I think the point is that the model they agreed to and the returns they have recieved are far apart. GIven both Adelaide and Port after only a couple of home games each have come out with alarm bells saying its nowhere near the level they expected - whilst both clubs are miles ahead of projected figures.....questions deserve to be asked. The figures projected a $8.1m uplift in revenue for the AFL clubs and this was based on:
Port season ticket sales going from 13,600 to 23,000. We currently have over 29,000 season ticket holders so 26% above projections.
Adelaide season ticket sales going from 24,700 to 27,000. They currently have (apparently) 37,000 season ticket holders so 37% above projections.
Port attendances averages 31,000. Currently averaging 43,000 so 38% above projections.
Adelaide attendances averages 42,000. Currently averaging 46,600 so 11% above projections.
How can revenue be lower than expected when all figures are currently well above projections, without the SMA changing the goal posts?
As Whicker used to say "grow the pie, grow the pie". Well both Adelaide and Port have grown the pie significantly....no point growing the pie if Whicker and Olsens shit stained fingers are gonna keep taking a bigger slice.
And here we go again, Port Adelaide pushing the blame elsewhere, just like previous issues like -
"SANFL forced us to keep the Magpies and move them to Ethelton"
"SANFL screwed us on the Footy Park stadium deal"
You agreed to it FFS!!!! You signed on the bottom line!!!!
Projections are exactly that, projections, no guarantees. If you wanted guarantees on what you would get from the new stadium then negotiate a fixed return.
Its like signing a contract to a variable rate loan and whinging when the rates go up.
Port Adelaide = world champion whingers...always some one else fault