I think that you will find "us lot" have already moved on from the "PAM does not exist anymore" debate
Well **** me......I for one am tickled pink, pig in shit type happy that you've hung around long enough to fill us in on the finer points! :lol:
Well, purveyor of all knowledge, you reference :
The Port Adelaide Football Club running around the AFL is known as the Port Adelaide Power
When it actual reality, it is the Port Adelaide Football Club. For those who don't understand, "Power" is a nick name, like the "Redlegs" for Norwood. They are, in reality, not The Norwood Redlegs Football Club. Ergo, The Port Adelaide Football Club.
You also state :
The team currently running around in the SANFL is the Port Adelaide Power Reserves.
When, in actual reality, it is the Port Adelaide Football Clubs SANFL side, which, granted, is mainly filled by Port Adelaide AFL listed players who at that given time are not playing AFL. That side, with the nickname of the "Magpies" is not known as the Port Adelaide Power Reserves in ANY official capacity. Unless of course you count punters opinions on here as something resembling "official".
It's not what you know ( or think you know ) but it's how you explain it. Sorry matt35, there's many sides to this debate and it's one that will never, ever be settled in full.
Now, off to the whinge thread and the game discussion can continue. :lol: