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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:37 pm
by shoe boy
Capt of TEAM AUSTRALIA has told the CEFC clean energy finance corporation to stop investing in wind and solar technology as they are old technology!!!
Yep same bloke that brings back DAMES AND KNIGHTS , same bloke that doesn't believe in GLOBAL WARMING but believes what is written in the bible ,Yep same bloke that doesn't believe in equal rights ,same bloke that has no time for those that run from persecution in there own countries, Yep same bloke that is holding HIS OWN ROYAL COMMISION(witch hunt) into trade unions that has cost us all a fortune and at the end WHAT!!! Yes Tony there are some that remember the sacrifice men and women of this country made so we can have the working rights we have today.

You my friend are a joke and am sure the proud Australia I remember will out you with conviction .

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:47 pm
by bennymacca
Well said. It is so ridiculous.

As an engineer calling solar old technology is just silly. Solar panels are only around 20-30% efficient at the moment. So it is a prime candidate for research dollars in my opinion, because any way to increase efficiency can be realised immediately because the production capability is already there. Would be a better way to spend money than say geothermal or wave energy which are both a long way off from being large scale commercial operations

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:47 pm
by bennymacca
Seems clear to me this is another way to protect the coal industry

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:14 pm
by Bully
shoe boy wrote:Capt of TEAM AUSTRALIA has told the CEFC clean energy finance corporation to stop investing in wind and solar technology as they are old technology!!!
Yep same bloke that brings back DAMES AND KNIGHTS , same bloke that doesn't believe in GLOBAL WARMING but believes what is written in the bible ,Yep same bloke that doesn't believe in equal rights ,same bloke that has no time for those that run from persecution in there own countries, Yep same bloke that is holding HIS OWN ROYAL COMMISION(witch hunt) into trade unions that has cost us all a fortune and at the end WHAT!!! Yes Tony there are some that remember the sacrifice men and women of this country made so we can have the working rights we have today.

You my friend are a joke and am sure the proud Australia I remember will out you with conviction .

didnt think i would see you around for at least another week ? Seen as your best mate Billy is under the spotlight....

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:34 pm
by Q.
bennymacca wrote:Seems clear to me this is another way to protect the coal industry


I wonder what the Minister for Science thinks of this...

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:45 pm
by Psyber
Maybe we can now get some funding for laser stimulated Thorium fission development, which could with a little work be efficient, not weather dependent for full capacity energy output, and which is safe because the process stops when you turn off the laser.
It is also silent... 8)

As for wind farms and subsonics - the French were playing around with subsonic cannons using hyperbolic horn loading in the 1970s.
It worked, causing headaches and nausea in those it was tried on but was too large and cumbersome to be developed as a real weapon.
(They did however go on with developing the Neutron bomb, a weapon which could kill a city population without damaging the infrastructure - or the art works.)

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:51 pm
by bennymacca
Psyber wrote:
As for wind farms and subsonics - the French were playing around with subsonic cannons using hyperbolic horn loading in the 1970s.
It worked, causing headaches and nausea in those it was tried on but was too large and cumbersome to be developed as a real weapon.
(They did however go on with developing the Neutron bomb, a weapon which could kill a city population without damaging the infrastructure - or the art works.)

Thats like saying a laser pointer is the same thing as a laser weapon.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:59 pm
by Q.
There's no evidence that wind farms cause adverse effects in humans. This was recently addressed this year in a comprehensive Australian study.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:30 pm
by Leaping Lindner
$5,000 to get to Geelong from Melbourne.

Can someone remind me when the "heavy lifting" starts :evil: ... ht/6622134

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:33 pm
by Leaping Lindner
Q. wrote:There's no evidence that wind farms cause adverse effects in humans. This was recently addressed this year in a comprehensive Australian study.

It does however cause adverse effects to humans bank balances who bankroll the Libs.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:36 pm
by tigerpie
Who"s the snake who leaked this so called carbon tax paper??
Find out who it is and sack them publicly!!!
This type of treachery is what makes politics such a cringeworthy career.
Both sides do it and I don't know what purpose it serves.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:33 am
by stan
Leaping Lindner wrote:$5,000 to get to Geelong from Melbourne.

Can someone remind me when the "heavy lifting" starts :evil: ... ht/6622134

They must have really needed her at that function.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:20 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
tigerpie wrote:Who"s the snake who leaked this so called carbon tax paper??
Find out who it is and sack them publicly!!!
This type of treachery is what makes politics such a cringeworthy career.
Both sides do it and I don't know what purpose it serves.


Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:29 am
by tigerpie
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:
tigerpie wrote:Who"s the snake who leaked this so called carbon tax paper??
Find out who it is and sack them publicly!!!
This type of treachery is what makes politics such a cringeworthy career.
Both sides do it and I don't know what purpose it serves.


Surely it wouldn't be a frontbencher? And second in command.
She's got too much to lose.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:06 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
Billy did it

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:10 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
Such a shame that Bronny Bishop is in a little bit of strife over a chopper ride and that Labor are using this as payback from all the members she has booted out in question time

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:54 pm
by Gozu
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:Such a shame that Bronny Bishop is in a little bit of strife over a chopper ride and that Labor are using this as payback from all the members she has booted out in question time

My heart bleeds.

She needs to learn to show the title of Speaker respect not bring it in to disrepute like fellow Lib Peter Slipper. Slipper ended up siding with Labor and the Libs screamed murder about his cabcharge fairs to wineries (hardly even $5,000 helicopter ride to a Liberal Party function) so Labor should repay the favour and do nothing but call for her to resign immediately.

Even Joe Hockey of all people thought it was poor form.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:16 pm
by tigerpie
So is this how it works?

She effectively gets an interest free loan from the tax payer.
But only had to pay back that "loan" if she was caught.
Great example of the haves telling the have nots to rort the system but don't get caught.

Seriously, the arrogance of these "!&%wits blows me away.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:00 pm
by Psyber
I read`a report somewhere that suggested she had paid extra to cover interest.
I agree it is poor form no matter who from any party does it.

Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:19 pm
by bennymacca
Psyber wrote:I read`a report somewhere that suggested she had paid extra to cover interest.
I agree it is poor form no matter who from any party does it.

It's completely beside he point. If i, as a public servant, did the same thing, it wouldn't matter if I paid it back I would be out on my arse.