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Re: R,I.P. Ovingham FC

its always a sorry day to see a club go under
especially after a 100 years
the writing was on the wall a few years ago but unlike some of the senseless and stupid reasons that others have put up there down fall had nothing to do with the league or any dispute between club and league
the club was destroyed from within when previous people put in place or more to the point took over raped and pillaged the club of equipment ,money and other means
these same people had done that at a previous club and to another when they moved on

in the end the club survived because of the hard work of dave,cookie and scooter later down the path
in the end the club was based around giving mostly service men a place to play the game we all love because of there schedules were unable togive 100% to a club
what ever your thoughts are on the club or people who have an involvement there one thing has to be said and that is that they never gave up

inregards to the lease and not going for it ,fourth estate you are correct
But what you failed to say is that the club were told by the council that they would only rate 20% out of the score mark wher the soccer clubs,one that several councilors are patrons all rated 90% plus
They were told at the end of last season that they had no hope

The biggest thing out of this episode is the fact that the KILBURN FOOTBALL CLUB have shown whatan amazing club they must be
they have gone out of there way to help the roos,have given there players and club a base where they can still play and have shown that they are one of the most ethical,courageous and responsible clubs in the league

They should be applauded for this

I just hope to all the guys that have bagged this club and said that they have no right to play never have this happen to there club
by dee man
Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:05 pm
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Re: Abbott Watch

Think someone in the liberal party needs to return the favour to Pyne much like how he got his pre selection for his seat the first time....
by heater31
Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:31 pm
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Re: Gombau - How does he keep his job

I have a theory that it took the players a few months to understand him.
I know the only thing he's said that I understood was "Your goalkeeper son is shit".
by Wedgie
Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:27 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

The more bernadi opens his mouth the better off the labor party will be
Yeah but Labor's got Koutsontonis to F@#$ them up so I think that's a draw.
Actually there is something he should get credit for & that is the dual roundabouts at Brittania. IMO they are working well, I do them in a semi & it is a crap load easier now.
by cracka
Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:51 pm
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Re: Liquor Lads

westozfalcon wrote:You can't get it here in WA and I reckon it's not a bad drop.

by bennymacca
Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:51 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

i actually agree with the Libs here - why should the government retool a factory? (i think it is a little different to the cash given to the car industry over the years, which, although much more, was a huge industry)
SPC are owned by Coca-Cola so they are one of the wealthiest companies on the planet, let them pay for their own re-tooling.
Good on the government for telling them to get nicked
by Jim05
Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:47 pm
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Re: Celebrity Casualties

i think everyone deserves sympathy, even heroin junkies, but there is, in my opinion, a disproportionate amount of sympathy given to people like hollywood actors, as opposed to other people, who should perhaps be highlighted in the media more
by bennymacca
Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:13 pm
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Re: Death Penalty

The death penalty isn't a deterrent..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

To simplify it as you need it to be, if the death penalty was a deterrent then states/countries with the death penalty should have zero % crime rates. Would you agree?

Many have tried to survey the crims that have been executed to see whether they would re-offend but unfortunately none responded because they were ... well ... faarking dead.
by dedja
Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:29 pm
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Re: Scams

by Squids
Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:08 pm
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Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

He should be happy ... won't have to pay for sex on the inside.
by dedja
Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:29 pm
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Re: Survey results confirming what most already knew *grins*

bennymacca wrote:I don't identify as an atheist either, I'm quite prepared to accept that some sort of god exists if there is a shred of evidence. Even a single shred

by Mr Beefy
Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:41 am
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Re: Navy intercepts seventh boat of asylum-seekers in two mo

Ok, so we all agree there is no queue and that there is a process in place to establish their claim.
This process must be thorough and the guidelines strictly adhered to for 3 reasons.

1. That they are fleeing their country of origin because they are genuinely being persecuted, life endangered etc.

2. Are they fleeing their country of origin to escape the law. Christopher Skase like or worse....war criminal etc.

3. Do they just want to migrate here for a better life and dont want to wait their turn.

If i was a person from point 1 i'd just be happy to be escaping with my life, and/or families lives, and would patiently wait my turn. Sure, conditions arent 5 star but hey its gotta be better than waking up dead or in some concentration camp being tortured daily.

