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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

While NSW & VIC still have a handful of daily cases surely that it hasn't blown out to be a "2nd wave" is evidence enough to open to borders.

I believe the evidence suggests we're yet to get the second wave.

How do we get a 2nd wave if these outbreaks in NSW/VIC haven't done this?
we haven't even had a first wave. It was a bloody trickle.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:11 pm
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Re: Things that make you sad.

Lightning McQueen wrote:Coming to the conclusion and trying to sort out accounts as I will no longer will be with my wife.

We've had some great times and she is my best friend but there are too many variables that have forced me to leave.

Time heals all wounds.

Sorry to hear mate.
by Bum Crack
Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:22 am
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Re: Cancel Culture

Deactivated the Facebook account today. Over all the crap on there. This site will be my only source of bullshit from now on. Netflix, Prime, SAFooty and AFL will do me.
by Bum Crack
Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:42 pm
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Re: Cancel Culture

One day off Facebook and I feel better already. Should have done it a long time ago. I didn't get offended or offend anyone.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:19 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Mentioned in here earlier on that a bloke I know was on the Ruby Princess, came back and ended up in ICU in the RAH for 3 nights.

I caught up with him on the weekend. If anyone is sceptical about this being a hoax or a plandemic I'll happily pass on your details to him so he can discuss with the you the moment the ICU staff gave him a phone and suggested he has about 5 minutes to ring loved ones and tell them what he has to say. At that point they were putting him on a ventilator and they told him it's out of their hands what happens to him next.
Is there such a word as Mediademic?? There should be, as this is what it is in Australia without a doubt.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:10 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

tipper wrote:How would you like me to describe bringing in victorians that have contracted covid?

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Disease ridden Mexicans
by Bum Crack
Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:19 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Footy starting up for my 3 kids, my eldest played her first game in a about 10 years and they won by 30 goals.
My son played his first game since his setback on the Gold Coast, he was a pretty solid performer as they won by 7 goals.
Then my 17 year old played a game yesterday afternoon which I was able to watch with my other two, she would've gone close to BOG in her first game for a new club in a 5 goal win.

The amount of quality time I'm getting to spend with my kids since my split is priceless, I've seen my eldest daughter more times in the past month than I had in the previous year and I'm getting out for more one on one time with the other two aswell.

I'm still dusting myself off and copping a thousand different emotions via text most days, but I'm starting to find myself again.
Good work mate. Family's where it's at.
by Bum Crack
Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:03 am
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Re: COVID Travel

Heading to Berri for the second week of School holidays. Looking to do a bunch of Day trips through the Riverland.

Any tips? (Family consisting of MatteeG, Mrs G, Master 10 and Miss 7).

We'll do Monash one day but others open for suggestion. (Whilst I'd love just 5 days of golf this wont be happening LOL)
Woolshed Brewery has to be on the cards and Berri Golf Club has a midweek comp every Wednesday so you can use my buggy if you want a round. You should check out the Mallee Fowl Restaurant as well. Berri Caravan Park has a very good putt putt golf set up there too. Not certain on stuff for the kids though sorry. Where in Berri are you staying?

Cheers BC- staying at Berri Hotel.
Two for one meals at the Berri Pub Monday nights and Big River Tavern (Golf Club) have kids eat free with any paying adult Thursday nights so that might be worth a look too.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:16 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I think we need to be less hard on Victorians at the moment, it must be awful living there and at the end of the day 99% of the people that live there have done nothing different to us, its just a bigger place with lots of movement from overseas which we're lucky we don't get.
I've been as guilty as anyone and I know some people around the border who are in SA with Vic number plates are getting an awful time and I know its affected friends on facebook who now feel like lepars and I'm sure even our mate Corona Man (so ironic) has probably had enough of it too but probably doesn't want to say anything for fear of being branded a whimp or something.
I reckon we need to lay off a bit, enjoy our lifestyle and feel a bit of empathy for those over the border who can't enjoy the same things as us at the moment.
Just my 2 bob.
I think people would be more empathetic if ol mate Dan didn't have a dig at SA the other week. Although it was petty, people get quite upset about little things that and hold grudges. I feel sorry for all the business owners over there for sure. Having said that, the State have brought it upon themselves at the end of the day. Whether it's 100 or 1000 doing the wrong thing, they know the rules and have now ruined it for everyone.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:56 am
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Re: AFL Round 5 - New style

considering he wasnt icing up and was seen laughing and smiling on the bench with the tracksuit on, might be onto something there.
I think Richmond have put this season away.

