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Re: Have we lost the plot?

Bully wrote:Not the correct topic but I guess it can be asked here -

can we change the Soccer thread , to be Football thread. And also Australian soccer and English soccer to Aust football,English football etc?

by Wedgie
Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:52 pm
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Re: Have we lost the plot?

In football you have to kick goals with your foot.
In soccer you can get goals with your head, even your ball sack if you want.
by Wedgie
Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:07 pm
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Re: SAFooty V2

Looks awesome on the pc Diss
by Wedgie
Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:16 pm
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

Ian wrote:
Wedgie wrote:I'm old and dont like change too but I'm living with it. ;)
I don't know about that, you seem to change your women often enough ;)

That's a fair point but I was pretty stable for 22 years prior! ;)
by Wedgie
Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:56 pm
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Re: 2013 B&F

Todd Miles was awesome, up there as one of the best defenders in the league as well as ruckmen.
Also our acting captain for most of the year.
There's 7 clubs below North and one of the reasons is Todd.
by Wedgie
Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:50 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Footy Chick wrote:Ive noticed that there are a helluva lot more magpies around this year.

Not more, theyve just lost their home and their identity so they're angry and on the move.
by Wedgie
Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:34 am
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

Brodlach wrote:I like the way you can see the subforums on the front page

I do too, people who mainly use those must love getting in with a single click from the front index page.

The more I use this new site the more I love it and could never go back to the old one.
Great work Diss!
by Wedgie
Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:20 pm
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Re: Bands coming to Adelaide

Belinda Carlisle playing the Gov November 13! 8)
by Wedgie
Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:33 pm
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Re: Glenelg Senior Coach 2014

I just rang them and they wouldn't tell me! :(
by Wedgie
Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:05 pm
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Re: Nathan Bassett

fester69 wrote:When I read through the nasty dribble written by supporters of the lesser clubs, it makes me wonder how people think I'm a dickhead??!!

Don't worry Fester, we don't wonder, we know! :P
Could be worse, I've been known to be a cockhead. ;)
by Wedgie
Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:28 am
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

Bully wrote:so....can we darken the bold feature in the posts?

Never really used it so thought I better test it out

Ooooo, I like this one, its subtle but distinctive, like me.
My vote is to keep as is.
by Wedgie
Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:36 am
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Here's another thing that shits me:

Weather that's hot enough to keep the kids out of bed later than their normal 8.30pm bed time slot. This in its self isn't an issue but the fact that Dad loves a smoke with a beer and he hides it from his kids that he smokes and he has to wait till about 10pm for his first one is what shits me!!! :evil:
by Wedgie
Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:31 pm
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Re: Glenelg Senior Coach 2014

dedja wrote:15688 posts so my dick's bigger ...

Anyway, congrats to Nick and all the best.

Geezus, if only it did come down to posts on this site, I wouldn't be losing girlfriends on a fortnightly basis! :lol:
by Wedgie
Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:39 pm
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Re: Adelaide cracks Lonely Planet's Top 10 list

Adelaide is a shite hole, but good to see it rates for a visit for some cheap plonk and a new stadium that no one wants. Ok for a one off visit, but terrible place to live .

see, I'd have it the other way around

wouldn't bother visiting as a tourist, but great place to live

Same here, love living here but wouldn't visit Adelaide if I lived elsewhere in a million years, just no reason to come here.
by Wedgie
Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:51 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

People that complain about halloween but don't complain about other holidays or traditions from overseas like Christmas or Easter.
by Wedgie
Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:02 pm
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

The SANFL will become so irrelevant with the introduction of the B grade teams that playing coaches will be back in vogue
Yeah, you reckon?

I can just picture it now - Rubbers leading the ruck at the Bloods, Roy running off a half back flank for the Dogs and Mick Godden hobbling around one leg in a forward pocket !!!
Ken McGregor missing easy shots on slight angles for North.
by Wedgie
Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:01 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

What comes around goes around, Wundke's just a football slut, just like Craig parry was.
Its not like North went backwards and South went forwards after he moved.
by Wedgie
Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:11 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Congratulations beenreal, I honestly can say I think that last line is the best troll I've ever seen on this site and you've beaten some high quality opposition too! :lol:
by Wedgie
Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:49 pm
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Welcome to

Welcome to

Only in its infancy but I thought I better get it up* to try and replace footysa so fans of the SANFL have somewhere to chat. I'll be making it look a lot snazzier over the next couple of days and will be calling for moderators as well as any suggestions for new forums or deletions of current forums.

I've put a few up that coincide with discussion people have had on footysa on the old forum to start with. Let me know what ya think.

The colours/layout and logos will all be changing tonight to something relating a bit closer to the SANFL and I'll be making up a homepage for it too.

As regulars from footysa that I trust log in I'll make them moderators. I'll be working on clear regulations for them and users too to avoid any crap.

by Wedgie
Sat Oct 21, 2000 10:31 am
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Re: North Recruit Triple Magarey Medalist!

What was his reason for leaving in the first place?
A couple of reasons but one was to be closer to his family as his Dad who is a huge supporter of Jimmy had open heart surgery.
Talked to Jimmy's Dad Sat night and in his usual no fuss manner said he couldn't understand why Jimmy came home. Lol
Jimmys Dad seems good again now so Jimmy probably doesn't have as big an issue being away from home.
by Wedgie
Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:51 am
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Not surprised Centrals aren't supplying any players because I don't think they've got any left!
by Wedgie
Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:41 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

Brodlach wrote:Who looks liekly to play the key forward roles Wedgie?

Me at Full Forward and maybe McGregor will come out of retirement for Centre Half Forward.
by Wedgie
Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:21 pm
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Re: The future of West Adelaide.

The Rooster wrote:They have?? Where?

Sensitive News Of the World
by Wedgie
Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:02 pm
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Re: Server move 20th November 2013

Well done to Diss on the server move, its never an easy thing with a forum this big and things have turned out well so can continue to improve the service we give to its many great and loyal members.
by Wedgie
Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:35 pm
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Re: New Naming Rights Sponsor

League twice? What do they think the L stands for?
So we're a league league?
Surely the IGA SANFL makes more sense?
by Wedgie
Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:52 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Why is it the Crows and their nuffy supporters think that not just the SANFL clubs but every club in the state should do everything they possibly can to make them successful?
We don't bend over to help Carlton or Kangaroos or Brisbane, the Crows are no different
You are not the state team.
There is probably more South Australians that support Victorian clubs than SA clubs
And probably more members of interstate sides aswell, not sure of other clubs but Essendon had just over 5,500 SA members and id think Collingwood, Carlton and Hawthorn would have similar if not more

What is with that? I've never understood the desire to follow, let alone become a member of an interstate AFL side. Sure there'd be a few that lived there or knew someone that plays for them, but what about the rest? What connection is there? Just pick a side you saw on tv one day? Liked the colours? Seems a bit plastic to me.

It is sh*t that there are more members of Essendon in SA than any SANFL club.

I've never understood the opposite as either a) people didn't follow the vfl and just jumped on board because a new team was nearby, these people I don't hold any respect for and they are nothing more than brain dead sheep
b) adults changed teams to support a new team, these people I don't respect as they have no loyalty
c) people never follow the game and jumped on board because of the hype, these cinema goers I can slightly understand, these people have no idea about the game and spend most of games booing the umpires
d) people who had family or friends playing for a new club, this minority have my respect
e) young kids made up their mind to follow a team using their own brainpower , these have my respect too.

Mind you I've also never understand how someone could follow a merged team too, if North merged with anyone they would be my most hated team in the league. Luckily people got off their arse and did something about that before it could happen.
by Wedgie
Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:26 am
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Re: North Recruit Triple Magarey Medalist!

Mic wrote:
Wedgie wrote:Looks like I might have prematurely exploded with this one. Whispers out of Prospect is Jimmy's asking for more than North are willing to pay.


Appatantley there's nasal sprays around that will help me.
by Wedgie
Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:04 am
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Ron Burgundy wrote:As long as it makes the AFC a stronger club overall...

Most other AFL clubs have their seconds team playing together, so it is great that SA is following suit.

It won't, itll just be an expensive exercise in getting rid of one more excuse as to why the Cows and Powder are crap.
by Wedgie
Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:09 am
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Re: Glenelg Recruit Triple Magarey Medalist?

Big Phil wrote:
Wedgie wrote:LOL, I've changed the name of the thread...