I think its people from points 2 and 3 that take up all the processing time, hence the long wait for the genuines. And i dont want anybody from this category in my country at all ever.

Call me xenophic or whatever label you like, i'm glad we are being diligent and checking EVERYONES claims fairly.
by tigerpie
Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:34 pm
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Re: Navy intercepts seventh boat of asylum-seekers in two mo

The inability to secure a passport, and therefore, a visa, should not preclude someone from seeking asylum.
by Q.
Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:20 pm
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Re: SAAFL Division 3 2014

Tough thing about trying to buy loyalty but forgetting to actually pay up.

You don't tend to get it.
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn...

A Grade mass walkout. Of course that's what it is.

Have bought premiership sides (or died trying) the last 5 years and in that time have been at best ambivalent to not fielding a C Grade, a halfway competitive B Grade or juniors.

Chickens are well and truly coming home to roost

Kilburn has never fielded a competitive B grade side, always struggled to fill a C grade and have always paid their A grade side, this has seen them have success and big failures. I was there only 13 years ago when they won the div 1 flag and finished third the following year. Had great numbers the year after until Delaney left and hings went pear shaped from there. People in the club have worked so hard to attempt to get them back to where they want to be, I am very close to Dale and I guarantee is as president he is at that club for as long as he as at work to try and get things back on track. Maybe paying players isn't the answer but this is how they and many others made it to the top. Maybe it's caused the downfall or the guys coming through these days just don't show the loyalty that they used to. The thing about Kilburn is they are a proud club and hey will do whatever they have to to field two sides each Saturday. Last year guys of 40+ age put their hands up to play B grade and the same guys would do it again. I hope they get through and stat to get some numbers on the track.
by TEX07
Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:02 pm
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Re: Test Squad for South African Tour - predictions & discus

Tea 7/201
106 overs
Duminy 22*[64]
Philander 16*[13]

Harris 2/24 [18]
Johnson 2/72 [27]
Pattinson 2/44[20]
Total 6/140 [65]

Lyon 0/10[19]
Watson 0/6 [7]
Smith 1/31[11]
Clarke 0/5 [4]
Total 1/52[41]

You don't have to be einSteyn to work out the formula after tea
Averages BEFORE this match

23.22 Harris
26.43 Pattinson
27.65 Johnson
31.84 Watson
32.43 Lyon
36.94 Clarke
47.70 Smith
54.50 Warner

I've not played Test Cricket
But I am a reasonably successful gambler who bases his assumptions on probability
In the racing game you MOSTLY back the horses with the most successful form lines that suggest they can win
Cricket is kind of the same
From here on the Aussies will freshen up
There is no tomorrow
You simply bowl the best bowlers for as long as possible or for most of the available overs

I would bowl
Harris /Johnson/Pattinson immediately after tea
Finish them off, if they cant
Bring back the strikers

Smith, Clarke must only bowl a max of 2 overs each
by mal
Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:57 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

IMO they should abolish wages/salary tax and have GST on everything
by Bully
Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:39 pm
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Tomic loses in the shortest match in ATP history

Pretty sure Tomic is going to be another of those guys that has a lot of potential but never fulfils it, because he is a dickhead that thinks he doesn't have to work for it.
by bennymacca
Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:12 am
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Roxy the Rat Girl wrote:Does anyone have any inside mail on which way the independents might go?

I'm tipping Brock, Main North rd/Hwy One towards 'Pirie and Fisher Flaggie Hill rd towards Happy Valley.
by am Bays
Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:32 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

I will be very surprised if we see out a full term.
Brock did appear out of his depth.

