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Re: 2021 Adel Footy League - Division 1

I used the tradies comment as most of the blokes I coach are tradies and I’m sure other divs have them my point is the league has made the finals series a farce. Having a prelim on a Friday night is crap. Why can’t the league find the gated grounds and have all finals on a Saturday. Clubs are losing out on money when they deserve to host a final. Surely common sense will prevail and all games are on the Saturday.

Jesus, be thankful we get to play finals at all. So Henleys 2's will boycotting finals then, based on your constant whinging? :roll:

Quite frankly, the way the rest of the country is going I'll be glad if we can play on Saturday let alone in a months time!
by jo172
Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:41 pm
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Re: COVID-19

The Bedge wrote:
jo172 wrote:Wrong thread, but I suspect COVID zero will be the approach until the next Federal election. Too much political risk if it escalates in the mean time. Following the election the band aid will be ripped off.

Excuse my ignorance, but what's COVID zero?

Eliminating it.
by jo172
Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:17 am
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Re: 2021 Adel Footy League - Division 3

I feel like people are also missing the fact that there will be no promotion (again) for clubs if you take the point of view the number of your division matters.

It really comes down to the perspective you have I suppose.

Indeed, in a way it's an interesting thought exercise of the (perceived) benefit to the individual club against the (perceived) benefit to the collective of clubs as a whole.

On the face of it there is an incongruence between what is good for the clubs individually as against what's good for the clubs as a group.

Places everyone involved in a tight spot (except for the top 8 clubs in D1 who objectively have nothing to lose)
by jo172
Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:55 pm
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Re: 2021 Adel Footy League - Division 7

I did enjoy the B grade Friday - rolled up to have the Units coach ask me if I'd come to learn something about coaching from him.. :lol:

It was umm.. insightful.

What I found interesting, was I asked a Units supporter what they thought of the 3/4 address - they thought it was really good. :?

I know you read this stuff too DJ - so below is a snapshot of games played by the Crabs, to debunk your theory that the league allowed them to drop 10x A graders for the final..

Flinders Uni.PNG

Did they have lots of injuries in the A Grade this year or were the A grade out of finals contention very early on.

Is it unusual to see only 5 blokes that hadn't played A Grade throughout the year.

Can happen though, quick count suggests that PNU used 40 blokes in seniors across the year that would theoretically leave only 4 blokes (if all were available etc)
by jo172
Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:44 am
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Re: 2021 Adel Footy League - Division 1

When these fights come up the subjectivity in whether someone is best always amuses me.

Remember at least the 2013 and 2014 premierships the blokes who were adjudged BOG by the League were not given BOG by the club.

I'd wager in 90% of footy games you ask 10 people who was best on ground you'd get on average at least 3-4 different answers.
by jo172
Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:52 pm
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Re: 2021 Adel Footy League - Division 2

Surprised they didn't go with premiership face masks
by jo172
Sat Sep 11, 2021 7:26 am
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Re: COVID-19

I've been mulling over next year and COVID in my head the last couple of days.

I wonder what appetite there would be amongst the Clubs/League for a condition of registration of players and coaches that all have to be fully vaccinated (or at least have some compelling medical basis for not being). I can understand that the League wouldn't really want to be the lightning rod for the anti-vac culture war, but if the 8 team proposal doesn't get up it seems to be a pretty reasonable stance.

Outside of the League and Club's control I've also been pondering what SA Health's position would be in a scenario where all 42 players in a match (and coaches, umpires etc.) were fully vaccinated, and one of them tests positive on Monday morning. Let's assume that consistent with what SA Health has told us the state won't be locked down, but there would at least, on the face of it, still be some risk that the close contacts (including all 42 players) might have to endure a period of isolation.

Obviously if this is the case it wouldn't have much to do to cause some pretty substantial knock on effects with respect to the integrity of any given competition.

If that's the position SA Health ends up taking the 8 team comps and the ability to get weeks back has a pretty obvious appeal. Otherwise it could get shambolic pretty quickly
by jo172
Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:03 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Well done "protesters" you have officially graduated to a bunch of thugs.

Protesters my arse, these people are professional trouble makers.

Yes and No.

This kind of bullying, violence and intimidation has been part of the CFMEU's playbook since day dot. Setka and co really reaping what they've sewn.

Presents a great chance for the Commonwealth to once and for all break up the Union.
by jo172
Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:56 pm
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Re: Australian Domestic Season 2021/22

Doggett looks to add some raw pace that's been missing from SA attacks for a few years now.
by jo172
Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:38 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League- Division 1

I'd wager good money that the SANFL will fall in line with the AFL then we'll fall in line with the SANFL.
by jo172
Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:36 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

[My doctor said that he was contemplating banning the unvaxxed from coming in (exceptions obviously for those who are unable to be vaccinated) on the grounds that, as a business owner, he was concerned about the liability risk of someone with COVID-19 spreading it to elderly patients, staff etc.

