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Re: AFL Round 3 - COVID is back

I'm looking forward to reading Booneys post game write up for the first time lol
by Bum Crack
Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:42 pm
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Re: AFL Round 4

Only saw the Cunnington incident last night for the first time and can't believe he got a game in the first place. That's why this game has gone to shit. Absolute joke.
by Bum Crack
Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:21 am
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Re: The death of the Port Adelaide Magpies

The other week I got in trouble on Facebook (nothing new) for saying Port don’t have the magpie on their jumper .
The persons page I wrote that on is a great guy . But one of his buddies got upset . Went off they are still the magpies media calls them magpies . So to him they are the magpies , mind you half or more of their fans wear power gear .
Anyway this guys picture had him in the prison bars I pointed out it didn’t have the magpie logo on the jumper . He wanted his mate to block me .
I know it’s port Adelaide but I guess the wharfies can’t see the logo is gone .
Those that know me know I used to be married into a port family lived in the port heartland.
My kids followed me thankfully not port fans that’s surprised their cousins lol .
Anyway those that know me know my surname and with that surname not being a port fan gets me really strange looks from port people .
I won’t say my surname but I’d love some royalties from Port lol
You have a blue with Booney?? :lol:
by Bum Crack
Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:55 am
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Re: Daily Golf - Where you are playing and how you go

Corporate Golf Day tomorrow at Berri. 4 man ambrose. $100.00 per head which includes piss on course and lunch after with 4 hour drinks package. Bring it on.
by Bum Crack
Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:02 pm
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Re: Daily Golf - Where you are playing and how you go

Dutchy wrote:
Bum Crack wrote:Corporate Golf Day tomorrow at Berri. 4 man ambrose. $100.00 per head which includes piss on course and lunch after with 4 hour drinks package. Bring it on.

4 hour drink package AFTER the round? :shock:

Yep. 9am hit off. Gunna be a big day
by Bum Crack
Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:22 pm
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Re: AFL Round V

locky801 wrote:
Bum Crack wrote:I've finally come to the realisation we suck.

Be lucky to make the 8 serving up this crap :oops:

There is no way known we'll make the 8 if we play like this.
by Bum Crack
Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:10 pm
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Re: AFL Round V

I've finally come to the realisation we suck.
by Bum Crack
Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:02 pm
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Re: Daily Golf - Where you are playing and how you go

Corporate Golf Day tomorrow at Berri. 4 man ambrose. $100.00 per head which includes piss on course and lunch after with 4 hour drinks package. Bring it on.

4 hour drink package AFTER the round? :shock:
Yep. 9am hit off. Gunna be a big day

Do you remember any of the day?
It was an absolute belter of a day. $100 a head gave you bacon and egg rolls for brekky, 18 holes of golf, all your piss whilst playing golf including pies and pasties while playing. After golf there was a 3 course lunch with all your beer, wines and bubbly supplied. Main course was eye fillet steak and it was one of the best steaks I have ever had. Great value for money and our group won too which was handy. We ended up with two nights accommodation each in a spa room with balcony at McCracken with golf included so we're going to take the girls with us for a golf weekend as they like a hit too. Something to consider next year if anyone wants to play in a good day and get away for a weekend.

PS - I got poleaxed and got home around 9.30pm so was a good 13 hour session on this piss.
by Bum Crack
Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:37 pm
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Re: Daily Golf - Where you are playing and how you go

Email sent :

Good morning,

I had a colleague attend the Corporate Cup Day last week and upon his recommendation I’d like to register my interest for the corresponding day in 2022.

Can you please add me to your mailing list for the event. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Thank you.
If you like the Berri Golf Club Facebook page and Big River Tavern Facebook page it will come up on there closer to the date. I'll let you know anyway
by Bum Crack
Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:05 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Had the COVID Pfizer vaccine today. Didn't even know they had given it to me until they told me it was all done and I'm still alive
by Bum Crack
Wed May 12, 2021 1:42 pm
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Re: Willi Rioli

tigerpie wrote:
Senor Moto Gadili wrote:Pleaded guilty and received a 12 month good behavior bond .... no conviction recorded.

No conviction wow that's wet lettuce treatment.

Depending on his prior history of offending, which may be none, that's a fair enough result, especially IF he has no criminal history.
by Bum Crack
Wed May 12, 2021 5:40 pm
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Re: I need to know....

My eldest lad (12) has been growing his hair for a few years now and wears it back in a bun or pony tail or WTF you call it. Most of his mates have the mullet going now and he wants to do the same but Mrs K is steadfastly refusing to let him do so.