Might have to change it, again, Wedgie...

West and Norwood saying they might be interesting in chatting to Jimmy...

LOL, I might just change it to someone!
by Wedgie
Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:38 pm
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Re: Someone Recruits Triple Magarey Medalist?

Blind faith?
Who was the biggest critic of the club when they've erred in my opinion especially when they stuffed around ex players such as Hargs?
Who couldn't get a question answered at an AGM because the board and CEO were scared of what I would ask?
Who was screaming blue murder when our major sponsor got to send a letter around in a club envelope?
Who was one of the biggest critics of some if the happenings under Jarman?
Who was part of a group that took the club on when the club wanted to merger?
Who was one of the clubs biggest critics in the whole reserves debacle?
I could go on but you've gone from half truths to an insultive ignorant lie now.
Geezus, the club especially under the previous CEO would have loved it if I did have blind faith.
I won't insult you but you're definitely more conformist to your clubs decisions than I ever have been!
And wtf has a grand final when the best side in the comp beat the side that came 5th go to do with anything? Clutching at straws now.
by Wedgie
Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:21 pm
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Re: Compiling Accurate Stats PAFC

Mark has it 100% right, the Port Adelaide Football Club only changed their name in 1996 so a new franchise could use it, proven in legal documents and by the fact players who stayed with the Magpies didn't need to sign new contracts where those who went from the old Port Adelaide Football Club to the new franchise did.The club in the SANFL was the same until the franchise who took over their name also took over their club.
Factual as usual Mark, keep up the good work. Just a shame some choose to ignore facts as it doesn't suit them.

I've had this argument with Cornesy, who relies on technicalities and Legalities to support his side. Relying on legalities in this case renders his argument invalid. Legal arguments are bound by precedent and in this case of a club moving to another competition, there is none.

The next principal in a Judges arsenal would then be "Substance over Form", primarily an accounting term but basically means, "what was meant to happen, happened" by whatever means necessary. In this case, Port Adelaide moved from the SANFL to the AFL. New numbers, codes, terminologies do not mean new club. But it does now mean that Port Adelaide is now the Legal precedent.
No need to argue with me, I preferred it when I ignorantly thought the Port Adelaide Football Club had moved to the AFL as I could put shit on my Port mates telling them my SANFL club had more SANFL premierships then theirs and my AFL club had more AFL premierships than theirs!
Alas I was proven wrong when the facts were pointed out to me and I conceded. Mind you now since the Power franchise took over the original PAFC to field their own side I can at least argue that again. Just a shame that the club that won 36 odd premierships in the SANFL is no more in any shape or form. No precedents needed, facts are facts.
I do like your cute little prose though, I might shoot someone and then in court tell the judge that no precedent has been set with someone named Wedgie shooting anyone therefore it did not happen. :lol:
by Wedgie
Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:15 pm
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Re: Gay marriage, yes or no...?

woodublieve12 wrote:
scoob wrote:Imagine getting married then it gets anulled a few days later....what a pain in the ass

it would be a tough pill to swallow

Or pillow as the case may be.....
by Wedgie
Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:26 pm
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Re: Clint Alleway to the Bays

Jim05 wrote:Even more reason to hate the Bays now that wanker is there.
He must be close to a life ban with all his suspensions

Musnt be otherwise he would have gone to the Eagles who have their own rules.
by Wedgie
Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:31 pm
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Re: Holden sponsorship

Other clubs have/are sponsored by Holden dealers. Southgate at Panthers & Claridge at Sturt. No reason that couldn't happen at Centrals. Best result for all would be a major manufacturing business moves into the plant , keeps lots of jobs and could be a sponsorship option too.
I shine the sponsorship offeredby adeslership woildbemuch smaller than that of a manufacturing plant.
I like theidea that another manufacturer could take the plant over, but what would they manufacture?
Government's got some work to do on that.
English good speak do you.
by Wedgie
Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:44 pm
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Re: Forced transfers

Nice way to change the subject. Yeah our club might be crap but the Crows are crap too.

Could just imagine Port supporters at the doctor.

Dr: You're fat
Port Supporter: Yeah but my neighbour is fat too so it doesn't matter
Dr: * face palm *
by Wedgie
Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:46 am
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Pseudo wrote:
Wedgie wrote:I don't want go to three games though!

