its always a sorry day to see a club go under
especially after a 100 years
the writing was on the wall a few years ago but unlike some of the senseless and stupid reasons that others have put up there down fall had nothing to do with the league or any dispute between club and league
the club was destroyed from within when previous people put in place or more to the point took over raped and pillaged the club of equipment ,money and other means
these same people had done that at a previous club and to another when they moved on
in the end the club survived because of the hard work of dave,cookie and scooter later down the path
in the end the club was based around giving mostly service men a place to play the game we all love because of there schedules were unable togive 100% to a club
what ever your thoughts are on the club or people who have an involvement there one thing has to be said and that is that they never gave up
inregards to the lease and not going for it ,fourth estate you are correct
But what you failed to say is that the club were told by the council that they would only rate 20% out of the score mark wher the soccer clubs,one that several councilors are patrons all rated 90% plus
They were told at the end of last season that they had no hope
The biggest thing out of this episode is the fact that the KILBURN FOOTBALL CLUB have shown whatan amazing club they must be
they have gone out of there way to help the roos,have given there players and club a base where they can still play and have shown that they are one of the most ethical,courageous and responsible clubs in the league
They should be applauded for this
I just hope to all the guys that have bagged this club and said that they have no right to play never have this happen to there club