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Re: SAFooty V2

I usually use the tapatalk app but thought I'd have a look at the website, looks great... well done....
by Jase
Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:27 pm
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

I thought most people on here were adults. My mistake.
by HH3
Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:53 am
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

Perhaps a clue in dissidents original post. The old forum was a bitch to maintain, the new one isn't. It's not all about you, princess!
by smac
Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:54 am
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

Adults should not alienate masses of people by suddenly forcing unwanted changes upon them.
Conferring with the actual users of this forum first would seem to have been polite.
Change is inevitable, South Australians in general don't like change, that's why we are looked at as a stagnant back water by the rest of the country.
Diss did have some of the mod's trying the forum out for a while before releasing it, could you imagine if he tried to fit the individual needs of every forum user into the final product, it would be a disaster.

Amongst other things, this format doesn't seem as easy to read as it was before.
The wishy-washy grey script is probably annoying a lot of folk.
Can all the print be made a few shades darker please ?
Although too pale, the headings are a good size, but a darker font for posts might lead to the
site being better accepted. Black would be best in my opinion, but at least darker than at present
would be appreciated.

Sabre. At least that is constructive, a few other posters could learn from that.
by Ian
Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:49 pm
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Re: SAFooty V2

Hi all

Sorry for the inconvenience of changing the forum.

But what I ask is that you give it a week or so. It is different, I know that. As I mentioned before there are bugger all decent base themes for PHPBB. In my mind this doesn't look like any other "Vanilla" forum at all. Also, the old theme was so heavily modified it became impossible to update the actual forum software we use as a platform.

Bully No I can't do that sorry. It took long enough to actually get those logos working, including sourcing them, sizing them and then hacking the software so that they would load automatically. I'd love for every team from every sport to have a logo but until there's a system to do so we are stuck with SANFL and AFL teams.

I'll probably get better logos at some point, but I do sort of like the old-school logos.

I will continue to real all constructive comments and take them on board to make changes.
by Dissident
Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:04 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

Dogwatcher wrote:So many changes at each club to come over summer. The sides will be all but unrecognisable next season.
Were Ferguson and Mangan expected to depart Westies?

Throw in Tippett who seems to be a good possibility to get drafted, and the Westies defence is suddenly down to just 14 players
by JK
Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:18 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

Brodlach wrote:No salary cap at South?

Even by usual West standards, this is a bit early for Salary Cap whinging ;)
by JK
Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:17 pm
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Re: SAFooty V2

Another... When clicking 'like' on a post, can it just like the post without going to a new page? My time is valuable, please stop wasting it.
by smac
Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:41 am
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Re: SAFooty V2

i will retract my original comments about not liking change... i actually really like the new setup... good stuff diss
by woodublieve12
Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:16 pm
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Re: Benson resigns at Sturt

SDK wrote:Mind you he is a great guitarist ....... On Broadway !
Oh hang on that was his brother George !

You're back, SDK?!!

I thought you were going to the 'other' forum because you didn't like the new lay out of this one?
by Big Phil
Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:18 pm
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Vale Les Stevens

Former Central President Les Stevens sadly passed away last night...

Les was a brilliant, passionate man and will be sadly missed...

Condolonces to his wife Val and all the family as well as the CDFC...

RIP Les...
by Big Phil
Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:10 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Adelaide CROWval= OMFG!!!!!!!

Another chapter in the 'only in Adelaide' series.

Could you imagine a Melbourne based AFL team 're-naming' the MCG!!!

The Western Bulldogs were referring to Docklands as "Doglands" when that stadium was first used. I think one of the other tenants was doing a similar thing as well. As cringeworthy as the Ravens.
At least Dog and lands are actual words. Crowval is forced, try-hard bullshit. It rings of tired cliches like "something to crow about" and makes me think of that Foodland ad that came out when the Crows first started, the one that had all the Foodland staff cheering in slow motion, while a voice over assured us how much Foodland supports the Crows. I'd say the sort of people that think "Crowval" is witty, would be the same sort that need a giant sign to tell them when to cheer at a football game.
by therisingblues
Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:58 am
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Re: SAFooty V2

I've modified the liked options, so that it should go back to where you were, rather than the info screen
by Dissident
Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:35 am
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Re: Server move 20th November 2013

Well done to Diss on the server move, its never an easy thing with a forum this big and things have turned out well so can continue to improve the service we give to its many great and loyal members.
by Wedgie
Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:35 pm
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

Mitch Thorp should dominate in the SANFL with the Tigers, he is avery good player...