Cotch boarded the plane to the GC today in case you were wondering MW. By all reports was still laughing & smiling if that's allowed.
LOL. I don't think MW realised he was ragging on your man crush.
by Bum Crack
Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:27 pm
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Re: Netflix

Going to watch that new documentary tonight about the pedo doctor who was looking after the USA women's gymnastics team. Dirty bastard.

Started watching the doco on Jeffrey Epstein last night. Three episodes in. That bloke was a filthy ****. No wonder he killed himself when the law finally caught up with him. His missus was a nasty piece of work too.

You seem to like that sort of doco Dirty bastard
Love my documentaries.

Have a look at Athlete A, decent doco
Yeah that's the one i mentioned above
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:43 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Corona Man wrote:134 cases in Melbourne today, for those having a punt.

I wonder if the 1000000/1 multi got up with 15 people dying as well??
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:56 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Two week holiday booked in September at Port Douglas with some good mates. Can't bloody wait.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:59 pm
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Re: AFL Round 6 - I'm a Victorian, GET ME OUT OF HERE!

And these play on not 15 calls are pissing me right off. They're calling it as soon as it leaves the boot, yet others that are clearly under 15 are getting let go. I'm pissed off.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:28 pm
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Re: AFL Round 6 - I'm a Victorian, GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Eagles2014 wrote:
Spargo wrote:Some sort of qtr from the hand-baggers...

7.3 to 0.1, who saw that coming!!

Not I. I left the lounge room 15 into second qtr because i was going to smash the tv so I'm out the front on the red watching on my phone smoking a few durries and we've kicked 9 in a row. Ain't moving either.
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:06 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Victoria :

86 in hospital
26 in ICU
21 on ventilators
Yep, nothing to worry about. They are probably only old people who bought it on themselves.....
You still going on about that. You are probably spot on though. Might head down the pub after work and have a few beers. Yummo

Cheap shot.
They do have cheap shots tonight too. Tequila and Sambucca. Might have a few I reckon.
by Bum Crack
Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:21 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Donald getting around with a mask these days because it's the patriotic thing to do lol. He's a tripper.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:34 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Geez the figures Josh Frydenburg is spinning off this morning, gonna be a long time to pay back all this deficit. I still cant fathom how they thought it would be a good idea to double people on the dole. Don't get me wrong, some people really deserve it and need it and do the right thing, but F#$% me, there are plenty who don't even ever intend to do a days work in their life to help our society.
Yep, that's one bit that I couldn't understand, the doley's loved it and took the piss .
And the Meth and now they have the Pokies
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:27 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Kanye West and his missus having twitter wars lol. Now he's a fruit loop
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:13 pm
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Re: AFL Round 8 - Gold Coast go Prime Time

I've reigned the SGM in a bit for tonight'd game:

Dogs 1-39
Greenwood, Miller and the Bont (all 15+ disposals)
Rankine, Weightman, Wallis (all to score a goal)

Question about Sportsbet. When I opened an account the other week, I set up my credit card account as that was the first thing it asked. Will I be charged a cash advance fee every time I transfer money to my Sportsbet account or is it just classed as a normal credit card transaction? Dumb question I know, but if I am going to be charged a cash advance, I'll change account details.
I use POLI, instant cash transfer with no fees
Just changed it to my debit card which is linked to my savings account so should be all good now as far as fees yeah?
by Bum Crack
Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:38 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

How's all the cockheads refusing to wear masks and threatening to sue police for making them wear them. Absolute plonkers.
by Bum Crack
Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:06 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Booney wrote:How hard do you type "be a man" on a keyboard, hard or really hard?

Here comes the Cavalry. :lol:
by Bum Crack
Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:37 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

DOC wrote:9 more deaths. I think Corona Mans prediction of it overtaking the road toll will be correct.

Well if it's the so called pandemic they say it is, so it bloody well should. The way it's ****** up this country financially, it should be 100000 deaths judging by all the carry on. ******* over it.
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:33 pm
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Re: I need to know....

90s by far the best IMO
by Bum Crack
Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:09 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Now it seems the two Brisbane girls might be *ahem* working girls who were in Melbourne making some good coin for a few days and crime syndicates pressured them to lie on their border forms to protect others.

