This saddens me.
The mindset will be horrible knowing you are soon to be shot.
As stated earlier, I don't subscribe to the death penalty, but where was their contrition when they willingly and deliberately engaged in trafficking heroin which no doubt would have caused carnage for an untold number of lives? Even worse when you consider you need to be deaf, dumb and blind not to know what the penalty is for being caught on a drugs related charge in Indonesia?
As humans beings this is a tragic result but I have little sympathy for them.
Neither are a Peter Greste.
I've never bought into this.
Anyone who uses drugs does so are their own discretion.
Gun manufacturers are not responsible for people who use guns to kill.
The man who invented the atomic bomb is not responsible for its use.
Smoking companies are not held accountable for the millions who die (far outweighs drug deaths)
Life in prison, yes, but death.
It is against my personal morals - I don't need to convince others of what they feel constitutes the death penalty.
I won't be returning to Indonesia if this goes all the way.