What is the salary cap in the SANFL at the moment? I assume Glenelg would be paying these guys between 30-35k each, so between Joseph, Thorp, Lonergan, Stark thats probably $130 - $140k.

Mitch Thorp is taking on a playing/coaching role, so I would think his coaching payments are outside the cap.

Nope. If coach is playing all football related salary counts against the cap.

Wowee, salary cap advice from a Redleg :shock:
by PatowalongaPirate
Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:24 pm
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Re: SANFL Draw

It is sickening seeing the Advertiser trying to hype up the round 1 game between Norwood and the port power reserves. Can norwood beat their old enemy now its full of power reserves talent they say Clearly they are giving the SANFL some attention as they see money in it. It alsmost sounds like some sort of exhibitiion game however...the best of the SANFL versus the port power reserves. This is an insult to the port v norwood rivalry to try and pass it off between a battle of traditional rivals. There is no way in gods green earth I will be attending. The SANFL directors have failed South Australian football fans miserably!
by passionatelegsfan
Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:12 pm
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Re: SANFL Draw

And that leads to an interesting question ... do people support a club or a competition?

From my pre-media days I certainly was more concerned about HOW my team played, rather that WHO my team played.

I no longer feel any love or joy for the SANFL and South Australian football as a whole.
I still hope my club wins but will not be supporting it financially.
So it was with raised eyebrows I received the latest email from the club (admittedly written by a CEO who was not in the chair when the fateful decision was made) reaching out to members:

"What can we do to make Glenelg supporters Glenelg Football Club members? We need to make a Glenelg Football Club membership a desired commodity. We need to provide a member with more benefits and a great experience every time they visit the facility. We need to make our members feel they have ownership of the venue (which they effectively do), so they continue to support it, win or lose, 52 weeks a year."

What can you do? You can give them a voice and listen to them when they speak.

This horse has bolted.
by Harry the Horse
Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:46 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

Central's have officially announced two more recruits...

Johann Wagner - a full forward from Port Lincoln...

Jacob Olsson - a ruckman from country NSW...

Centrals recruiting has been very underwhelming...
The modern Footballer/recruit just doesn't want to play for a club that still sews numbers onto it's guernsies Dutchy.
by am Bays
Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:26 am
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Re: SAFooty V2

Credit where credit's due ... initially thought WTF has Diss done but now can't even remember what the old site looked like.
by dedja
Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:58 pm
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Re: The Magpies Are Now The AFL Power Reserves

Re NFL -

For starters a lot of the 45 man squad get to play on game day.

Whilst there are only 11 on the field its a separate starting 11 for offences, 11 for defence and a few for special teams (kicker, long snapper, punter).

Then within each unit players come on and off for specific game situations.

ie 5 wide receivers probably rotate around, defences can be more lineman focused on short goal line stands or more defensive backs if a long yardage play.

Only a few won't normally play, the 2 back up quarterbacks (teams usually have 3 on their list) and possibly the lowest ranked player on the "depth chart" for each position. Injuries (of which there are many) can change that in an instant.

Those lesser used players PLUS those on the "practice squad" (not on the official list but assist at trainings) get used a lot at full contact practices during the week mainly as the "opponents" for the starters to practice against.

In essence NFL had a developmental league called NFL Europe which folded a few years back, a very select few come from minor Pro leagues, Arena Football or Canadian Football.

The main development pool is college players (There are approx 130 major colleges and hundreds more at a minor level).

With only 32 NFL teams, only a small pct of college players get drafted, leaving a huge pool of undrafted players waiting for a call.

Those drafted and many "free agents" fight for the few spots at training camp
by PhilH
Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:18 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

The longer this club exists the more and more disillusioned i have become with it, this is one 23yo club playing in a Victorian based competition, they don't own footy in SA nor do they solely represent it's history. This mob has got WAY ahead of itself.

Most importantly they DO NOT represent this state, nor all South Australians.
by Booney
Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:55 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

I dont support the Crows or the Power, and I dont follow any particular SANFL side, and this still makes me angry.

I am a proud South Australian though, and this jumper is for players from this state (no matter what club they're currently at) representing the state.