The brother says you are a racist and wouldn't be saying that if they were white working gals

The race card!
Took longer than usual for that to be played.
It got used yesterday by all the ******* sooks who get offended by everything.
by Bum Crack
Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:33 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Well the stupid moles should be locked up no matter where they're from.
by Bum Crack
Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:31 am
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Re: Daily Golf - Where you are playing and how you go

Played in the open day at balaklava today. Havnt played for a month after putting in my cards 6 weeks back to get my handicap.
27 hole stroke comp ended up 136 off the stick 49, 44 and 43. Pretty happy with that.
Ended up 3rd in the b grade net over 27 holes and winning the 9 hole net.
Plus won 2 nearest the pins, 1 for B Grade and 1 for all grades.
Got my stock up of balls now!!!
Good day mate. Cleaned up
by Bum Crack
Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:00 pm
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Re: What The F***

Corona Man wrote:
Brodlach wrote:Enjoy your holiday

Is that fair dinkum?

Surely not??
by Bum Crack
Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:20 pm
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Re: What The F***

Footy Chick wrote:
Bum Crack wrote:I think we're all pretty tough skinned here. I know i am and I get picked on all the time :(

Awwww :(



people always picking on me. :lol:
by Bum Crack
Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:17 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Brodlach wrote:So what’s better whufc, potentially owning a home or an overseas holiday?

I didn't see him getting a stiffy over potentially going on a holiday. Congrats too mate. One positive to come out of Covid. Great to see.
by Bum Crack
Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:44 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Yeah who gives a ****. If you don't agree with it, all good. Who gives a shit.
by Bum Crack
Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:07 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

amber_fluid wrote:
Bum Crack wrote:Yeah who gives a ****. If you don't agree with it, all good. Who gives a shit.

Is that your view or fact?

You know what a fact is don't you?

It's a layer of skin between the muck hole and the **** hole

And if you slip you're in the shit.

And that's a fact.
by Bum Crack
Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:22 pm
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Re: The Graham Campbell Forum - AFL Punting / Same Game Mult

I'm looking forward to my 10 leg multi tonight and getting the usual 8 legs.
by Bum Crack
Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:39 am
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Re: The Graham Campbell Forum - AFL Punting / Same Game Mult

Spargo wrote:Excuse my ignorance but how would those 3 legs come to 800/1?
Sydney were probably $4 maybe $4.50 H2H...
What would the others have been?

Yeah i was thinking the same :?
by Bum Crack
Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:04 am
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Re: Round nintelevewelve

I can't see any possible reason why Jonas wasn't on Hawkins by the 10 minute mark.
Clearly a poor match up, especially the way Geelong got the 1 on 1 they wanted.
Smashed Clurey's confidence for the whole game.
Didn't have an extra intercept defender either.
Kenny keeping his powder dry for when it really counts I think.

THink youre giving Ken too much credit
Its a blatantly obvious matchup.
Well when and if they play each other again we'll know.
If clurey starts on him again then Kenny's history.
He would have dominated Jonas too. That was rare form last night. He would have beaten anyone.
by Bum Crack
Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:24 pm
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Re: Port Adelaide 2020

Where's the match write up?
by Bum Crack
Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:04 pm
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Re: Round nintelevewelve

Dutchy wrote:Im guessing Shaw wants Polec to test the trade waters, if he gets interest he leaves, if he doesn't he either buys into the Shaw rebuild or sulks in the ressies for 3 years. There is only one party that loses in this scenario.

Yep North
by Bum Crack
Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:35 pm
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Re: Things that make you sad.

amber_fluid wrote:Settle down Wubsy


He also rates the Swans
by Bum Crack
Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:32 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

If you want the Australian public to support you, you need to agree to the same terms and conditions as everyone else..
T&Cs to live your life?!

At what point does it stop? I already have to abide by social distancing policies, temp screening, wash my hands a billion times a day.. sit down when I drink.. download some stupid "covid safe" app.. complete a bunch of online covid courses just so my cricket/footy clubs can operate.

I wonder what sort of life and world my children and their children will live in the future.

This whole thing is getting out of control.. when (if ever) will we return to 'normal'? Especially in SA, we are dragging this out over what? Fear? Possible outcomes?

As a state we haven't crack double figure cases since 4th April, and most of our cases since then are people who return from overseas, yet restrictions and guidelines are as tight as ever. :roll:

I'm dead set over it .
Get used to it. It's not going to end you do know that don't you? As long as the media have anything to do with it anyway
by Bum Crack
Wed Aug 19, 2020 3:38 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Been a passive reader on here more or less the past week, mainly because work has gone mental.