However, Marshall needs to find another strategy other than the battering ram used by the Abbott Opposition during the Rudd/Gillard tenure in the federal sphere, it's not in him and I'm not sure it's in any of his parliamentary core - they'll get torn apart by Koutsantonis.
by Dogwatcher
Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:30 am
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Gozus prediction - Comparison of Labor's economic management with the Greek Economy.
by Roxy the Rat Girl
Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:50 pm
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Re: Clubs in strife

my kid wanted to play for morphett vale, if they were full he would hav gone to hackham simple

when i played under 15s i tried out for seaton rams, they kicked me out, so i went woody south. in round 1 i kicked 4 goals on the rams hahar :)

4 senior teams per club, and 2 teams maximum per age group in the juniors. done.
by marbles
Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:47 pm
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Re: (Miscellaneous debris)

This April fools joke from Crikey's Bernard Keane had me going for a bit:

Tony Abbott has made two political appointments to the SBS, with ex-minister Sophie Mirabella to chair the board that will now include News Corporation columnist Piers Akerman.
by Gozu
Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:01 pm
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Re: Round 1- Norwood v Port @ Norwood Post Match

Macca19 wrote:Youd think we lost by 20 goals

May aswell of been.
You were never in the contest and the scoreboard flattered you in the end.
Only thing stopping a 8-10 goal win was us putting the cue in the rack at 3/4 time and saving our energy for bigger fish next week
by Jim05
Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:26 am
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Re: Rnd 1 - North v Adelaide @ Prospect (Sun 6/4)

SimonH wrote:Given the awesome fitness regime in place at Crows HQ, as long as North are somewhere in the hunt at 3/4 time they'll be sweet.

Unless the Crows Reserves kick 11 goals without reply in the last qtr I think North might be in with a shout :D
by johntheclaret
Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:16 pm
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Re: 2014 Tribunal News & Discussions

Crows and Pear must have lost on the weekend for 5AA (and Dumb and Dumber in particular) to give this incident the air time it has. Even Jane Reilly had her say this morning and I doubt if she has followed the SANFL competition for years. As soon as there is a negative story out there the media jump on board.
And after finding out Symes and Grocke are friends off the field, Jane suggested maybe the incident was playful. :shock:

As for Rowey lets just say he may have received a phone call from one of his mates down at the Eagles, hence his defence of Grocke yesterday.

Penerbethy wanted him banned for life and then for a season! I think 7 is about right. The Eagles should fine him as well. Really dumb act.

Penberthy is poor radio announcer...5AA must be scraping the bottom of the barrel....continually taking pot shots at easy targets to build his non existent profile...what a tool
by arcadefire
Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:03 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Amanda Vanstone complaining about the GOLD PASS being reduced saying it wont attract the right people into the job

well im sorry Amanda, but clearly the majority of politicians are in it for self gain and not the gain of the population
by mighty_tiger_79
Sun May 04, 2014 11:59 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Chuck Wepner wrote:why not Bronwyn Bishop?

Why not Corey bernadi

Would love that :)
by bennymacca
Mon May 05, 2014 8:42 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

I cringed during the whole Q & A show, it was awful. Pyne did himself no favours. It is always an awkward time right before budget. We see it every year where Ministers from both sides refuse to answer questions and say wait until the budget is released. It’s frustrating but really that is the way it works. They would be better in the couple of week leading up the budget to deal with other topics on Q & A.

Mark Trevorrow said he was going to try and bring the Abbott Government down before going on the show. I guess that is his right but really I don’t think he added one interesting comment the whole night. He just made jokes, faces and smug remarks at Pyne. Again that’s up to him but it really made for poor television. He came across as someone that hates the Government but really didn’t know why except it was the popular thing to do.

The other thing that derails Q & A is long questions. Last night every audience member felt it was their time to make a speech. To be honest I don’t really care what a Western Sydney Uni student thinks of the current Government, just ask a hard direct question and get on with it. The calling out during panel member responses just made for poor television.

If people want to protest then that is their right but I don’t think it helped their cause much last night. Obviously the majority of the audience went in there with one goal, maybe they felt like they achieved it but I think they missed a good opportunity to really ask some hard questions and perhaps saved the protesting for another time.
by ca
Tue May 06, 2014 10:00 am
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Re: 2014 Tribunal News & Discussions

As much as I'd like to see Slattery rubbed out for plenty of weeks to somewhat help even up the competition, the only thing he did wrong is slightly get off the ground when he bumped. Maybe 1-2 weeks for poor execution of the bump, but didn't think it was that bad. Unlucky for the Sturt player to break his jaw.
Not sure how you would call it 'unlucky'. Slattery charged in from a good run up, was always going to hurt Stephens. Until the last few steps Stephens had his back to Slattery, had he maintained that stance then it would still be an illegal hit. The only way it could be legal was if Stephens had turned side on after he had hand passed, seen Slattery and braced for contact. 6 weeks and I can't see how you could argue for less.
by sigur
Tue May 13, 2014 2:24 pm
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Re: 2014 Tribunal News & Discussions