I was gonna barrack for Port against the Crows anyway, solely because I like how Port have gone about things in the last year or so, and this has only strengthened my support for Port, and my hate for the Crows.

Now, as a South Australia football fan, Im being told that the Crows are MY team. **** off! No South Australian football fan should ever be made to hate the team wearing the state guernsey, and as long as its being worn by a club (Crows or Port, doesnt matter) theres gonna be South Australians that will not support it.

Selfish, arrogant, holier-than-thou, HORSE SHIT!!!

I really hope this bites the Crows in the arse and their own supporters that dont agree with this voice their concerns.
by HH3
Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:59 pm
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Re: Expression of interest - $20 & $50 cash leagues

Il go in the $50 definitely
The $20 if you have trouble filling it
by daysofourlives
Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:03 pm
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Re: Expression of interest - $20 & $50 cash leagues

Yeah i'll go both thanks Dutchy

Sorry Dutchy, I only have room for one more league. Not fussed which one
by Banker
Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:48 pm
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Re: Expression of interest - $20 & $50 cash leagues

I'll go in the $20 one again.
by wycbloods
Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:26 pm
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Re: Expression of interest - $20 & $50 cash leagues

I will be in the Lobster again.

Thanks Dutchy
by Alaska
Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:13 am
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Re: SS SA v Two Heads

Dogwatcher wrote:Rain?

Persistent showers here in Gawler.

I'm not sure how long the rain in Gawler will take to get to Hobart.
by cennals05
Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:01 pm
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Re: Expression of interest - $20 & $50 Supercoach cash leagu

I will give the $20 league a crack if there is still room. Cheers
by Mythical Creature
Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:21 am
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Re: Expression of interest - $20 & $50 Supercoach cash leagu

Can you still get in on $20 league if so send me code and where I need to send money too
by Gilligan
Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:07 am
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Re: AFL 2014

Dutchy wrote:
valleys07 wrote:I am strongly looking at that too Dutch. What are your thoughts on a Port win using the sportsbet money back special?

Sorry only just seen this, good bet at the minute!

Yep, got in after a few nervous moments.

Rounded out a good night with the overs coming in aswell.
by valleys07
Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:39 pm
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Re: AFL 2014

Dutchy, you are due to be on the right side of the ledger of those close games, because from memory you got screwed on quite a few close calls last season.
by mighty_tiger_79
Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:29 am
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Re: Round 1- Norwood v Port @ Norwood Post Match

To save keystrokes can we call the power reserves the 'preserves'?
by gadj1976
Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:09 pm
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Re: Round 1- Norwood v Port @ Norwood Post Match

Last year's game was NOT on a school night and NOT live on free TV. Throw in the all the negativity about AFL Reserves and I was expecting a LOT lower.

I have total respect your passion for the SANFL Phil and you've done a sh*t load more than me in encouraging people to attend and follow it. No argument there. I do however suspect that even you, in your heart of hearts, know that trying to connect SANFL clubs with their local communities, the only constituency that will sustain them through the decades, will become almost impossible with the inclusion of the 2 new teams.
by topsywaldron
Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:45 pm
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SANFL Ladders & Statistics - Round 1, 2014

Greetings for another season. 8)
by scott
Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:54 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

There were no games under 2k until Round 5 last year:
by spell_check
Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:55 pm
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Re: Round 2 - Port Reserves v Glenelg Post Match

Love how people can simultaneously argue that the comp is a farce both because the reserves sides are too bad AND too good.

It is actually quite logical and one of the main points I kept arguing last year. The farce comes from the VARIANCE in performances from the AFL reserves teams. There will almost certainly be weeks when they lose by 20 goals and weeks when they will win by 20 goals, all hugely dependent on
- their injury lists
- their desire to play to win (which will depend on what suits their AFL masters from week to week)
- the rules/concessions that the SANFL gives each AFL club