I'd prefer he didn't change from what he has presently, but I feel he is entitled to do so because:

a) It's his freakin hair so he should have a fair say in it
b) I had a mullet myself for years which looks crap retrospectively, but at the time was just the norm among virtually every bloke I knew

Is Mrs K being unreasonable, or is she right to put her foot down?
If you let him wear a man bun, surely you'll let him have a mullet??
by Bum Crack
Tue May 25, 2021 11:29 am
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Re: Port Adelaide 2021

Brisbane and West Coast losses were very poor performances and if you're a premiership contender, the Bulldogs game was a disappointment too, especially with the home ground advantage. That score flattered you a bit really I thought. Collingwood win was quite ordinary too. I'm not writing them off, I just think their form has been quite poor against the better teams in the comp. It's all well and good to flog the shit sides, but you won't be playing them come finals time.
by Bum Crack
Tue May 25, 2021 4:17 pm
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Re: AFL Round 10

MW wrote:didnt the Hawks do it also v Geelong in 08 GF?

only 20 bloody times :evil: :lol:
by Bum Crack
Wed May 26, 2021 10:01 am
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Re: What The F***

Trader wrote:
Lightning McQueen wrote:Cold enough for ear muffs but wears a dress?

Dressing gown?

It's a doctor's coat. They're off to the quack.
by Bum Crack
Wed May 26, 2021 1:21 pm
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Re: Port Adelaide 2021

$381 return For the weekend of 25-26/9 Port fans,

Get in by 11am and out on the 6am (like you’ll be sleeping any way as you catch a taxi from King St to Tullamaine at 4:30 am) special so your back for the fun and frivolity at Alberton on the 26th.

Back your team in, you mob!

The money you save in May is the money for beers in Sept, you know it sense!
Seems like a lot of money to spend to watch a Port player in the Grand Final sprint.
by Bum Crack
Mon May 31, 2021 5:31 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Had my second Pfizer shot today. I'm cured.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:38 am
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Re: Good Movies

Not a movie - it's a doco, but goes for 90min so qualifies... watched "Hillsborough" the other week on Kayo - loved it - in fact so much that i watched it again last night with Mrs Bedge and she sat and watched the whole thing which is rare for her given it's a sports doc.

At times it's hard to hold back the tears.

Yeah one of my favouries……I feel for all involved. I know the police made some mistakes but I think in this day and age we lose sight of being able to reflect on incidents/tragedies and remember that people in that exact moment only knew what they knew. Its easy to look back now with all our technology, our wealth of knowledge, our understandings of almost every aspect of life and be critical on the way things were done in the 60's / 70's / 80's.

If you love the ESPN series do youself a favour and watch 'The Tale of Two Escobars'

The doco focuses on Andrea Escobar the Colombian soccer player killed after scoring an own goal at the 1990 World Cup in the US and Pablo Escobar the famous Coloumbian drug lord.

Despite sharing the same last name the two were not related but the way their lives intertwine was incredible.
The 30 for 30 doco's are great. My favourite of all time is "Into the Wind" about Terry Fox who ran across Canada with a prosthetic leg to raise money for cancer. Very sad too but what he did was quite amazing.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:53 pm
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Re: AFL Round 13

Booney wrote:I thought it was a dance crew.

I'm still trying to work out why Matthew Pavlich is in the picture :?
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 09, 2021 4:39 pm
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Re: AFL Round 13

Bloody good game of footy. Had some smoker cats supporters behind us carrying on like twats. I'm not a fan of that shit no matter which team. Go to the footy and watch the game, carry on a bit but no need to rub it in. Umpiring was ordinary but went both ways. Just always felt we were going to get up in the last and probably should have been 4 goal up 3/4 time if we kicked straight in the 3rd. Bit of a worry for the power. Definitely not a flag contender at the moment but long way to go. Go Cats. I'm finishing off this bottle of red and off to bed. Gotta be back in Berri at 10 for golf. Met a couple lads tonight too. Valleys and lightning. ******* boony too the **** sitting right behind me. Good to watch the boys have a win. PS everyone who rags Hawkins, **** he does some shit in that forward line other than kicking goals. I love watching him at boundary throw ins. He's the master. Nukkenya.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:09 am
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Re: AFL Round 13