While I am not quite on board with Daisy just yet, the Brett Sutton admission that deaths being recorded as "Covid" may be a little loose..... sure they had Covid, but it may not have been the ultimate cause of their demise. One thing is certain though..... having Covid didn't increase the chances of survival, or improve their quality of life.

From the outset all the government policies (distancing/masks/isolation etc) put in place have been about suppression of transmission, not elimination. Even with a vaccine, I am not sure 100% elimination will be ever be possible. The human race has been around for how long exactly..... and yet there is no cure for the common cold! Whenever we do get a vaccine I will be front and centre, sleeve rolled up, cheers.

My hope is once Melbourne gets the numbers to something a little more reasonable, say 50 cases a day, let's try a different set of distancing policies. It's not like the ones we have been adhering to have been a runaway success.

Rather than locking down Millions of healthy people, lets lock down the elderly & infirmed, or those who feel Corona posses a significant risk to their own health. In other words, everyone takes responsibility for their own individual health and wellbeing, and lets get back to some type of normal.

We have all agreed - stats can say whatever you want them to say. The other stat here is the almost absence of the regular flu this winter. When you compare those that would have died, as a result of regular flu, to Corona is it really worth the financial & mental stresses we are facing?

2 cents spent.
You're starting to turn. Good to see.
by Bum Crack
Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:31 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

This is a great article May this year re daily deaths around the world using 2017 stats and comparing to Corona very interesting reading.
I think its been mentioned on here before. Corona is way ahead of all other transmissible diseases. Just imagine the numbers if the world didn't do anything to prevent this pandemic.
Majority of us would have all been infected by now and back to living a normal life probably??
by Bum Crack
Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:30 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

How many of those old people would have died naturally in that period anyway?
Its not just OLD people.
How many times do you blokes need to be told ffs.

And what's old.....60, 65,70?
My mum lived to 88. That's 28 more years of watching her grandkids and great grandkids grow up and enjoy their company.

There's some seriously selfish ***ts on here and its pissing me off no end!

End rant!
Pisses me off when people call me a selfish ****. Of course it's not just old people. Majority are though.
by Bum Crack
Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:21 pm
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Re: Netflix

Watched Doctor Sleep a couple weeks ago. Not the best Stephen King show but I lasted the whole movie and it was enough to keep me interested until the end. It was a sequel to The Shining but did not come within a bull's roar of it but it would have to be a seriously good movie to get anywhere near The Shining.
by Bum Crack
Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:15 pm
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Re: Your poison of choice?

LaughingKookaburra wrote:Back from the country again this week. Woolshed Brewery Rivertime Pale Is still brilliant - Hands down the best mid strength going around for me. Only better is when it’s on tap!

Even better while you're drinking it at the brewery overlooking the river
by Bum Crack
Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:09 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I'm back. Miss me???
by Bum Crack
Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:47 am
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Re: 2020 Retirements and delistings / trade talk

Carlton need SMALL forwards


with Casboult TDK in support/ backup

is solid

Betts is cooked, not happy he is playing again next season

Curnow is a figure of everyones imagination....he is injury plagued project player...cant build around him now...hes gone in my opinion

Mckay wont dominate games may get 3 goals on a great day

Casbault is only still on the list cos he showed value down back. If doesnt play down back next year will do nothing up forward and be delisted

Betts well might get a few games
Have to disagree with you there. I think he has the potential to be a superstar.
by Bum Crack
Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:12 pm
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Re: Daily Golf - Where you are playing and how you go

Played a four rounds at Mirage Resort and Palmer Sea Reef whilst up at Port Douglass. Courses are unbelievable and a bit too flash for a pleb like me but we had a ball. Was interesting seeing the crocs just chilling in the water as you're about to tee off over their head. We just played ambrose each day and thought the prices were quite good. Around $100 a round which includes a motorised cart.
by Bum Crack
Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:59 am
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Re: AFLW - Womens AFL

Very sad indeed. I get quite frustrated though when high profile people pass in this manner and there is no real discussion on it by the media. They are quick to say how tragic it is and how good a person they were and then they put up a lifeline number on the bottom of the screen and that's it. It should be discussed more in length and people who are feeling in that position can listen and take it in and hopefully get help they need. It's almost disrespectful to the issue that its only worthy of a lifeline ad at the bottom of the screen. That's my opinion anyway. It's a bloody big issue and needs to be discussed more in length.
by Bum Crack
Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:16 am
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Re: AFL Finals Week 3 - Preliminary Finals

**** yeah!!!!!!!! U ******* beauty. Smashed em
by Bum Crack
Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:48 pm
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