It truly does reduce the competition to a farce - it is hard to get excited by wins, or despondent by losses against the AFL Reserves sides when the whole structure of these clubs is completely different and any close games are just a fluke by the clubs having the "right" balance of injuries and top up players on that day.
by Ecky
Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:45 pm
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Re: OAKSY Doggies Tips

angle park

race 1 - 5/1/8/7

race 2 - 2/6/3/1/4

race 3 - 3/4/6/5

race 4 - 1 wins

race 5 - 7/8/1/4

race 6 - 6/7/1/2/3/8

race 7 - 3/6/2/5/1/7

race 8 - 6/4/5/7/3

race 9 - 1/5/6/7

race 10 - 2/3/5/7

race 11 - 6/5/2/1/4/3
by mighty_tiger_79
Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:11 am
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SANFL Ladders & Statistics - Round 3, 2014

After all Round 3 matches.
by scott
Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:12 pm
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Re: Rnd 4 - Glenelg v Adelaide @ Gilderol (Fri N 25/4)

I always like to catch up with the 'Bays blokes' @ least once a year - Stampy, Dirko, Spargo, Pseudo, etc. :)
Sorry LE... oops, LPH... but if you want to see me you'll have to come back on Saturday arvo for the second meeting of the Bay Oval Bye Week Book Club (tm). Come and discuss modern literature (i.e. the Football Budget) and view performing arts (i.e. the SANFL telecast) over a few beers, safe in the knowledge that you are supporting a sovereign SANFL club without sanctioning the presence of unwanted interlopers.
by Pseudo
Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:17 pm
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Re: SAAFL division 6 2014

Ok, enough with the whinging PM's... here comes explanation.

I want everyone to go back and look though the last few pages. I've marked a few posts in red - and those are but a small example and not exhaustive by any means.

Now I'm not trying to pinpoint or make an example of anyone, I've done this simply to highlight the snideness that you all have been posting with over the last few days, not to mention PG who made me waste 10 minutes of my day deleting the bullshit he posted after his bender, plus other comments by other posters which I just couldn't keep on the boards.

My point is, is that if none of you can make your points without having to resort to cheap pot shots, either directly at another poster or at another club, then you won't have a thread to post in. There's a rule, it's called TROLLING and is punishable by banning. (No shit, I didn't make this up, ask admin :roll: ) I know they probably don't sound like pot shots to you when you write it but to the person/club it's aimed at, it is

What shits me most, is that some of you will blatantly take a pot shot and then come running to me when someone snipes them back.

I don't care how bloody passionate you are, if you can't stop and think "is what I write going to cause WWIII?, would I want someone to write this about my club?" then don't post it. It only makes you (and your club) look stupid. I think we're all capable of healthy discussion without this. There are many ways in which one can speak their minds without pissing people off. If someone finds one, please let me know ;)

Despite what you all think, I'm not here looking over you 24/7 - I can only do the best I can- but bugger me I'll go off if people start PMing me and having a go for not removing something., even though I removed something else. I'm not God, I don't see all.

Now when I decide to take the locks off this zoo, I'd like to see you all act like grown ups, which I know you all are - instead of childish little turds who have nothing better to do than abuse each other and make stupid and outlandish accusations on how much this person or team is getting paid. You can't prove it, so don't bother.

Div 6 is a bloody good comp this year, so let's focus on the positives, eh?

Any legitimate questions or concerns feel free to PM me, my door is always open.

me xo
by Footy Chick
Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:22 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

Damn it! I want the SANFL to be like it was in the good 'ol days. Now we've got "Showdowns" in Clare and a commercial network broadcasting games to a wider TV audience all the while 10,000 are going to Glenelg on a Friday night.

I liked it better when the Bays lost in front of 2800 people.
I'd rather 6,000 go to the Bay to watch a competition with an even playing field and integrity. Crowd numbers aren't the "be all". If this was the sole measuring stick, a lot of competitions wouldn't exist.
by sjt
Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:18 pm
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Re: Pure SANFL ladder

All you Port and Crows boys and girls, instead of whinging and whining, how about just don't read the thread. You know it's about. I have no interest in the AFL. Do you see me in that forum making flaming posts?

You whine on about how every thread is hijacked by the anti afl mob but most of the crap that starts drags a topic down is posted by one of your lot.
by johntheclaret
Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:34 am
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Re: Foxtel Cup 2014

this storm side is hardly going to trouble West. West will win easily. They wouldnt beat PNU
by Go Sharks
Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:50 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

Dutchy wrote:
Booney wrote:D

I liked it better when the Bays lost in front of 2800 people.

So did I

At least the game meant something, not the glorified practice match it is now.
by topsywaldron
Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:30 pm
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