That's a poor opinion for a doctor to make in 21st century Australia, putting money before health. There is no risk of spreading Covid to anyone as it doesn't matter if you're vaxxed or not.

Indeed, there is no risk of killing someone drunk driving as you can kill someone driving drunk or not!
by jo172
Mon Nov 22, 2021 3:43 pm
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Re: No Jab No Play

How the hell will they police it?

Get ready for players playing under different names

Would have thought linking your vaccine certificate to your registration would be pretty simple.

Can't see any club worth it's salt playing a player under a false name in any circumstances, let alone one to deliberately circumvent a rule.
by jo172
Thu Dec 09, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: No Jab No Play

I've got a pdf of mine I could send to the League right now.

If that was a condition of registration I fail to see why it would be difficult/impossible to overcome?
by jo172
Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:37 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

My understanding is that Australia Day celebrates the formation of the one country when all the states agreed to form the national federation. .

... That would be the first of January

Agree with what's further above, just make it the first monday in February and be done with it.

It's like gay marriage in that the winds of progress are so self-evidently pushing in a direction that it will be changed eventually, putting a stick in the ground about something no one is really that attached to just to delay what's going to happen a little bit further is a waste of energy, and evidently hurtful to at least some of your fellow Australians.
by jo172
Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:53 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

For the record when one of these lunatics in Canberra hurts someone or worse it does indicate some of the real life consequences of humouring lunatics who share their views on joints like this.

No point in civility and pretending it's just a different view. Its diagnosable and dangerous.
by jo172
Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:34 am
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Re: COVID-19

Gather SPOC and PNU had a trial scheduled for today that was called off with each club having too many in isolation for it to be worthwhile.

Dead horse, but maintain the 14 game season had a shit load of merit
by jo172
Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:14 pm
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Re: COVID-19

I think we had a dozen or so out of our A grade Saturday and probably a similar number out of our B grade.. Covid and iso definitely being a factor in that.

I think it is going to make things very interesting for C Grade comps and even more so the D Grade division.

Unless of course our new Premier makes a call in his first week about needing to isolate if you are a close contact

At least the new Premier is a bloke who might have more sympathy for the difficulty of filling C and D grades than most :lol:
by jo172
Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:11 am
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Re: COVID-19

My best mate is currently on this third (non-consecutive) dose of quarantining for 14 days as a close contact.

His immune system clearly holding up its end of the deal as he's never tested positive, but all ******* ridiculous given how quickly he'd be out if he ever actually got it.
by jo172
Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:19 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League- Division 1

If once is unfortunate, twice is careless what on earth is three in one game?
Give a yellow or a red for the first one instead of holding the ball and I suspect the other 2 probably don't happen..

Part of me suspects that would happen if any of those tackles happened this week. Think there might have been a bit of rustiness on the part of the Umps consistent with it being round 1 (not a criticism, as above it's an extremely difficult rule to make a call on in the moment given it's often something is both holding the ball and a dangerous tackle)
by jo172
Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:35 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 5

20 is stupid in a C grade game where someone wins by 400 points.

In an a grade game of footy amazing!
by jo172
Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:59 pm
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Re: Restaurant & Pub Reviews

The Greenock is brilliant.

Recommend their local pie (albeit you'll need a nap afterwards)
by jo172
Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:58 am
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 3

Without sounding like too much of a suckhole I think (with one nameless exception) the umpiring in D1 has been as good as I've ever seen it.

Of the half a dozen games i've seen so far I've left all but one of them without even thinking of them. Regrettably the other week was umpiring appreciation week but alas
by jo172
Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:28 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 7

Oof that's a lot of Kris there for my palate.

Images look great, like the ARC on Lower North-East Road but with a footy oval attached. Brilliant.
by jo172
Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:29 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League- Division 1

Slamming the Glenunga player to the ground after the ball is pretty obviously out of bounds/whistle has gone is rather poor form even before the current dangerous tackle crackdown.
by jo172
Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:41 pm
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Re: 2024 Adelaide Footy League -Division 2

I’m with the Joker on this. Let’s not beat around the bush. A lad named Calvett played R1 for Athelstone when his primary club was WWT. Played a few Res. Games for WWT then heads to Port as a top up. Plays 4 games for Port then his next 2 games in the Athelstone C grade (give me a spell). Then plays no footy for several weeks before resuming games with Port. Then Athelstone get him in for a game in their A grade in Round 17. So that was his AdFL minor round. 2 A grade and 2 very dubious C grade.