Bloody good game of footy. Had some smoker cats supporters behind us carrying on like twats. I'm not a fan of that shit no matter which team. Go to the footy and watch the game, carry on a bit but no need to rub it in. Umpiring was ordinary but went both ways. Just always felt we were going to get up in the last and probably should have been 4 goal up 3/4 time if we kicked straight in the 3rd. Bit of a worry for the power. Definitely not a flag contender at the moment but long way to go. Go Cats. I'm finishing off this bottle of red and off to bed. Gotta be back in Berri at 10 for golf. Met a couple lads tonight too. Valleys and lightning. ******* boony too the **** sitting right behind me. Good to watch the boys have a win. PS everyone who rags Hawkins, **** he does some shit in that forward line other than kicking goals. I love watching him at boundary throw ins. He's the master. Nukkenya.
How the f*** did you write that at 2 o'clock, you were sucking down the reds at half time of the footy, you're a machine.
Must have been the feast we had at BBQ City yesty. Lined the stomach.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:09 am
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Re: Things that you are looking forward to

Port Douglas in 27 days from now,
Daintree tour, Kuranda train tour, The Reef day trip,
Staying at the Pullman Sea Temple, can't wait to just walk out the door & fall into the pool.
Might pay to check out some restaurants online and book in now. Had a mate go there last month and he said they struggled to get into many places due to being booked out months in advance. I recommend the Tin Shed for dinner. Normal pub fare but the views are fantastic out on the front deck.
by Bum Crack
Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:56 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

The footage of Vlad and Joe at their meeting this morning. Geez I laughed. Vlad was absolutely pumped to be there lol
by Bum Crack
Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:43 am
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Re: AFL Round 14

Of all the clubs supporters whinging about the week off before finals, ironically it’s a Geelong fan.
Think of the extra time to grease those Zimmer Frames & get those banjos in tune.
Am I the only one who hates the bye before finals? I'd be happy with a bye before the penultimate minor round game but the bye after the minor round suck dogs balls. That week of no footy is ridiculous.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:41 pm
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Re: AFL Round 14

How good was selwoods dive and tap out on the flank to set up that final play. What a gun. Cant believe gary Lyon shit canned stewart after getting the bog. He's a ****.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:31 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

whufc wrote:Wouldn't mind SA shutting the borders to NSW so I don't have to go to Broken Hill this weekend.

But then you won't get to take your 3 year old on the cemetery tour
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:52 pm
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Re: Things that you are looking forward to

Looking forward to going home tonight for a curry and a couple bottles of Shiraz watching a cracking game of footy. Go Cats!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Tommy will dominate.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:58 pm
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Re: AFL Round 15

This 10 goal qtr from the cats will be amazing lol
by Bum Crack
Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:08 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

That family need a bloody big pat on the back for doing the right thing and staying at home.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:00 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Chris Kenny makes a fool of himself with Nicola Spurrier.

Love it.


You are so funny altering my original post really says it all you are one of the gullible sheep.

If you watched the vid you would of found Chris Kenny is one of a handful of journos in Australia who asks the hard questions which are not answered.

He is is not like the rest of the gutless so called journos who are soft as butter and follow/ kowtow to all the spin.

Wake up the sheep and goats. :( :( :(
Chris Kenny is a twat.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:26 am
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Re: Graham Campbell's 2021 Punting Forum

Richmond 40+
Jake Aarts 3 or more goals
Jayden Short 25 or more disposals
Trent Cotchin 20 or more disposals

$48.50 boosted.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:23 pm
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Re: AFL media

mighty_tiger_79 wrote:Or it's $25 which is what I'm on.

Sent from my SM-G781B using Tapatalk

Or you just be a tight arse like me and use a mates account ;)
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:26 am
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Re: I need to know....

Thanks Jimmy, some good info, they used to have the service at work but don't they do anymore.

Yeah my Brother is a lawyer so I probably should ask him who I should go see, probably best to get it done right the first time and save the hassle.
Whatever you do, don't get it done through the Public Trustee. They won't charge you to do the Will but they will take a percentage of your estate. Go see a solicitor and get them to do it.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:15 pm
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Re: Graham Campbell's 2021 Punting Forum

I had a 14 leg multi tonight for 5 bucks to win 1060 and needed brayshaw to get 6 possessions last qtr after having 9 first 3 and dixon to kick one more goal in last. Brayshaw got 7 possessions in last and Charlie kicked one on siren. Thank you very much. It won't let me post my bet on but I sent to lightning mcqueen for him to post as he has more idea than I do. Got day off at pub tomorrow too. U beauty.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:28 pm
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Re: AFL Round 17*

I bet Dixon still gets named in the best players by some…
Not best, but didn't think he was that bad. Actually looks better up the ground playing towards the wing.

The delivery he gets inside 50 is gross, not sure how any forward could have a day out with it getting plonked on their head every entry with 3 v 1.