Head butting then! Up it to 10 :)
Wed May 14, 2014 11:32 am
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Re: Collingwood 2013

jimmy is pretty grumpy after last night i think :D
by bennymacca
Fri May 16, 2014 5:06 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Boom ... John Gazzola unloads! :lol:

DUMPED former Upper House president John Gazzola has branded his successor, Labor colleague Russell Wortley, a “parasite” and called for his resignation as a factional brawl over the role spectacularly spilt on to the floor of State Parliament tonight.

In a stunning development, Mr Gazzola has used his address in reply to Governor Kevin Scarce’s speech, which opened State Parliament earlier this month, to blast his colleague.

Mr Gazzola, of Labor’s Left, lost Caucus endorsement for the Upper House President’s post after the state election as part of a complex factional deal that brought independent Geoff Brock into Cabinet.

The Upper House President’s job comes with a chauffeured car and a $100,000 pay boost.

“Sir, normally I would congratulate you on becoming the President of the Legislative Council,” Mr Gazzola said. “Given the circumstances and by the mere fact that you became the President through a secret factional deal, it is difficult for me to wish you well in your role.

“I have been asked by members to assist you and advise you in your new role. I have formed my own view that you are a parasite and an embarrassment to the Labor movement.”

Mr Gazzola also said Mr Wortley should resign “given your record as a minister”.
by dedja
Tue May 20, 2014 8:52 pm
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

Surely its part of a cunning plan by the libs to take govt. Each week there will be a new "independant lib" moving over to the labour govt and then eventually they will be able to form govt :D
by gossipgirl
Wed May 28, 2014 12:29 pm
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

LOL, MHS had only ever been about MHS ...

So the Evans, Chapmans, Halls, etc, etc haven't been?
My view is that anyone who wants to be a career politician should NOT be allowed to be a politician at all.
Two terms maximum then go back to your real job with not more benefits than any other worker/employee...

That and ban Lawyers who care only about winning the debating game rather than what constitutes truth or justice. ;)
by Psyber
Sat May 31, 2014 4:42 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Psyber wrote:(Free lunch at Jolley's for meeting one recently.)

Theres no such thing as a free lunch ;)
by Roxy the Rat Girl
Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:59 pm
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Re: Scams

I had one sub-continental lady yesterday ask for someone that left the company 6 years ago, so I hung up on her.

She rang back and hung up on me........ :lol:

I like her :lol:
by HH3
Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:32 pm
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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (TV Spoilers, NO BOOK SPOILER

Are we assuming the Hound is dead???? Unless I see them take their last breath in the show, I won't believe their dead...

Though I have seen some die that come back, the white walkers and some others such as Beric Dondarrion and A Nother.... ;)
by Jase
Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:53 pm
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Re: SAAFL Division 8 2014

S-Demon was meaning Div-8 agrade champ :)

Sorry? pretty sure he was talking about 6-8 guys in his D grade that could play A grade still. I only really know that Kuhar could easily play A grade at Hope Valley, I dont know enough about the others to make a judgement to be honeset when they beat us it was guys that would probably only push up to the C grade that hurt us - I dont know anyone who would refer to their C grade side as a Div 8 - A grade? But if S-Demon was refering to his C grade I stand corrected.
Nah I was taking about our A grade. A club only has one A grade.

Some of these guys have played Div 1. Some have played A grade for us in the past. Nearly ALL of them didn't play footy for us at all last year, including the ex A graders.

Let's also not forget the 4 x blokes who are 41, 42, 43 and 45. Pugliese x 2, Hawkins and Kulpe. Another bloke who's 39 hasn't played footy since he was in primary school. I hate the term sandbagging and that's certainly not what's happening. If they fall over in the finals like you suggested they will do the same thing they do every other week. Buy a shitload of beer over the bar and have a good time together...
by S Demon
Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:13 pm
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Re: Has Mick Malthouse lost the plot?