OK, so he may have suited up for the C grade and made it on the ground for a few minutes but surely a please explain is in order. If there is no proof he didn’t “play” those C grade games then the Regs say he is qualified. Doesn’t mean it’s right and very very poor form from a club that is generally regarded as a model citizen.

Spare me on that front please.

If he got a guernsey on and sat on the C Grade bench and didn’t play a minute he’s good to go and qualified as far as I’m

Only really an issue if they’ve named a player who didn’t show up (at which point given how early it was in the season I kind of admire the hustle …) or played someone else under a false name.

Have to have a pretty good memory of an early season c grade game to cause any issue for the Raggies I’d have thought
by jo172
Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:07 am
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2


Just casually scrolling through the days court listings for something to do? Lol
Better than the women's weekly gossip pages.

As an aside it was one of the most disappointing days of the former Payneham Barman's life when the Advertiser stopped publishing the cause list on this basis. Loved nothing more than to find a name he recognised and speculate about their problems.
by jo172
Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:42 am
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2

The general test to obtain standing for this particular decision involves a loss of income.

Something unlikely to have been explored because of the relative urgency it was brought on and lack of time:
[*] does the $4000 per game in this test satisfy the income threshold given the filing fee itself is close to $3k.
[*] to satisfy the "income" standing test should it be declarable income with associated workcover, super etc.? Or if this is "hobby" income should an applicant lose standing?
[*] having regard to the relatively minor amounts, does it risk a perverse result if Jesse was playing for nothing, but the same alleged injustice was done to him, that he wouldn't have standing to apply for review.

Not really something for the league to fix but for the Courts, but a difficult one.
by jo172
Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:36 am
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League- Division 1

Well deserved win by Nick Favoretto in the Keith Sims medal.

Would have given you a million to one on
Brad McKenzie not picking up a vote!
by jo172
Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:52 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League- Division 1

Need to treat the Old Colls sides a bit different on that basis.

For simple reasons of the flow of juniors backwards and forwards PNU and TTG are going to develop a close relationship with Norwood, Glenunga with Sturt, Brighton with Glenelg, Goodwood with West etc.

Obviously it's never going to be perfect, but for example, if someone gives Garry McIntosh a call and he looks good at a couple of PNU trainings he tends to find his way out to Norwood pretty quickly.

Not like in the olden days, when we would have kids on the sturt list wanting to play with us but Sturt would make them go to Scotch OC

On this my impression is that the SANFL Clubs seem far far less minded to encourage players to return to anything other than their junior clubs.

Think they've worked out the importance of the symbiotic relationship/risk of biting the hand that feeds.
by jo172
Tue Sep 06, 2022 1:31 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2

The other problem with maintaining reserves strength as you go up the grades is that inevitably if you have a good year you'll get raided/the reserves coach will be appointed to a D5 or D6 club and you lose the best ones to play at a lower level (could a 1R side beat a D6 side)?

For all the ridiculousness of Goodwood's consistency in A Grade over the years that they keep rolling out premiership winning reserves and c grades is almost more freakish.
by jo172
Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:48 pm
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League- Division 1

Remember 2017 I showed up at Thebarton Oval fresh from seeing the Crows thump Geelong in a Preliminary Final and excited to see them in the GF the next weekend.

In hindsight I should have stopped footy for the year in the early hours of the 23rd of September
by jo172
Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:05 pm
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With the way the seasons seem to be changing you could almost get to the point where it becomes more rational to play cricket November to April and footy May to October.
by jo172
Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:48 am
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2

Not sure if he’s a zero pointer based on junior games. I assume Chris is a life member though

I suspect that's the case.

It's one of the real problems with the rule. He probably played hundreds of junior games for Athelstone, but because of his talents ended up spending his later teens at Norwood/in state squad. Always considered it ridiculous that being at one club from 8 to 14 (and never being at a different community club) wouldn't be an exception to make someone a zero pointer.
by jo172
Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:13 am
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Re: 2022 Adelaide Footy League - Division 7

Nothing will ever top what Morell did on this a few years ago
by jo172
Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:27 pm
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Re: Coaches worth

I maintain my view the right person is worth a pot of gold.

Get the wrong person (who may also get a pot of gold) and it’s semi lethal poison that sets you back years
by jo172
Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:48 pm
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Re: Subs

If you can find the right team manager the $100 up front and $10 per week is pretty good.