Not even the Integrity Cup fixture?

West and Norwood are playing in that, not South! :)
by Wedgie
Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:39 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

JK wrote:Bays are certainties this year

What about 2014?
by Wedgie
Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:39 pm
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mighty hounds wrote:
Wedgie wrote:Spurs account for Man U again, is that 2 seasons of them not beating us in the EPL now?

Such an accomplishment :lol: well done spuds :roll:

It is for us!
Nice to beat middle of the road teams for a change.
Now if we can just work on getting close to the decent teams.
by Wedgie
Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:01 am
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Re: Who have Norwood screwed over more ????

Dumb topic and posts are getting even dumber so I'm locking it.
by Wedgie
Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:10 pm
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Re: 2013/14 NFL Season

Let me know a month out from the season next season, SaFooty will contribute to the comp next year. Bengals $1.37 favs to knock the Chargers out of the playoffs, hopefully we don't choke again after not losing a home game this season and already winning at San Diego.
by Wedgie
Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:31 pm
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Re: SAFooty V2

The Sleeping Giant wrote:Why would you want to block Tapatalk?

Sent via tectonic vibrations from under the earth's crust

I thought made that clear before?

Sent using the poo from out of my arse.
by Wedgie
Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:08 am
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Re: Gombau - How does he keep his job

I have a theory that it took the players a few months to understand him.
I know the only thing he's said that I understood was "Your goalkeeper son is shit".
by Wedgie
Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:27 pm
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Re: The Magpies Are Now The AFL Power Reserves

Isn't it just a name change from Magpies to Power? The guernsey will change but it wont be the first time in Port Adelaide's history that the colours of their guernsey has changed
Essendon were the 'Dons before being known as the Bombers.
Fitzroy went from being known as the Maroons to the Gorillas to the Lions before amalgamating with Brisbane.
Richmond were the Wasps prior to being known as the Tigers.
Yes the Magpies might be dead but the Port Adelaide Footy Club will live on, and isn't that who people support?
Nah, I used to think that till proven wrong. The PAFC changed their name to the PAMFC so a new entity "the power" could use their business name.
The PAMFC is virtually dead and buried now by its own artificial creation, its a bit like Battlestar Galactica with the Cylons created by the humans all but wiping the makers out.
Or Frankenstein to a degree too.
by Wedgie
Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:16 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Mr Beefy wrote:How do you know how Buddha Hocking or the ravens coach feel about losing?

He has a name, Heath Younie.
I can assure you Heath will be trying to win every game too.
by Wedgie
Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:58 am
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Re: Oldest Current SANFL League Side

Its definitely South.
The order of oldest to youngest:

by Wedgie
Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:56 am
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Re: The Magpies Are Now The AFL Power Reserves

Look Keith Thomas can call them anything he likes e,g, their SANFL side, the Magpies, the Wharfies, the Tuggers, Power rejects but it still all comes down to the fact that the side will be predominately manned by players who do not make the AFL team every week.

We know this will be a fact so in reality it is Power Reserves side simple i think !!!!!!

So if they are a "reserves side" then wouldn't that make the competition they play in a reserves competition then? Just remember you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Derp, that's been the point made for the last 6 months plus! :roll:
Looks like Apaches tail chasing wasn't in vain after all!
by Wedgie
Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:21 pm
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Re: Port's Six SANFL Guernsey Designs

I voted for C,E and then A as they weren't as offensive as B, D & E.
by Wedgie
Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:38 am
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Re: The Magpies Are Now The AFL Power Reserves

9 months? That's hilarious. Any other trustworthy club would have taken them a week.

taken them a week when their putting in millions of dollars. Looks like someone has been smoking a little too much.

Any chance you can send some millions back to the people who bankrolled your charity for the last 17 years?
by Wedgie
Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:53 pm
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Re: Rocket Rooster in Hot Water

If the Advertiser was a credible publication then the journalist would have asked the big question after seeing a pic of Rocket Rooster on the Willunga Hill road.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
by Wedgie
Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:41 am
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Re: Rocket Rooster in Hot Water

Booney wrote:A running Rooster challenging a running sheet?!?!?!

Only on SA Footy. Or A Current Affair. ;)

Or the front and third page of the Advertiser.
by Wedgie
Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:04 am
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