:Biden says only he can stop the rioting and violence. For once he's correct.

Him smart man Hidin Biden LOL.

Re: US

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:23 pm
by Apachebulldog
Left wing policies.

Simple just have a look at all the Democrat controlled states their cities are burning and being looted full of violence caused by the likes of Antifa BLM etc to me from what i have seen in videos and read in reports they have been given a free reign by the Democrats to do what ever they like without any impunity no law and order in these cities.

Democrats are the new Marxists.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:45 pm
by DOC
You are depriving a village.

Re: US

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:43 pm
by Magellan
Apachebulldog wrote:Left wing policies.

Simple just have a look at all the Democrat controlled states their cities are burning and being looted full of violence caused by the likes of Antifa BLM etc to me from what i have seen in videos and read in reports they have been given a free reign by the Democrats to do what ever they like without any impunity no law and order in these cities.

Democrats are the new Marxists.

So, Apache, what's what you said above got to do with Marxism?