His record is second to none.............and he will go down as one of the best coaches of all times!!
Doesn't change the fact he is the biggest most arrogant knob to grace this earth!!
Second to none? There are plenty in front of him, not saying he is a shit coach but..

who has a better ratio.....premierships?
there may be 1 or 2 but he has to be right up there.
He's still a knob though!!!
Jock McHale.
by Mr Beefy
Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:47 pm
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Re: Israel/Hamas Conflict

Until the West stops blindly siding with Israel and treats the situation on its merits this conflict will never end.

Israel defend their right to exist but deny the Palestinians the same.

Israel claims the right to arm and defend themselves but deny the Palestinians the same.

Palestinians are not united and have splinter groups that cannot be managed, Israel act as one.

Israel claim the accept a 2 state solution but keep illegally occupying the West Bank.

Palestinians (Hamas) keep firing rockets into Israel to goad them and the Israelis gladly oblige even though they do little damage.

It's a faarking mess.
by dedja
Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:22 pm
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Re: Israel/Hamas Conflict

This is my basic understanding.

Arabs and Jews did once live together fine in Palestine for a long time (many centuries without many conflicts).

Then Zionism emerged in late 19th century and the Jews wanted to make Israel their own state. Not necessarily those Jews that were already in Palestine. The Zionists looked upon Arabs pretty poorly and the Arabs resented that.

WWI came and by 1917 Britain desperately needed support, so facilitated a Jewish state in Palestine in order to get US and Russia onside, who were both heavily influenced by key Jewish players, as well as the finances that would come with it from the wealthy Jews.

After WWII and the break up of the British Empire, Palestine was divided up and a Jewish State, Israel, formed.

This was the nail in the coffin for the Arabs and they've been fighting ever since. Huge percentages of Arab population were murdered in the years after by Jews.

Palestine doesn't officially have a military, Hamas are the extremists who fight guerilla warfare. Israel, backed by US, have a full blown and powerful military.

You could say Israel are the bullies, but I bet if they stopped fighting the Jews currently occupying Israel would be dead meat.

Look at what the extreme Islam (ISIS) are doing in Syria and Iraq.

It's a lose/lose situation. You can blame religion and imperialism.

Glad we are in Australia! The world is fragile at the moment.
by Aerie
Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:16 pm
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Re: Port Rezoning

Back to South where it belongs .
by Bounce of the ball
Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:48 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

during that speech was that when Jay called for us to 'quietly stand up for SA' or something along those lines??

too lazy to worry about links!

That's where the thought \:D/ Let's go Team SA \:D/ entered my head
Has he really copied "Team Australia"?

Should we Holla for a Marshall :D
by gossipgirl
Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:39 pm
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Re: Israel/Hamas Conflict

I don't think either the Israeli hard-liners or the Muslim hard-liners like Hamas can be regarded as remotely likely to stick to any truce that is negotiated, unless some third party occupies he land between them and keeps them apart, despite any good will in the generality of the populations.

In my view no one side of this conflict is entirely right or entirely wrong.
by Psyber
Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:17 pm
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Re: Look-a-likes

That's simply uncalled for jimmy. Can you imagine the distress, the feelings of low self worth, the hurt, the anguish you've put that poor alpaca through?
by Booney
Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:25 pm
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Re: NFL Season 2014/2015

Jimmy_041 wrote:zero points for not submitting?
Bit harsh - you may as well give up
I vote change that to home games (if you can)

Noted and changed Jimmy.

The site only allows default to away teams, so this is what i have selected.

Feedback on anything else is encouraged!
by valleys07
Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:35 pm
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We Need You South

On behalf of the entire SANFL community we need you South. We need you to keep the AFL out of our sacred and historic Grand Final.
The Norwood Football Club did their job tonight so PLEASE South finish them off next week.
We will all be on your side and I believe many Norwood supporters, in fact many, many neutral supporters will be at the game cheering for you.
All of us are Panther supporters for a week.
by SDK
Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:12 am
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Re: SAAFL Division 2 2014

It was a great day at PNU and a thrilling contest. I only wish I could remember more of it :D
by wristwatcher
Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:23 pm
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