Piss off Marshall, play Dixon high CHF and Georgiades deep forward.

Dixon was brilliant in each quarter....too bad it was the last minute of each quarter.


He was my favourite player when he kicked the last goal.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:02 pm
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Re: North Melbourne

Dutchy wrote:
Bum Crack wrote:You're definitely not worse than North Melbourne that's for sure. Worst team in the AFL by a country mile.

North are shit. Good win against a crap team doesn't change the fact you're still a crap team.
by Bum Crack
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:53 am
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Re: Geelong 2021

He can play on for as long as he wishes. No better leader in the AFL
by Bum Crack
Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:21 pm
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Re: Good Movies

Just watched this and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sent from my SM-G781B using Tapatalk
I watched this Saturday night. It was quite different from the documentary. Didn't get too in depth as to how much coke he was actually moving at the time. Oh, there's a doco??

Sent from my SM-G781B using Tapatalk
Yeah on Netflix. It's called White Boy
by Bum Crack
Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:23 pm
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Re: AFL 2021

Bloody disappointing that SA Health are so risk adverse, we could have had some great neutral games here in the coming weeks
I know, but we're so crap in other areas, Miss Helena's comment about touching balls a few weeks ago illustrates how little she knows or thinks about football.
Hey to this point we're covid free so I'm willing to let her comment slide.
Yeah it was a little silly, but shit I'd hate her job.
I reckon she's doing a great job. I rate her and wouldn't have her job for quids.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:19 pm
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Re: AFL 2021

Speaking of having a laugh on a Friday morning, how is Todd Marshal still in Ports A grade? I have been very very lenient on him for obvious reasons but I just don’t think he’s up to it. Am I off tap here? Or do others think the same as me.
He's having his fifth best year statistically since being at Port so don't be too harsh on the lad.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:46 am
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Re: AFL 2021

MW wrote:Well that escalated quickly...

That's Motlop for ya.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:40 pm
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Re: Soooooo, how's this weather?

Raining again, 8mm already with the odd rumble of thunder. Looks like another day sweeping the workshop floor haha.

You would be absolutely stoked hey.

Cant wipe the smile of most farmers up this way. Its legit the happiest I've ever seen them and their never happy.
Toyota dealers will be rubbing their hands together waiting for the influx of Sahara purchases at the end of the season.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:36 am
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Re: AFL Round COVID 19

How good is footy! 8)
They should be playing in Tassie this week too now I reckon yeah?
Yep, Saturday 1:15pm
Your pretty boys won’t like the conditions down there ;)
If we lose on Saturday, I am going to have to quit SA Footy as I don't think I could handle the pasting I'd get from you and Dutchy :lol:
by Bum Crack
Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:46 pm
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Re: AFL Round Zwanzig

Rik E Boy wrote:Got an uneasy feeling about this North game. Don't think we've played in Hobart before and North play the ground well.



Geez I've seen some shit in my time
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:39 pm
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Re: AFL Round Zwanzig

Spargo wrote:
Rik E Boy wrote:Got an uneasy feeling about this North game. Don't think we've played in Hobart before and North play the ground well.



Top vs bottom, if we win Dutchy & I are heading to Berri for a few beers with Bum Crack

I'll be in Wuhan
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:41 pm
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Re: AFL 2021

Armchair expert wrote:Bolton back to Carlton as Clarko assistant

Clarko to Port??
by Bum Crack
Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:17 pm
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Re: Adelaide 2021

What are peoples thoughts on Walkers public silence. His getting a bit of a hammering from the media about this now. Obviously they want the story so have a invested interested.

I don't think its a big deal, the real conversations should now be happening in private with the Crows players, staff, management.

What would him coming out and reading a media specialist written script really do other than be another angle for people to slam him. Potential it would be good for our kids to see him come out and publicly condemn his own comments but that's about it really.
The next we will be hearing from Tex will be him announcing his retirement from AFL effectively immediately.
by Bum Crack
Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:23 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Son having his first "miss-understanding" with his GF.

HAs got the full silent treatment then the phone calls asking why he hasn't picked up and what is he doing and why isn't he upset like she is"

My advice to him say you're sorry and cop the hit.

This wont be the last time as a bloke you'll have to say sorry with NFI with what you may have or did do.....
Bugger that. You need to nip that shit in the bud immediately otherwise he'll be copping it for the rest of the relationship. Terrible advice.
by Bum Crack
Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:38 am
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Re: 2021 Finals Round 1

Got my tickets. You beauty!!!!!!!!
by Bum Crack
Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:39 pm
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