Need a determined old prick who won't be put off (or confuse it with his beer and cigs money) though.
by jo172
Fri Jan 27, 2023 2:28 pm
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Re: Subs

If you can find the right team manager the $100 up front and $10 per week is pretty good.

Need a determined old prick who won't be put off (or confuse it with his beer and cigs money) though.

so thats about $300.00, some clubs nearing $500.00 per season :shock:

I may be showing my hand as to how long it’s been since I’ve played or been on a committee!
by jo172
Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:59 pm
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Re: Clearances

The sooner Chatgpt can just tell us all this information the better.
by jo172
Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:54 am
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Re: Black listed companies

Rite Price Heating and Cooling has (and is still) a debacle for the ages.

Was quoted on a one day job to replace a reverse cycle ducted a/c

We are now at day 5 over six weeks during which the new air conditioner is not working (the previous one worked but poorly) and somehow a different air conditioner in the house, which wasn’t supposed to be touched had ceased working.

This is only a small percentage of the absolute shambles it has been dealing with them which as you can appreciate has been exasperated by the heat wave.

At this point the worst violence I could do to someone I don’t like is to treat them to an upgrade courtesy of Rite Price
by jo172
Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:33 pm
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Re: Australian Domestic Season 2022/2023

The Bedge wrote:Just quietly, can we get some Daniel Drew love up in here.. the bloke is flying at the moment and averaging over 40.

Second most runs for the season (and didn't play the first two games) in the comp too
by jo172
Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:22 pm
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Re: R1 - Port Adelaide v Adelaide Saturday 3:10pm AO

I realise I’m flogging a dead horse but I’m bewildered as to how selecting this game to be the SANFL season opener for the channel 7 coverage promotes the SANFL in any way…I would have thought scheduling a Sunday game (say Sturt v Bays) and televising that would have been much more appropriate..

Doesn't the televised game tend to depend alot on the AFL fixture and what AFL games 7 intends to broadcast though?

I.e it's usually a saturday afternoon game as usually channel 7 only has the rights to televise the Sunday afternoon game (but this changes if the Crows or Power are playing on the Saturday afternoon where seven might not broadcast the Sunday game)?
by jo172
Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:13 am
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Re: Australian Domestic Season 2022/2023

Minimum Chips wrote:
mots02 wrote:
Lightning McQueen wrote:
RB wrote:Gee unlucky for Holland, less than 12 months after being in the test squad.

Would be a decent short term fix for us

Nielsen is more likely to be chasing Bob Holland.

or Nick Holland :lol:

Ben, our style is more the competent, but not as good brother.
by jo172
Thu May 11, 2023 9:44 am
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Re: 2023 Adelaide Footy League - Division 3

FWIW very harsh to name the club when it's only at an "investigation" stage.
by jo172
Mon May 15, 2023 11:12 am
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Re: 2023 Adelaide Footy League - Division 3

Problem is though they never run a story that "nothing came of the investigation".

You get tainted by the investigation itself, but never the benefit of an acquittal (so to speak)
by jo172
Mon May 15, 2023 12:28 pm
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Re: 2023 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2

You assess for yourself based on your knowledge of the player's history.

Prior to the season (or for that matter in-season) you can ask the league to confirm that your assessment is accurate.

If you know you'll be on the cusp of all the points doing the latter is generally considered prudent.

Bit like filling out your tax return, up to you to be honest, but if you **** it up the audit hurts.
by jo172
Tue May 16, 2023 10:40 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

How's this for some of Australia Posts best work:
by jo172
Wed May 17, 2023 12:01 pm
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Re: 2023 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2

Good use of the colours.

More broadly it seems the less traditional/conventional the colours are for a footy club the more they seem to lend themselves to the indigenous guernseys.
by jo172
Fri May 19, 2023 11:16 am
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Re: 2023 Adelaide Footy League - Division 2

He’s just a great asset for football.

He derives joy from teaching and seeing enjoyment.

He should be an AFL Commissioner in that I don’t know anyone who knows as much about the game as he does and I certainly don’t know anyone who loves it as much but couldn’t give a shit about his own place in it but wants to grow that love in others.

Footy overall would be better if he ran it
by jo172
Sat Jun 03, 2023 7:30 pm
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Re: What The F***

Hopefully this puts at least a temporary end to the sporting capital of the world wankery
by jo172
Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:26 am
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Re: I need to know....

Dutchy wrote:Going to KI for the first time since I was a kid on Sunday for 5 days, any suggestions for pubs, must see's/do's etc?

Penneshaw Pub almost right off the ferry terminal is stunning (albeit presumably cold af at the moment)
by jo172
Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:07 am
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